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Everything posted by Opine

  1. I just have never cared for Alanna. I can't tell you why. I don't like her looks (she isn't unattractive!), and after that dress she wore to etiquette training, I just eeekkk.
  2. Bolded = ABSOLUTELY But re the post you were commenting on - I love the etiquette training! I feel like we see a lot of the girls unscripted personality.
  3. Respectfully disagree!! Many here are thankful for @ShellyB's insight and question answering. Are there sometimes things she can't share? Absolutely!!! I wouldn't risk my job for a group of strangers. Is there a chance she sometimes shares our opinions with TPTB? Damn, I hope so!!! Again, I think many people like that she is here hearing our opinions because we'd love someone to act on them!!! Plus, FTLOG the girl is funny 🙂 @ShellyB, this anonymous poster THANKS YOU FOR BEING HERE!!!!!!!
  4. I just don't like the squished boob look. This outfit and those HORRIBLE one pieces that are cut to the navel and just flatten them. Why? It looks horrible, it can't be comfortable and it is just a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen.
  5. I think we are so used to the rock hard store boughts that a set of soft and naturals looks odd! Folks with naturals have a range of softness and I think our well endowed buddy Bridget has softies. The only way to deal with softies is containment. That uniform does not allow containment.
  6. We agree on Brooke! I thought I was the only one. No on hair, face, body, dance and personality. Period.
  7. Perhaps Kelli was a little startled by the Jalyn fanbase.
  8. Us ATLgirls are thinking a lot alike today.
  9. 1. Kelli's comment after Lisa left, something like how did I let these become pep talks?, did anyone else read that she called Lisa in to cut her and then changed her mind? 2. I have already posted that I think Amy is THE point based on the intros etc., but then I re-watched and Kelli definitely said TWO POINTS. 3. It's interesting that Kelli said she was happy they kept Kat because she was clearly a favorite but yet they keep someone else who is so NOT a favorite. Also, I think they were really planning to cut Kat and changed their (her) mind. 4. I agree that it was mean to show Julia when she was still emotional about the wreck and clearly a little drugged up. But I was actually a little impressed that Kelli got up from the table and hugged her. 5. I also agree with the poster that said Kat called Cheryl the wrong name.
  10. I would say that in this group we all have differing opinions and not everyone likes all DCCs. It is just humorous if you read the FB group (I rarely do) because they adore Maddie and think VK is the second coming. Here in real-ville, we don't all have the same opinion!!! And we enjoy (for the most part) the debate.
  11. Amy v Maddie - I think we just weren't shown some very pertinent parts. From what we've seen Amy isn't the type to say "I am point" when she should be saying "Maddie and I are point". Judy did introduce her as point and kind of brought up Maddie moving into the position as an after thought. And every girl that came by hugged Amy and congratulated her. I just think they were all given a clearer understanding that Amy will go down in history as THE point and Maddie is just another dancer that moves into that position. I truly don't think it is Amy taking it upon herself to say "I am THE point". I think WE may have heard shared point from our insiders for so long that we have made assumptions, not her. But yeah, the after show convo between Kash and Amy when Amy sees the Caroline statement - AWWWWKKKKKWWWWAAARRRDDDDDDD
  12. I can't believe this hasn't been covered! What was up with Kelli's hair??? In the blue dress in some of the talking heads, it had this odd bump. Like she did her own hair for the first time ever. Frankly, the bangs haven't looked good this season either. I was about to say she fired her hairdresser but then she came out looking like her beautiful self with the hair up and bangs done properly. It takes 10 years off her look to have those bangs done right.
  13. Well, we didn't really find out why Gabby was cut. What will we NOT find out tonight? * Will they explain the two points? * Will they explain Julia (or is what we saw the answer)? Rewatched last week's last night. PPP (Personal Pet Peeve) - "whenever" I was a Jr DCC. No, honey, it is WHEN. Your hickdom is showing!
  14. What?? I am assuming Kalyssa wrote it, and she was the Valedictorian!!!!!!!
  15. And that is such a shame. If you had pointed out the issues to Me-too Taylor and Julia and others, they would be the most likely to be very careful and very on their toes and very well prepared for the future!
  16. And who models the current look...KaSexy!!!!
  17. Somebody on the facebook page posted a pic of Brocolli Briana modeling. I don't know how to cross post over here. But it is on the group with the blue heart.
  18. And let's all chant together now "Up to go down and down to go up!"
  19. Theory #3 from me this am - yeppers to the bold part. We were all sitting here being aghast that little missy wasn't availing herself of these group classes. Ha! Kelli, TK and maybe even Judi and some recent DCCs were in that little private dance studio helping our little missy get to the head of the class!
  20. So, I am full of theories (or something) this am! I think that this is part of Kells' new plan of shielding herself from direct hits.....bring in choreographers, group leads, Phil, my cousin Jill, anyone so that she doesn't have to be responsible for her own decisions (even though she clearly ignores them all! The secret is that she thinks we are too stupid to notice!!!) It's funny, I have been a real Kelli basher lately, and I actually like her. I would love to have drinks with her. But I think she is being manipulated by TK, and I think that is odd. Because if I had to pick the stronger personality and leader of the dynamic duo, it would be Kells by a long shot.
  21. IKR????? That was the first thing I noticed with the Group Leads - no Vk talk. Maybe it wasn't even just left on the cutting floor, maybe Kells was smart enough to just not ask after the Kash fiasco last year! God I love honesty. And, now just going crazy conspiracy theorist here...... so Kash almost acted like she was forced to retire in her little speech (many here noted it was odd) then this year when she came in and did choreo, she made a weird comment about her honesty being a problem. MAYBE..... she was told that as a result of that comment, she wouldn't get point, GL or anything, but was welcome to stay.
  22. I really really really want to see it your way. I used to basically hero worship Kelli, then came VK, and my opinion took a nose dive. Then this happened and wow! my opinion dropped even further. I am going to re-watch it to see if I can get grief instead of heartless bitch out of that moment because I really want to think she isn't as low as that. For the first time ever, I read the blogs before viewing since I was traveling and maybe that tainted my opinion. But when I watched I actually got the chills from what I read as RBF.
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