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  1. Opine

    S13 E13: Game Day

    I thought I recognized the booty as Kash, but apparently it was Lauren!
  2. @ByTor, I actually was thinking of you when it happened!
  3. What's today? What's today? Gameday! Gameday! Who are we? Who are we? DCC!!!!! DCC!!!!!! Wew!!!!!!!!
  4. Yes, she is under her boss's direction. But Kelli has had to make the tough decisions and have the hard conversations (albeit a little later than we would have liked), so she should make the announcement. When a boss takes away her employees power, that is a bad thing that leads to an erosion of the whole structure. Charlotte has been the boss a long time, but she is just trying to get more screen time and it isn't going well. The "touch the star" talk literally made me puke up a little in my mouth, the embarrassing and oh-so awkward graduation ceremony, and now this......SMH. The only way I could agree is if Charlotte is doing it because she is calling Kelli into the office to fire her immediately afterwards. And that ain't happening.
  5. I always read the comments on these things and try to figure out if I can hear any of y'alls voices out there :)
  6. Opine

    S13 E12: Time's Up

    Wasn't it addressed by Kelli at cameos? VK has the best hair and legs?
  7. We don't know that she's not. All we do know is that if she is, she has enough class and intelligence not the blather about it on these boards or any other public forum! :)
  8. Absolutely! And I think Judy removed the couch comment because of us!
  9. I don't do instagram and twitter because it is just too much. But when I rewatched Krisin's cut, I teared up. So I commented on FB and she responded!!! OMG, fangirling here! I can't believe I am this excited. But I really like her - love her looks, her heart, and her dance. I was sorry to see her go, but maybe she wasn't quite ready. I just want her to try again.
  10. And last time a country friend gave me some, we had to eat around buckshot. Yuck!!! I'd turn my nose up too!
  11. Jalyn's body is to die for! But the hair. Oh the hair. I don't think it's just a color problem. I think there is a huge cut problem and I am not quite sure I can identify it. I have horrible, thin hair, but maybe her's is just too thick? And maybe too many layers? Like maybe it is a "Roeffler" cut from the 70's? I would actually love to see that heavy straight hair and big forehead in a Holly P shorter cut with bangs.
  12. Agreed! I mean, it was a lot of bubble gum pink, but we've seen K&J in similar. Next to royal blue, it is the DCC dress color. And, I really didn't think it was too cocktail party-ish either. It was a little more flamboyant than the one etiquette lady liked, but VK is more flamboyant, and I think you should dress your personality a bit.
  13. I wonder if Tara/Savvy didn't have some sort of breakup? Last year, they were a "package deal" and both were shown crying when asked what they would do if the duo was broken up. This year in pics where they are given a choice, they are not near each other (for example calendar reveal). I agree with you all that Tara looks sad and depressed. Maybe the answer is right in front of us?
  14. Because when Kash and Lacey go....ding! ding! ding! our little Gina will be the IT GIRL! Point, GL, everything.......and they want to keep her happy now.
  15. When my son was in the second grade, he said he wanted to have a friend over. When I asked him which one - he said the black one. I said, okay, give his name and I will call his mom. His name was Yoshiki. I know some people will read this wrong. But I am like you @PBSLOVER - I thought it was wonderful that my second grade kid didn't even really know what a black person was because we had never made the distinctions. (BTW, I asked him why Yoshiki was black and he said because he had black hair :)).
  16. No problem! Candidly, I have been in bed with pneumonia for a week, and my thoughts didn't translate well into words. Brenda - I just don't like her after some of her previous stunts. So when she basically said up front that she was going to trick them, I read it as very unprofessional. I thought her circuitous questioning of Amber was also unprofessional. I didn't think she did anything wrong with Taylor. Amber - Again, the way the question was phrased was just weird. I've watched three times now. Amber just didn't know where Brenda was going, and I didn't either! I also was extremely let down with what I thought was Kelli's ridiculous overreaction. Taylor - Yeah, I do believe the right question to ask was not the one Brenda first asked. However, Taylor totally tanked it. I agree. I did have mad respect for her follow up with Kelli and the fact that she took responsibility and didn't act like a spoiled brat little mama's girl. Kelli - Really?????? We have to help Victoria find her words.??? But let's CRUCIFY the other two? Come on, girl. I don't know what is up with you this season, but the flip between "awww Vicki fell" and her complete stone face evil approach with Maddie, Taylor and Amber. That's just wrong.
  17. There are two types of public appearances - chatter (like the nursing home) and more formal interviews. For the more formal interviews, I think they do need some training. They need some guidance on the DCC public position. However, I think the real problem with Amber and Taylor was BRENDA. She is so unprofessional! She tries to be "hard hitting" - she's not. The topics were both perfect; I have no problem with that. She just asked them in a convoluted way. Yes, that will happen sometimes even though most news people are more professional than Brenda. Kelli should have taken that in to account before judging Amber. Amber just wasn't that bad. I still can't stand up for how Taylor responded, but she might have done a little better if Brenda had been professional. (However, I do think Taylor's approach in the follow up with Kelli was so wonderful and really made Victoria's lack of addressing things stand out!)
  18. Mine, too. Is there a link for this anywhere?
  19. I have no inside knowledge; it is my observation from the show and what the insiders here say. It could just be that I was oblivious the first few years. But it seems that more and more the descriptions seem like Kelli is Charlotte's hand puppet. And, Charlotte is definitely more vocal on screen - she did the intro before TC announcement, right? Wasn't that the first time she had a role other than standing there? And let us not forget the cringey "graduation" piece.
  20. I do, too. That is, I respect her as a marketing professional. And, I do think her makeup looks a million times better here than on the show. However, as a manager, not so much. She needs to back-off some and let Kelli run the DCC. I know Charlotte is her boss, but she seems to be overly involved in the day-to-day and it seems to be increasing.
  21. Can't agree with you there! I love it. It gives insight to what she is thinking about the specific girls. It is one of my favorite parts.
  22. Okay gang, let's load up and go take our own pics next year. Lawdy, I am convinced we could do better shots with our phones. Seriously, whoever picked the Hannah pic needs to be IMMEDIATELY fired. Inexcusable.......
  23. As a country music fan, I would never have heard this - Jason Derulo/Get Ugly. I love the song but what I HATE HATE HATE is that every time I hear it I get an earworm. So, here I am, little miss 50+yo corporate accountant bopping around singing that.......now, people, I am telling you, that's ugly :(.
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