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Everything posted by Opine

  1. Well, I definitely think it more about Amanda than Kat. She made it clear with her words and actions. Someone said it above - one and done and on to the Bachelor!!! With Kat, I think it is just that the last candidate I saw that wowed me that much was Kalyssa. I think for Kat, being a forever DCC would be a waste. She is all that and a bag of chips. So with her I am more assuming. I am the one that started this firestorm about ambition. @rafibomb put what I mean to say better than I did: "Desperate to be famous" is just not an ambition I find particularly admirable, I guess. Success and fame are two very different things. I think it would be difficult to have a whole team of one and dones - the desperate to be famous ones. They need to pick up the Gina Marie's who have a current ambition to be a DCC but who also likely have a future ambition to do something else.
  2. I love Kat and like Amanda. But they are both Kalyssa to me - just girls who want to promote their own agenda. I can see Kat changing and really getting into the DCC vibe. But not Amanda. I really think they would be better off on these leaner years to focus on girls like Gina Marie that really want to be a DCC instead of really wanting to promote themselves. I still love Kristin! Yes, girl, there are people rooting for you! They gave her notes and she took them and improved her facials. I hope she is rewarded. Plus, I think she was the warmest toward VK and it was natural because she is a good person. I know none of them could like that storm......
  3. I always laugh when I think about the producers readying them for the THs. So, do you know any that has died? Ever? ?????
  4. Many of you have mentioned Kelly's weight loss......is it that or reductive surgery? I didn't see as much of a weight loss in the rest of her body. Maybe her neck or lower back finally gave out from holding up the girls? She looked good.
  5. In the military, they call it "closing the ranks". And, they are doing a great job of it! Sad for them it isn't working.... And as far as Cassie, you'd think she'd actually be heaving a huge sigh of relief to no longer be the most villified DCC ever.
  6. I am with you. I think maybe teeth, too? It's an amazing transformation. I really didn't like her look last year. Let's hope she gets a better dress for etiquette! Maybe they'll lend her one of the pass arounds!
  7. But Kristen looked horrible! I love her but those eyelashes have to go! One was on crooked and they are just too much. They are the cause of those sleepy eyes.
  8. Thank you for your honesty. I sit in that hot zone with ya sista! I don't watch this show for kindness and strong management skills example. I am sorry, if you weigh 180 and have never had a dance lesson and show up....baby, it's on you.
  9. Just flipping through Zulily and I saw Lucchese, so I went to check it out. The have a boot with a blue star called......THE CASSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hilarious. I guess the one with the pink star will the be The Victoria.
  10. Wasn't there an episode of Friends where Phoebe was trying to do a selfless act but she couldn't because they all benefited her in some way?
  11. I think she was just out of her botox update/maybe even a little plastic surgery and this ordeal got planned at the last minute. From the front it actually looked pretty! From the side, pur duck lips. Embarrassing.
  12. I just felt the need to say something nice this am: I think VK looks nice in this pic. I have never been a fan (gur-l get you some self control), and she looks horrific when she over does the eyelashes (multiple THs last year), but this pic is nice. Ducking and running........
  13. People like that don't wonder. They KNOW that the world is blessed to have them. We may give her an asterisk, but VK and TK don't see it there.
  14. I watched it last night, too! I was disgusted the first time and just laughed at how ridiculous it was this time. Now Charlotte - that just gets me angry. When Weatherman Scott gave his honest opinion and she just flashed those eyes and gave the sarcastic "really?, I had the exact opposite" response. When someone has the power, they shouldn't abuse the power. A more gentle response would have been appropriate and gotten her point across. It is just ungracious and inappropriate to behave like that. Hey Char, just go ahead and laugh and say "Dude, your opinion doesn't matter, I am a Jones and you are just here to look pretty so shut up". Oh, and I truly believe Weatherman Scott would not have been asked back if not for the outcry from this esteemed group of fans. I know no one and have no facts, I am just saying......
  15. I've thought about saying that a million times!!!
  16. Excellent! You do something wrong or stupid, and people will talk. It isn't the talkers' fault!!!
  17. I don't think we will ever have the opp to see what happens when she doesn't make the calendar.
  18. The make-up job I hate the most is Gina's in the special suit. I hate that for her because that picture could have been all that. I know I stand alone in liking that suit, but I also like the other two suits with blowing stuff (Cianna and Ashley?)
  19. That's the pic of her that made me think she could be point. Lovely!!!
  20. It's her 2 page pic that they messed her eyes up on
  21. EXACTLY!!!!!! She WAS promised it last year, but she screwed up so badly, even Charlotte said she had to go. They may rein her in some this year and she will illegitimately make it, but the story doesn't there. Some girl won't make it because of favoritism and nepotism. That girl will not get a position she is qualified for because of VK. That girl has to call her mom and say she wasn't good enough. But she was........ sad
  22. Dying........ Two large, beautiful blonde girls with NADA self awareness!
  23. Yes, she does! The first one in the Dallas Cowboys suit is my favorite. I was very surprised she had more than one that was FANTASTIC. It changed my mind about her potential as point.
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