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Everything posted by Opine

  1. Well, she is stunning, and I think the color is nice. Maybe if they had adjusted the top down a bit, it would have looked ok. It probably wasn't the best top choice for her figure. Well, you know how Kelli is about teeth on some (but not all) folks ..... Alannah's mouth structure is a little different. She's pretty and it's fine, but it is shaped a little like Kelsey Grammars.
  2. Is Armani's hair natural in these first few episodes? What about Darian and Jada? Is that not natural hair? Looking at their TCC picture from the grid we all had they all three had some straightened long version but now I thought they were all natural? Also, I thought I saw someone upthread classify Elli as a WOC?
  3. I think she was mad about the cut and gave up on DCC. I haven't seen her on Sun and Shade facebook either.
  4. I think Kelli has spent a lot of time in boats and other outdoor endeavors. Her neck and chest (and hands) are much older looking than her face and hair.
  5. Brennan's jeans - just no. Yes, there were other girls stylishly dressed in jeans. Even Lisa was stylish (and atrocious - but they did have stars on them). Brennan was wearing mom jeans, a wife beater and tennis shoes to check in to a luxury hotel??? No, her outfit was only appropriate for a Motel. Kelli has made it clear that they should be stylish even walking through the airport (Savannah or someone actually had on white jeans and a top that seemed like the one Kelli said would be appropriate for the airport.) I think a luxury hotel is a much higher standard than an airport. I don't love Kelli. I don't think she is fair or impartial. I think she often shows favoritism. But on this, if Kelli took exception to that outfit, she was just holding to a standard that she has previously expressed. Brennan should have known better. I think this is MUCH less acceptable than Kat's cutout dress during the interview.
  6. IKR....I am seriously surprised they bought these two back. Her locked jaw and general immaturity are not appealing. I hope Mike wears some protection. I would hate to see him get a life sentence of lock jaw and her spawn. Candidly, we are going to watch tonight but that may be it. Rebecca and Ziad I can take, but a thruple and Ms. Lockjaw in addition to new people that look immediately annoying....I just don't know. PS - if you ran into one of these folks whilst out shopping....what would you say? (Rebecca clearly works very close to me, I know Woodstock GA isn't that far, but when they showed where she works, it is in an area that I frequent.) I mean I don't need her autograph, but I would at least want to acknowledge her.
  7. Exactly re the head.....I don't like her look AT ALL. And (this probably isn't her fault) but I think they should have left her hair curly. If it is so curly that you can't straighten the hairline, don't wear it straight. And what would her church say about that? If she wears her bolt ons with grace that's ok? hahahaha just be a smarta$$ on that. If you will be a happier person if you get a little plastic surgery, go for it!
  8. Opine

    S15.E02: Unexpected

    Cheryl is a cancer survivor. I would assume it was her choice to not attend and be exposed in any way.
  9. And....the way she seems to have taken lessons from someone 🙂 about how to push her way to the front in everything. Plus the over the top smile is so annoying........ I can truly say that I don't care for her so far (I agree with you her dancing is okay, seen better) and it isn't just our little PT group. She just comes across as so immature and playing to the cameras.
  10. Opine

    S15.E02: Unexpected

    I think it is because most of us regulars are spoiled. It is hard to comment here. In earlier years, we picked up a lot of seasonal posters. Now there is a proliferation of FB groups so the seasonal posters may be going there.
  11. I know! I loved her intro. I haved loved her in both episodes. They have said only positive things. Maybe she tells VK off for something????
  12. From reading a lot on 90 days, I think a lot of us agree with you. I certainly do!!! So, if what we really like and pursue and appreciate are these lovely things, why must they PERSIST in bombarding us with the ugly things like Angela talking about her dogs worms and anything related to the Family Chantal?
  13. Plus Jenny comes in with no $, clearly unable to support herself in the USA. Kenny seemed to support not only himself, but likely some of his kids/grandkids who I believe lived with him. So he just doesn't have that mooch feel. Additionally, Jenny has moved into a culture where children matter to the parents and grandparents, but she isn't able to produce any. Armando already had a child and while many of us didn't agree with Kenny telling Armando off re Hannah, Kenny has obviously raised multiple children himself and will add value to the family by being a good dad to precious Hannah. Also, many on the boards here were just ready for a gay couple. The Aussie and the "sick" girl really didn't work out. Kenny doesn't really come across as older either. I mean we were all blown away by his age up front, right? But Jenny looks, moves and sounds much older than 62 except for her immature ideas.
  14. Are you familiar with the Joey Tribiani school of "stinky farts" acting? Kenny may have attended.
  15. Thank God! I truly find this couple as dull as Cheesestick and Mayyyyyyyleeezza. And that's kind of weird because I also find Armando the most likeable "character" that's ever been on. Their whole plot line is just so stupid! Hi! My name is crying Kenny and I am here to whine about the fact that Mexico isn't exactly like the USA. Over and over and over and over again. He supposedly doesn't know the language, and he doesn't like the food. He can't handle the hygiene issues or the poverty. He doesn't agree with the culture or laws of an extremely Catholic country. I mean, all of these Americans do this somewhat, but crying Kenny is just ridiculous. Dude, go back home. Take Armando and Hannah if they can come. But just stay off of my TV.
  16. Opine

    S15.E01: Like No Other

    Finally watched it and SO EXCITED to have it back! And after watching Ep 1, I can't wait for Ep 2 even though (as someone who reads the board daily year around) I am totally spoiled. Yes there are made for TV moments and BS but no more than any other year. One thing I wish CMT would do is label the TCCs constantly for the first few eps. I get some of them mixed up. TBS, here are my TCC comments: 1. Armani - LOVE HER. That girl is precious and her smile is real and darling. The look and the dancing are good but that smile makes her my top choice. 2. Ellie - Love her because she is a bean counter! We're not all dull. Am I right, @ByTor? 3. Dani - That girl can dance. Love her. She is a total package girl. 4. Jada - Same thing as Dani but she killed the backstory category. Thank you for your candor. 5. Jessica (I think) Hook em horns girl? Oh so dull. So dull. So blonde girl never been told no conceited. So cookie cutter. 6. Claire W - Dancing was fine, but I am not really seeing the look or spirit yet. and last but not least 7. Dear Marissa - Wins the overacting award hands down! Yes she can dance, but her prepubescent look and attitude are just grating. But there she is, just like VK last year, in the front of every damn pic. 8. Amelia and Shannan - Have to give them a shout out just because they are Mr. Opine's favs. He doesn't care about dancing, he likes dark haired girls. Shannan was his favorite, but then they introduced Amelia.....
  17. And there are no long blue arms.....
  18. ON 8/31/2020 AT 7:06 PM, LEMONBUS230 SAID: Brennan was probably tired because she had to babysit Marrisa and Victoria all training camp as their boot buddys. After making Show Group, Marrisa told everyone that she can rest easy, and go watch Netflix at night for the rest of the bubble and she told her parents to move her stuff to Texas and start looking for a apartment while she was still in the bubble. Victoria spent her time in the bubble being so rude to everyone that leaders and Brennan had a private talk with her. Man, it would be awesome if we got that on the show!
  19. And didn't some conjecture (I personally have no idea) that there was some resentment toward Blonde Hannah and her Business degree that might have led to her veteran cut and not the weight gain that they said?
  20. ALERT!!!! A sneak peak is on at 830 am on Wed! Yep Wednesday MORNING. I can't reply but I can edit. It is eastern time. I saw it on my guide on Dish.
  21. or for me.....it's just me getting older 🙂
  22. Wearing my bitchy boots today....... WHO IN THE HELL DO ARI'S PARENTS THINK THEY ARE?????? Instead of lecturing this poor guy, how about tell your daughter that THIS IS WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX FOR FUN WITH A FOREIGNER FROM A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY???? The comment that oddly bothered me the most was the one about a regular income. Hey Doctor Fred, guess what? a whole lot of folks here in the USA earn tips and commissions for the greater part of their income. Like a wise poster said above - Bini is not now nor will he ever be an office worker. And, Doctor Fred, maybe if you and your wife have such a strict list of "requirements" for your precious little Ari, maybe, just maybe you and your wife should have made a checklist for Ari to use before she dropped her drawers for some foreign hottie. Ari has 2 choices - pack up and go home or stay and shut up. While I feel horrible about Bini never seeing a second American child (because he won't), I think both of these little brats (Ari and Bini) should get "fixed" and grow up.
  23. Interesting......but while they may not be younger, but they all look younger to me! They all have that coltish stick straight body that just hasn't developed yet.
  24. I am feeling kinda weird about this group of 14 year olds. Most of them can't dance well but have some potential (with the exception of Claire who was pretty good). But I feel like I have been asked to a dance recital for early high schoolers. I kind of hope they explain this....... Are they thinking they bring them in younger and they stay longer? Because all of these girls will have weight issues when they finally hit puberty. Or are they trying to attract a certain type of man? The kind of spends a lot of time surfing the internet in a dark basement? Or did they decide that this year was gonna suck so they would bring in some babies that they could bring up the DCC way?
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