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Everything posted by kirklandia

  1. So many of the new single-family homes I see (especially in developments) are all supersized garage in front. I get no sense of welcome, charm or curb appeal. I don't think my aversion to a prominent garage is all that quirky.
  2. I am an introvert, so my need for "down time" can be an issue whether being a houseguest or hosting one. And, as I get older I am less able to be comfortable crashing just anywhere. And, my last visitor informed me that I snore! All that being said, I find my favorite part of extended visits with friends and family happens at the beginning and end of the day. Lazy mornings chatting over coffee, cozy evenings at home. Maybe because it feels less like a formal visit and more like we are just hanging out together like we used to. Luckily, most people I know have the space. I would not want a friend or family member to overextend their budget or sacrifice their daily comfort for my very occasional visits.
  3. I guess there ain’t no river low enough... What would Simon have said about a singer who screwed up the lyrics on the finale of American Idol?
  4. Same sound issues on World of Dance. The performance music is muffled, but the random judges’ interjections and FF-worthy chatter come through loud and clear. As do, of course, the commercials (wasn’t a law passed to put a stop to that?)
  5. Gosh, didn’t notice notice the screen freezing what with all the FFing.
  6. The odd lengths of some of these show meant that my DVR cut off the end of one. How can I sleep without knowing which house the San Diego folks chose? Help me!
  7. Women in house-hunting couples who are creeped out by urinals - what is your problem? You don’t have to share. No fights over raised toilet seats. No drip-dodging. (I’ll bet he could even be in charge of cleaning it.)
  8. When my son was 12, my daughter boomeranged back home after college, and he willingly gave her the second bedroom and moved into the loft. Hey, all his clothes fit into the little linen closet in the hall. And he cleverly dodged my “no computer or TV in your bedroom” rule by moving into the room that had the computer and TV. But since it has no door and half a wall, I was fine with it. And since that was our only TV, he was subjected to a lot of Project Runway.
  9. Still watching, thanks to the sanity-saving powers of the DVR. I appreciate all the dance knowledge here. Since I have none, I can only say that it was fun to hear Rockafeller Skank. Oh, and these dance groups have some lame names.
  10. Yeah, I know Courtney is derivative, and her persona is manufactured (whose isn’t on these shows?), but I get a kick out of her (no pun intended). Not seeing the Joplin comparisons - all I can think is, moves like Jagger!
  11. Giada reminds you of a a Pez dispenser because, as many people have noted over the years, she has a Big Head (physiologically, not metaphorically speaking).
  12. Just started playing back “Seattle to Berlin” on my DVR. Saw the name and hit pause. Not sure if I can watch this one. Marty Riemer was a local celebrity here , for two reasons. 1. As a radio personality and 2. He and his neighbors cut down a bunch of trees that were on public property, to improve their views. That is some serious shit here where we love our trees. https://www.google.com/amp/q13fox.com/2016/09/20/seattle-files-1-6-million-suit-after-150-trees-cut-down-in-west-seattle/amp/ I guess he he and his family had to flee the scene of the crime.
  13. I can't hold it in any longer! I finally had to create an account. After two weeks out of the country, I am working my way through a DVR loaded with House Hunters episodes. Marathon = bad idea. I thought I had accidentally stumbled into HH parody-land, when I heard "I'm Paul and I'm a visual designer for marching bands". Not so amused later in the show when his wife said "I want to be the whitest thing in the kitchen".
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