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Everything posted by Opine

  1. Brianna. No, she went to college in FLA.
  2. YAAASSSSS!!! I detest that judge. She is so arrogant that she SOUNDS knowledgeable until you listen to her words. I would love to see her gone, but sadly it will be Scott Padgett.
  3. Then you haven't had a peach milkshake! Best non-alcoholic drink ever! What?????? You are officially not welcome here in the ATL. JK, but I love me some chicken soaked in pickle juice!
  4. That needs to be the DCC audition slogan!!!! On another topic = Okay, people, am I dreaming? At the end of the "after the board is rolled out" segment, they show a girl in black crying in the upper left hand corner of the screen. I re-wound multiple times and played it in slomo. IS IT KAT??? Maybe with hair a little lighter?
  5. I can't wait! I just wish it were on before 10pm EST!!! Some of us have to get up at 5am. My husband and son keep texting me "123DCCwoooo"!!!!
  6. Wow! Just wow! Thanks for saving me the typing. I couldn't agree more on everything. I would only add that while I thought Taryn's triangular little face was cute and fully acceptable, there was something odd about her legs. The thighs just didn't look dancer tight. Different body styles show muscles differently - my son has more swimmer muscles than baseball player muscles even though he is a baseball player. So, I am not saying she didn't have thigh muscles, I am saying they didn't look that tight. That being said, maybe she didn't have the level of thigh muscles needed and that is the reason for kick issues. She couldn't even do that Kitty leg exercise they were doing on the field one night.
  7. I was just sitting here dreaming. Wouldn't it be awesome if instead of the normal Kelli reveal, they just started the final episode of the season with a talking head of her telling us that she is going to introduce us to the team one by one? Then we get a whole episode of each vet and each rookie that makes it with a one minute montage of backstory, try outs, solos, got each DCC?
  8. It just all goes to show...K&J should have run the final job by her BOE (Board of Experts)...US!!!!!!
  9. I liked the medical backstories you mentioned, too. However, I was re-watching old episodes and two of the ladies started their stories by repeating the question CMT asked. "The difficulty I have overcome is blah blah blah". And the blah blah blahs were things like people were mean to me.... Come on! Don't ask a leading question like that. And ladies, don't make up some whiney backstory about your friend's cousin's cat that bit you when you were two. Maybe an honest, "I was blessed to have the resources to support my dance and I am excited to be here!" Nobody wants to here your little girl made up drama.
  10. Not to dredge up the Cassie-bashing (but CMT did by putting her on in that episode in that outfit with that attitude), but, no Cassie dear, only YOU didn't need to be a smiley person. The standards are different for others.......
  11. I believe Lauren quit her nursing job to focus on DCC this year. I don't know if she has gone back, but I think she did it for TC. And to whomever posted the original MDC post - THANK YOU!! You have reminded me how good the DCC are. Sometimes the DCC make it look so easy that I forget that not everyone can do that.
  12. Sadness with a capital S. Oh my! They should have never been allowed to take that onto a field.
  13. I am kind of thinking this may be the end of the road for Dayton - in other words, we won't see her return. Last year, I got the impression that someone here echoed; her heart wasn't in it. I just feel like if her heart really was in it this year, K&J would have kept her to the end even if she wasn't going to make it, just to give her the full benefit of training camp for next year. I just wonder if there wasn't a side bar between K&J and Shelley, and the three of them accepted that it wasn't Dayton's desire now or ever so they released her early. She is cute as a button, certainly a better dancer than some they have kept in other years, and the timing just seems completely wrong to cut a legacy unless that legacy said not now/not ever.
  14. I am def TeamBrennan. But Erin, I don't know. She didn't impress me at all last year - I felt like her dancing was off and I never cared for her look. But, who knows, she may wow the heck out of me this year. I can't wait!!!!!
  15. Madeline is one of those like Kendall, Christina and Kathryn Dunn. She seems to socialize totally with DCC. It kind of makes me wonder if that might be a problem since in the past those girls have had a tough time. Kind of like a Kelli smackdown - you don't get to pretend to be one until I make you one. Just a weird thought on my part.
  16. I heard Brennan had a re-do on the makeover and she's a brunette now. Hahahahahah....just kidding :)! But I actually did go to Kelsi Reich Brooks FB and she IS a brunette. I liked her as a blonde.......
  17. You're speaking my heart today! I would add to that - if Kelli made that decision AND communicated it to TK or VK, either Kelli or TK would have absolutely put a hush order on VK. VK might not have the personal maturity to hush her mouth, but I am pretty sure Kelli and TK would have put the fear of God in her!
  18. Someone would have to be near brain dead stupid to say this........I stand with Jess14. VK may have said something that was misinterpreted and misrepresented. Or, and I find this even more likely, there is a lot of jealousy out there because the girl is gorgeous and someone is trying to play on our sensibilities since we all have already proven we have issues with nepotism. I'm not buying it. I don't know at this point whether this girl can dance. But they've taken gorgeous women who couldn't dance before. I withhold judgement.
  19. Hitting the little heart just didn't seem like a big enough response....so here is my cheer - YYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!
  20. Are you seeing any big makeover differences?
  21. Because in the ATL - no one cares (fellow ATL-er here). If I asked the dozens of season ticket holders I know to name one cheerleader or describe their uniforms they wouldn't be able to. I heard someone recently say "they just grab a few pole dancers from the clubs". I think that is an overstatement, but it kind of reflects the general attitude I've always heard.
  22. It drives me crazy when they change names on us. First Elizabeth became Bess, and we all confused her with Tess. Now Madeline the Mormon is Maddie, and the Rookie has claimed the name Madeline. I guess I am just easily confused........
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