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Everything posted by kirklandia

  1. I was pleased that they got Washington's right! A state fair staple since 1915. When fairs were canceled during the pandemic, Fisher came up with a food truck to bring their scones to the people. The fairs are back, and the Scone Wagon is still making the rounds.
  2. My recollection is that many of them chose to make dishes for different kinds of local festivals. Can't blame 'em. (I usually do my due diligence and fact-check, but I can't bear to rewatch!)
  3. Shouldn't he have known you don't do that? Perhaps microwave techniques were not included in the curriculum at the Baker & Pastry Chef Baccalaureate Apprenticeship at the CFA Cuzon in Quimper, France. Or the Brevet Technique des Métiers Pâtissier (BTM) program at La Faculté Des Métiers in Rennes? (yup, I checked his résumé)
  4. Nothing says Midwest cuisine like lobster. And at a state fair, no less? Not sure what the point is of making this a "regional" competition.
  5. Ditto. I grew up in the Midwest, and my Hoosier mom served it to us often. Fast forward many decades, we are both living near Seattle. On a summer visit to New England, I persuaded my hosts to take me to the brick and mortar site of the Vermont Country Store (Mom loved the old-school stuff in their catalogs.) I bought a can of brown bread, toted it home in my suitcase and saved it for a Christmas gift. (Not long after that, I spotted it on the shelf at a local chain supermarket. Oh well - it's the thought that counts! And my mom would never know, I did all her shopping.)
  6. Yeah, not sure how "functionable" a music studio in a condo will be.
  7. Absolutely! Or rather it is on again. My son used to watch it with his dad. And now I record it every week and watch it with my six year old grandson.
  8. HGTV must be cleaning out the basement (again). I hope they will be done soon, I'm really tired of their recycling cluttering up my DVR.
  9. I grew up in a liver-living household. I was always happy when my mom made liver and onions. And she and I fought over the liver when she made fried chicken (when I was a kid, you bought the whole chicken). I recently discovered that local chain Ezell's Famous Chicken has them on the menu - so on the rare occasion that someone is picking up carry-out for a family get-together, that's what I want. The first time I asked, my son forgot to order them. Last time, he really wanted to make up for it so he was sure to remember. Unfortunately, all that he remembered was that I liked some weird chicken parts. So he brought me – – gizzards! A little too offal for me.
  10. Is that a known type of speech pattern? Does it have a name? I have noticed it before - most memorably in various episodes of What Not to Wear, in the way some "participants" pronounced Clinton Kelly's first name.
  11. Don't forget the part before the commercial where they show you what's coming up. Reminds me of how we were taught to write the three paragraph essay in high school. Paragraph one - tell the reader what you are going to tell them. Paragraph two - now tell them. Paragraph three - tell them what you just told them. Lather, rinse, repeat. Until the show is over.
  12. You're describing my 1960s Midwest suburban childhood home. We called it a "tri-level". I think it's a much superior floor plan to a "split level".
  13. Nothing says Tuscany to me like a seafood specialty of the Pacific Northwest coast. I thought European food markets were all about fresh and local. Are they flying Dungeness crab to Florence?
  14. I'm not a TV expert on historic homes, just someone who enjoys the vintage features of the Craftsman and Tudor houses in Seattle. And those sure looked like clinker bricks on that fireplace wall. I wouldn't get all snooty about them and say they're not worth saving, just because they weren't original to that house. They are authentic to their period, not easy to find, and have value. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinker_brick
  15. Alex appears much happier in an American supermarket parking lot than she does in a Tuscan villa.
  16. It's genetic! https://www.britannica.com/story/why-does-cilantro-taste-like-soap-to-some-people
  17. I was sure I had seen that Bay Area episode before as soon as I saw that Eichler house. It wasn't hard to find on a real estate site - the house had been on the market from November 2020 until January 2021.
  18. Nothing to do with the show - but I absolutely loved Moldova on Eurovision!
  19. My dad died unexpectedly when he was only 62. I can't believe I am older now than he lived to be. He was always ready to swing! I treasure this photo from our last visit.
  20. Inter-district open enrollment laws vary a great deal from state to state. https://www.ecs.org/50-state-comparison-open-enrollment-policies/
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