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Everything posted by Opine

  1. I am not a dancer, but I do think that the kids from Dance Moms are more synchronized and precise than this group. They usually only have a day to a day and a half to prepare. And yes, they are competition dancers, but I know at least one of these ladies was, too. I just think they should have cleaned it up a bit before releasing it. And tell VK to stop pulling at her clothes. That is something an individual performer can do, not a group dancer!!!
  2. Yeah I kinda think that shouldn't be shown. The other stickers, absolutely. Just not fellow team mates.
  3. Thanks, I was gonna respond, but you covered it for me. I am tired...... I didn't, but then that's not the kind of news I watch.
  4. A lot of folks (me included) think that she was the highest scoring rookie and got the Barbie just because of Kelli's influence over the other judges. Same for the guest choreographers - I've already had my say about the Travis Travesty. So, the reality is, for most of us, that just doesn't matter. I mean if only my family votes for the best player on my son't baseball team, duh, my son's gonna win!
  5. Yep, I agree. For many, that's all they will ever know about her. They are her fan base. For those who know more......not so much.
  6. I forgot about that beautiful (cardboard) trophy!
  7. Sideline Sweetheart, Game Day Girl, Abbey Bear....what next? Participation trophies for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I am dying to know, too! If they do us like they did with Jalyn (leave us with NO answers!), I swear I am going to throw something at the TV and break it and never watch any TV again. I like Julia (and Lisa, too!), but I have to say that Julia has some of the most amazing hair ever. The cut is so phenomenal! It moves beautifully when she dances.
  9. Victoria looks fantastic! The picture of a DCC! (If you fainted when I said that, I am sorry....)
  10. Agree to all this PLUS her new found in ability to stand by her own decisions. She is bringing in all of these guests to try to justify her decisions so that she doesn't have to take the heat for them. And sometimes it back fires 🙂
  11. Madeline Salter - I truly think she is one of the prettiest TCCs ever. Her dancing is fine. She would pick up the power quickly. It's her expression that is a big no from me. She just doesn't smile. Not even sexy smile. She looks like an accountant (or lawyer :)) in dance clothes. OTOH I don't think that has a damn thing to do with her cut. Her mom was one of Kelli's contemporaries. And Kells conveniently "forgot" her? PUUUHHHLLLLEEEEEZZZEEE. I think old momma Salter has some stories. Stories about Kelli girl. Like maybe she wasn't the only DCC to never have to re-audition. Or maybe she was just the top mean girl. Or maybe something more dastardly (thinking like Holly/Jenna things). I am not from Dallas, and I don't know these people, but come on, this story line reads like a bad made for TV movie plot.
  12. Oh, goodie, Evan Miller got the memo and called out VK as good. Actually, she didn't look bad (to an untrained dancer) other than her inability to stay in her spot which is just absurd. But Amy couldn't either and she's point. This team is going to hell in a handbasket I tell you!
  13. What the what???? My anal retentive, OCD nature is bothered by the Heather/Lexie uneven split! And why are Savvy and Rachel W on one side and two dark brunettes on the other??? Get the front row right at least! I think we now see that Rachel W, Ashley, and Caroline are contenders for point because they are good dancers and up front - so considered pretty. Jalyn next to Christina in the netherlands? Well, that sends a message. Can't wait to see the Christina visit tonight. And last, but not least WHATTTTTTTTT??? VK is buried. FTLOG, this is the one thing she IS good at - hair and legs! And on this TIIC decide to be fair???? Headsmack! (And, no, K&J this does not redeem you for the other atrocities you have done on her behalf).
  14. Honestly, if she had worn a better bra I think they wouldn't have noticed the weight. The girls just were too soft looking so you noticed the belly. And, if she had made it I wouldn't be able to tell her from Lexie. Talk about twinning!!!
  15. Being under 21 and not drinking is not excuse not to relate to the other TCCs. Perhaps Kells should call her in and interrogate her about who she is friends with, what she knows about them etc. (thereby giving the world cause to think of her as a mean girl forever, cough *Gina* cough). Or maybe it is because she is elbow rubbing and brown nosing with folks they have been told (according to Milan) to not even address. I mean, honestly, whether she is liked or not, the only TCCs likely to be friends with her are those that want to kiss up (and those aren't people I want to be friends with, myself).
  16. Do we work together? I think we have the same boss!!
  17. And since I have been so "chatty" tonight, I thought I'd clarify a few of my opinions: 1. Jalyn Attractive, not gorgeous or sexy but cleans up well Clean dancer, doesn't knock my socks off Favorite rookie from last year? Nope, not by a long shot Did she get screwed this year? Yep 2. VK Gorgeous hair and truly to die for legs Face - no. Expression - no. Good dancer - no, technically not good to even an untrained eye Improved - yes, but she should be! If TK and friends haven't been locking her in the studio and giving her a private every night shame on them Professional - no, she doesn't even understand there is a line between personal and professional much less respect it Cancer in the clubhouse - yes, and it just didn't have to be that way. (That is the most annoying thing to me) Kelli - Defensive? yep, we are all when we know we are wrong
  18. Oh believe me, I know who and what Travis Wall is. I like him. Some of his pieces have brought me to tears. But in their world, you get forgotten quickly. You have to keep working it and increasing your audience. When he was first on, many in our little family here didn't know who he was. So, by being on DCCMTT, he definitely increased his name recognition. So, yeah, I DEFINITELY believe he's kissing ass for screen time.
  19. Kelli has never even tried to get us to believe that. Votes are opinions. The judges opinions are taken into consideration. Those votes are often referred to later, but again, not even KF claims it is a majority vote.
  20. I believe they would have shown us if she performed poorly. You can't show what you don't have.
  21. Unless it was to try to get himself more screen time by becoming Kelli's new BFF by "loving" Vk, that is! Please, all these people that LOVE VK really LOVE what Kelli can do for them. That's why Cheryl Burke didn't notice her. She can't be bought with screen time. But even our past favs like Marshall and Scott got bought this year.
  22. A. Thanks for the pronunciation guidance. That was pissing me off too. B. She learned that squinty eyed crap from Charlotte - the queen of bitchy eyes.
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