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Everything posted by Opine

  1. That's why Molly has always been such a favorite of mine. She just seems so real.
  2. Honestly, I think those of us on this board would vote that guy in in a heartbeat! But I don't think we represent the fans. Apparently, we don't even represent all "boards" because I am in a couple of those FB groups, and those people love VK! SMH......
  3. Chewed up and handed back to them on a gleaming platter!
  4. I thought most of the dance and most of the girls looked weak. Is that Kelli on the end? With the floppity foot? And one of the blondes in the middle looked like she barely had the energy! Not good!
  5. I second it all.....but I almost had a stroke when you said more MRS!!!! I was getting ready to type "hush your mouth" as my response!
  6. Haha! My mom's name is Marigold - but she isn't southern, she is British.
  7. I grew up in South. I knew plenty of "Sisters". Sometimes it was a real name and sometimes it was given as a nickname. I am actually reading a book right now with a girl named Sister. I guess it's where you are from!
  8. Om SYTYCD, they have group week as one of the early elimination steps if the dancer makes it to Hollywood. It is not for the faint of heart!!! Many the EXCELLENT dancer has failed because they couldn't work as part of a group. If she gets that far, I hope she has fixed that mascara problem!
  9. As cute as Amy is, I don't think she has the power or the cup size to be point. Of the ones you show, I'd love any of them except Gina. But I think Heather made someone mad (still dying to know that story!!!), and Tasha will retire.
  10. We've talked about weight issues on both of these ladies, but I am not seeing it here! This is a great shot of Maddie! If all I saw of her was this pic, I could go for Maddie as point. But I realize this is just one good shot.
  11. My comment is on the entire slew of PBC videos...... 1. My voice is killing me. I feel like Judy. "LINES!!!" "Point those toes", etc!!!! 2. I don't get the uniform designers. White and maybe neon yellow catch the eye from a distance. When you put your dancers in solid red uniforms and black boots, they get lost. At the very least, outline in white!!! Or better yet, white overall with your colors on the white. 3. Those Saints shoes this year. That just looks dangerous and trashy. If your uniform is so absurd the dancers can't dance.....well that is just stoopid. 4. Blue eyed girl from Kansas that never made DCC, yep, could've picked her from a mile away.
  12. If you haven't seen it, go find it. It is so much better to watch than any of us could describe!!!!
  13. Well, she doesn't actually have to change. They just have to SAY she changed. Ya' know, because we are really dumb viewers and all......Signed, feeling snarky today
  14. Ugh! Those shorts look like something I'd buy at Walmart to go work out in......
  15. Erin is so beautiful!!!! That girl could be the one we are still talking about in 10 years - in a good way!!!!!
  16. Co-sign it all, but the Malena paragraph should be labeled "Dear CMT:". I am with you. Nothing will stop me from watching the show, but the Malena stuff was just hard to listen to. She said the same thing in EVERY. SINGLE. TALKING. HEAD. And, the melt downs, oh the melt downs. It's occasionally interesting viewing the first time someone falls apart. But after the first one, it was just made me as a viewer feel awkward and uncomfortable. That just isn't good TV!!!!!
  17. Co-signed!!! I mean, isn't this forum really about the SHOW???? I appreciate inside info too, but short of John Galt or Shelli B, I take it with a grain of salt anyway. Candidly, I don't care what relationship people SAY they have, that's easy to falsify. I do give weight to grammar, spelling and clean logic.
  18. This reminded me of the girl at tryouts with glitter on her face and capri length bottoms. She was so "sparkly"!!!!
  19. Yowzer! On pic 34, I thought Bridget's girls were about to leave the nest!
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