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Everything posted by Opine

  1. Aren't both Maddie and Amy doing the exact mouth movements that they tell the girls NOT to do? Just the crazy open mouth thing? (Maybe Emma's husband did a class in Facials 101)!
  2. Oh, I'd love a little drinky poo with Judy and/or Kelly. That would be a fun time fiesta!!!! But, Cersten just looks like a mean girl. I think she was the brightest of the mean girls and worked the others like a puppeteer. No, I don't know her or have insight....that's just my read. I've seen that look before. And, I have a real big hardspot for that lying in general - faking credientials is just beyond the pale. But I am sorry we "took your innocence away" when it comes to her :).
  3. But she knows what side her bread is buttered on.....girl can whip up a tear for our girl VK!
  4. Yeah, probably. I mean VK was so good at taking diet direction from Jinelle. She wins the eager to learn award!!!!
  5. Lawd, yes! How long did it take her to perfect that snotty ass eye roll? I've said it before, and I will say it again. Woman needs GRACE.....she has none!!
  6. Her makeup is too harsh said the lady with the thick black eyeliner and way too short skirts. Abso-frickin-lutely
  7. That might explain the IHOP good by that they usually don't give a TCC......maybe she did release herself.
  8. Yes! I posted earlier (and it went to never, never land) that Judy said Kristen was the most improved! Whoop Whoop! Maybe she will make it. And a RTR backatcha.
  9. Serious question - Why is Lisa Mills unpopular as a TCC? Everything I have read and seen shows her to be cute, a decent dancer and a well-rounded background. I don't follow the non-DCCs at the level some of you do. I know a worthy poster here has referenced drama with the DMDs, specifically Julia and Lisa, but is Lisa a problem? Or could it have been Julia?
  10. I think it may be that Lexie's style blends in better with Amy and Maddie. Gina definitely has a lot of power and maybe they thought it would be too stark of a contrast.
  11. Yeah, that was recent and huge. I give them a pass on that one too.
  12. Those are the same people that are still asking where Lacy is and calling all of the girls the wrong names and saying Dayton is cheering on another team.....ya know, a lot of "facts". Folks on this board do things like blow pictures up, analyze, count, conjecture......oh yeah, and a whole lot actually have a dance background (not me :().
  13. I hate the sob, but I don't mind the facts. Like the Maggie skin condition or the dyslexia. As long as they aren't packaged as a major sob story, I do think that it makes the candidates more real and is inspiring for people who may think you have to be perfect.
  14. I do not care for Brenda. At all. She has no idea about dance. She is just a narcissistic suck up. Charlotte needs to re-think her "look". Maybe Kelli can give her the Jackie Kennedy book on grace because that woman has none. Feeling salty........
  15. Madi's feet and hips just won't ever be there. I saw the problem when they showed her in her Karate gear - her feet are totally flat. She seems super nice though. I hope she moves on and doesn't beat herself up over it.
  16. Well, Savvy is a good ambassador, so that is ruled out.
  17. Haha! I just said the same thing over on the episode link.....
  18. Yeah, Lily now has two attitude strikes for me. We didn't get to know her last year at all (shame on editing), and this year we aren't seeing a DCC attitude. I certainly don't want her to stay til the last night and get cut again, but my prediction is that if we do, it will be a TRULY MEMORABLE DCC CUT! She will put Megan F (RIP) to shame!
  19. Love Kristen!!! I do agree that she gained weight, but it makes her look more womanly. Candidly, the two men in my life that watch with me thought it was a huge improvement! OTOH, it ain't K&Js thing, so I am surprised she made it through to the next round. I will humbly disagree on improvement, though. Last year the number one comment was that she looked at the floor all the time. Part of being a professional is to learn to take a note. She did! This year she is definitely looking at the judges a lot more! Go, Kristen!!!!
  20. Just watched 1st episode of last season. I didn't realize that Charlotte's striped pants were the same material as Sheldon Cooper's Doppler effect Halloween costume! Even if you don't watch The Big Bang Theory, you gotta laugh at those pants!
  21. Moving Squad Announcement discussion to Past Seasons as requested - I agree with all that I hated the season when it was announced on picture day. But I also hated last year with Charlotte. Obviously, she has a right to be there! But it is K&J yelling at them and having office sessions, so it takes away from them if Charlotte makes the announcement. It would be GREAT to really mix it up. So, I am going to throw this up and duck while y'all shoot holes in it. Declare TC to be a certain period of time, and everybody stays the whole time (they know this up front). At the end, sit them in the chairs and call them up like they do after finals. They can still have office visits and coaching along the way, but the pressure of the "I might be cut tonight" isn't there Every. Single. Frickin. Night.
  22. So, since Chandi, Kat and Gina C all wore yellow.......I guess next year maybe 50% of the candidates will be sparkling in highlighter yellow?
  23. That was fascinating! Not just the outfits and the hair and the bad dancing, either! What killed me was the disinterested girls in the chairs - legs up under them, chewing gum?, totally bored! And the ones trying out couldn't even stand right. In the pre-kick line, the brunettes had 5 diff girls with 5 diff foot positions! And they all got tired and heavy breathed even on the easier stuff. We've come a long way, baby!
  24. I love your summary. I know a lot of folks that have visited here as well as some of the FB folks talk a lot about how much we all hate Victoria. I for one, don't hate VK; I, like you, hate the hypocrisy. I know, I know, it happens everywhere. We've all seen it. But to have it showcased on an nationally televised show while pretending the emperor isn't naked - that's just annoying. This isn't a little PTA committee; this is real $$ in the real world.
  25. IMHO, K&J have compromised the team in the past for other non-legacies or "friends of" like Morgan. So, they certainly will for a legacy. In the past, they have been more background girls so the good cheerleaders covered for them. It will be interesting to see them try to cover for someone that is tall, big, and has long legs, big hair, big teeth and an overwhelmingly out of control personality.
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