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Everything posted by Opine

  1. Isn't she cousins with Randy from Say Yes? He speaks of being very Italian.
  2. Dear Jinelle, Stop with the show girl/modeling/hostess or whatever you are doing. You could make $$$$ right her on Primetimer by selling your weight consulting services. We have a huge group of folks that will pay big bucks to just have your text back and forth a couple of times a day and remind us of life changing facts like: 1. No cheating when eating 2. Milkshakes are not our friends 3. Pretty girls don't eat like that 4. Carbonation causes cellulite Etc. Signed, Puffier by the Day
  3. I was one of them....they were horrible. Why do you need an army guy? So glad they are gone!
  4. Well, Judy made her opinion of Lauren VERY clear.....I haven't seen her voice such a strong opinion in a long time.
  5. Conspiracy theory - They really like Ashley at tryouts. She definitely had the look. Kelli was soooooo cold - they found some dirt on her. Someone tattled something. Conspiracy theory #2 - We all heard the Malena meltdown was much worse than we saw. Maybe she also had a meltdown with the dancers and for the protection of the dancers we are now seeing them leave mid-show alone.
  6. Oh my God you are killing me! #bridgetforpointnow! (But @ByTor, I do like Brennan, too)
  7. HAHA! I was going to say that too! That's awesome! Don't you dare stop! (said with love :))
  8. I actually like the V shorts, too. I like the way the cut replicates the top of the boot. That V on the boots lengthens and enhances the leg, so why not do that to the torso? Also, and I am sure this is wildly unpopular, but I think they should do the little skirt some of the teams do - I mean a really short one like maybe Miami does? I just think it would balance the blouse better and not look so diapery.
  9. There is no opinion different from hers! Remember, she has GRACE!!!
  10. HAHAHA!! That is hilarious. I've said on these boards, what 50 times????, Charlotte and those evil eyes needs to learn some GRACE!!!!
  11. You have Brennan, I have Kash and Bridget......but we share our love for Erin. That clip last year where Marshall went crazy about her was when I fell in love.
  12. VK is going to be the first ever DCC to come out on a cane!!! She isn't leaving until they throw her out. And, that ain't happening.
  13. OMG, you don't even know how that freaked me out!!!! That name is alarmingly close to my actual name!!! I was like how does she know me????? Then, well, I see what you did there. TBS, Kashara rocked! KASHARA COME BACKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!
  14. Sometimes, the grown up thing to do is to admit your mistake and fix it. KELLI!!!!!!! JUDY!!!!!!! I am looking at you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just admit it, this isn't working. Take your new rules (seniority over ability) and throw them out! There's no crying in baseball and there are no participation trophies at the professional level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Start the formation over. We will forgive you. You will delight us. We all know Bridget should be point. Fill out the triangle with other awesome dancers and move on. No one but us will know what a fiasco you were going to go with. I promise, we won't tell!
  15. Very insightful on Malena.......
  16. To me the whole media training thing is such a pisser. Ask all candidates the same question in the same way and there you have something. Yes, TT should have been better with "me too", but seriously, could VK have answered that? Or even a vet? These girls live in a shell. I love Amber, and I think she is an overlooked diamond. (I agree that Bridget is better!!! #BridgetforpointNOW). However, I don't think it was a well formulated question, and I wouldn't say she flubbed it. But most importantly, I think that most of them (other than Malena who is awesome at that stffu) would have blown it just as much as Amber did.
  17. Not a fan, but VK does look amazing here! Brennan looks like a midget next to Mount VK!
  18. IKR! And even some of the dresses that have come through since then, SMH. I mean it isn't business casual. It is business casual with cocktail hour accents. Business color and cut but way too short and too low for any office. And Brenda, maybe she did want a DCC. I actually get the impression she is somehow trying to ride the Jones family gravy train. Crying over VKs solo, indeed. That was such put on BS. You're not a dancer, she's not your daughter....you just wanted to get on CJA's good side. That's a sick way to go through life.
  19. Thanks everyone for the Pluto info! My son is soooo excited! A gamechanger......
  20. KASHARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can't go on like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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