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Everything posted by Opine

  1. They went for mature and stabilizing.....I applaud them!
  2. Esp after Judge Brenda's outrageous assault on Kat.
  3. Every time I look at it I think Tess has the front of your dress caught up in her panties :(
  4. I've seen a lot of the opposite thought on these boards, but I agree with you! It really points out how they really look at every angle, every curve, etc. For me, it has given me a lot of understanding about why they make certain decisions. And, I totally agree with you that some of the funniest lines come from uniform fitting days!
  5. I think Tasha will be in a highlighted position, too. K&J think of her as photogenic.
  6. But what a memorable moment! Kelli handled herself well, but wasn't that the closest we ever came to seeing her go off on someone?????
  7. I think she will make it. I just can't see them doing another Auto Amy/Kendall move. But I have been wrong before!!!!
  8. I just watched So You Think You Can Dance, and they had a transvestite guy do a jump split. And, yes, he hit the floor "with all his glory"!
  9. I can't go that far yet - on liking her. But I will definitely say I like her calendar pics, and she has certainly tightened up the body. I mean it is hard to have a standout body in that group!! And she does!
  10. Gina's body IS spectacular. I think she has been busting it on working out because I absolutely do not recall her being a body standout last year. That being said, I think that one of the reasons why I don't like it goes back to the Kat dress at interviews. Gina's dress is slit up the side and low in the back. It's right there in the same category. I know every one here is completely aware of the inconsistent application of rules; this is just one more example.
  11. My girl crush is currently on Molly. She looks amazing in that dress, those legs are to DIE for, but mostly she just looks like a fun person as opposed to some of the over posed ladies.
  12. I realize the makeovers have been lacking in the past few years...but they gotta fix this girl!!! She is pretty. That "color not found in nature look" is as bad as Mormon Maddie's original black hair. The hem and the crotch are too long. I am very surprised. I thought she actually had a lot of taste with clothes. I don't think Gina's long red tube dress is great either. Gorgeous body - just the dress is too long.
  13. You still have to sign in....
  14. Gina just said some awful things....at one point she was given a correction and had a talking head where she basically said they must be wrong because she was perfect. Then there was the one where she said her training was better than everyone elses' training. And, that comment with Kelly and Judy when she said the other girls were just jealous and she had suffered from that before. The girl needs a dose of humility! OTOH, I agree re the looks in the shoot. She went home and practiced and girl got it right.
  15. We all knew Khalyn/Tasha were great from last year. The shocker to me has been Gina. Not a fan of her personality or her squinty smile, but girl can take a note!!! She clearly watch the episode and K&Js comments on her squinty look. And perhaps she even read the remarkable wisdom from this esteemed group :), but she got the memo! Girl can't do happy, cheerful, but after a lot of practice she nailed the sexy smirk.
  16. After Kelli made fun of that pose at the cameo shoot.......I just can't like it! (But it is a great pic of her).
  17. That was one I never understood!
  18. I had no idea Miranda was so shapely! IMHO, all red heads look the best in jewel tones, so I agree on Savvy. For some reason, when you put the pale colors on red heads, it always reads more like underwear than a bathing suit.
  19. Maybe she will get the "Lash 911" treatment Kelly gave to Alexandria :). (I re-watched that episode this past weekend and Alexandria looked more ticked off about it than I remember).
  20. That girl could sit right next to me and I wouldn't know it was Breelan! Amen! I wish for her that she had taken the hint and not tried out. I hate it when the cut vets have to leave something that they were so proud of on a negative note!
  21. Just rewatched last season - Madeline M - Cute as a button and I know she has been working hard in the off season, but she had a LONG way to go dance-wise! Erin - I just don't see it. She can't dance this style and doesn't have the look. But K&J seem to like her. I don't get that.......
  22. Keyra - I really loved her cameo last year when she took total credit for not making it in the past. So refreshing after the "I should make it because I tried" attitude. Loved her body, loved her dancing, but I remember towards the end of last season's show she did come out with a bit of attitude-not horrible, just not the "yes ma'am" they want. We all know she has a big personality. I wonder if that - not her body - was her demise? Dayton - So happy for her (and her mom)! Sometimes you can just tell by someone's smile that they are sweet, kind and charming. However, those qualities don't nec make for a DCC. Hope that she really picks up the power and tightens that tummy. We've seen it happen before, it can happen again! VK - I think she is gorgeous. I haven't watched her dancing and haven't seen her attitude, so I will wait and see. Erin - Didn't care for her dancing last year-at all. Hope she is greatly improved! Brennan - Just put her in a uniform! I think that all the weird facials, etc go away when she isn't stressed.
  23. She would never!! She is far too ladylike.
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