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Door County Cherry

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Everything posted by Door County Cherry

  1. I like Reid Scott. I don't know that I'd call him eye candy even though he is good looking. But so is Donovan. Maybe they want a more comedic tone or sarcastic tone? I'm starting to think there's a story behind the departure. Maybe we'll get it one day. But you know what I think he'd be great at? DA.
  2. I loved the wink because, in such a serious dance, there was something a little bit 'breaking the rules' about it. And I think it goes right back to that thing that Charity lacks that Jason and Xoochitl have. And even Alyson has a bit of this too. Performance and spontaneity. They have the sense that they're love what they're doing. Charity, while technically perfect and so much of what she does is beautiful, lacks that quality. I always feel like she's having a good time before she has to dance and then grits her teeth to get through her dance. I sympathize with her as I bet she has had a lot of training to give pageant and being asked to get a ridiculous is a change.
  3. Aaargh. So far only Billy Porter called him out on what he is. I don't even see this "fun." I think he had basically one section where he even attempted the jive and that was during the side-by-side. Meanwhile, Alyson did more but even the camera work tried to hide the discrepancy. Shaking your butt isn't quality dancing at this stage in the game. Harrumph. Ha. If anyone could do it, it's the Swifties. I knew he might be in trouble when I read he followed Scooter Braun and not Taylor. Buh-bye!
  4. I'm really enjoying this. I wish they had all come out at once because I'd love to binge.
  5. I think anyone who is watching in S22 knows about the casting changes of the past. It's not the casting changes that's upsetting. It's the fact that they happened on the cop side which is the side that the show figured out and improved upon from S21 to S22. Those characters worked. Had they gotten rid of someone on the legal side, I think those changes would have been welcomed because those characters aren't really working yet. If you look at the cast changes of the past, they rarely boot the characters that are working. Hennessey definitely chose to leave and asked to have her character killed off so she wouldn't be tempted to return. The only three characters that might not apply to is Noth (and I think that was a combination of Noth being notoriously prickly and rumors he wanted more money) and Cragen and Paul due to a need to appeal to a broader audience. That was more of an NBC decision than a TPTB decision. But with all the other boots, there was something not working about either the actor or the writers didn't quite find the character. Maybe there's more to the story but right now, even I'm surprised by how much I still hate that he's leaving.
  6. It's a shame both Rachel and Macauley both can't both move on as they're both better than some other celebs. You really got the sense it could be either or and another game could go another way. I like Rachel and am rooting for her. I felt for Becky. She had some answers on the tip of her tongue and she just ran into two juggernauts with knowledge and the buzzer.
  7. The cop side of the show was so enjoyable last season. This frustrates me. It's like they've identified something is wrong but misidentified the cause. I would get it after the first season but the combo of old school cop and lawyer partner worked well. All three had great chem.
  8. I am not positive but I'm pretty sure this show is considered a game show because they invite audience voting. Game shows have an extra layer of protection to them compared to other reality shows where you can manipulate outcomes more. They can set how much the judges vote weighs in the total score compared to the audience vote and they can set limits on how an audience can vote but they can't manipulate the audience vote that results from that. If they wanted the judges to be the only determinant, they'd just make it a judges-only decision. But that's not what they want. In summary, Harry's getting the votes.
  9. I feel like they're setting Jason up for the "shocking boot" and I hate it. It doesn't matter how poorly Harry is scored. The audience votes have always mattered more. Lele had a decent lead on Harry and she went home.
  10. I love Whitney Houston. I do. But I do not think her music is a natural fit for ballroom dance and so many of these dances feel like they're being dragged through the song rather than being supported by the song. Barry only being 1 point behind Jason is BS. I love Barry but it irritates me that they're comparing the dances. It's pretty clear Jason messed up this week in large part because he (and his pro) are dedicated to incorporating a lot of content into the dance. So when he screwed up, he didn't really have a breathing moment to recover. Barry's dance was just him posing. I'm so happy about Alyson is improving so much. I think she's a beautiful dancer and I look forward to her dance more than I look forward to some of the leaders.
  11. It's wishful thinking that will depend on how well the movie does for Peacock. If it does well, I think we'll get another movie.
  12. Since there's some discussion about it, I'd like to clarify how Primetimer's position on spoiler tags. Even though we understand the desire to protect those who can't watch something right away, spoiler tags should not be used once the movie drops on Peacock. The only time you should use them is if you get an early preview of the movie. If you have any questions about this, please PM me (I'm this thread's mod.)
  13. I bet she's a fake sweetheart. She gives me mean girl vibes. Nice to your face but talks about you behind your back. And can be brutal, as we're seeing, if you get in her way. I thought her dad was a bit harsh on her, though. To not even ease tensions at least temporarily in the car. I don't want to see teams work as an alliance but I'm okay that she helped out someone who likely would run into issues communicating with onlookers. And it didn't look like he had an interpreter with him. I'm sad to lose the pink ladies but I did enjoy watching all the navigating.
  14. I didn't love either group dance but I think I preferred the choreography for the second dance partly because of the same sex partnering but mostly because it felt more like a group dance. In the first dance, the solos were completely solo. In the second, even when a couple was solo-ing, the other couples were usually in the scene doing something. But it usually comes down to choreography. "Classic" styles rarely get the judges or crowd going the way a more freeform dance does. And I truly miss Derek's choreography during the group sessions. It felt like whichever team had him on it would usually have the more interesting choreography/dance. (And won a lot of the time because of it as well.) Lele should have stayed for her hip action alone.
  15. Paula does look amazing. If you were wondering why Julianne was wearing that, it's because it's Madonna's iconic Vogue outfit. If you're wondering who the heck decided that's what she should wear? You got me. Love Madonna. Love the song/dance. It feels a touch inappropriate for a show that kind of tries to bill itself as wholesome (even as they cast people associated with murders and domestic violence.) It's not that she's exposing anything but there's something about the pink underwear and bra combo in contrast to a full suit that is suggestive. But I guess that's the brilliance of Madonna. The thing that I don't get is that Jason basically didn't practice all week dancing with his partner. She was there but it had to affect the dynamic of that dance. I feel like for other dancers, they'd be given grace for having to overcome that.
  16. Every new season of Death In Paradise is only 8 episodes and a double length Christmas special. That's only about 2 months of content. Since it's such a popular show, local PBS stations that want to run it year-round have to fill out the other 10 months with reruns. If it's like last year, there will be a Christmas special in Dec. and the new season will likely debut early 2024 and air until the end of Feb in the UK. Britbox will get a small exclusive streaming window and then local PBS stations will start to air the new season in Spring of 2024 at the earliest. (My mom's station gets it that early. My station doesn't air the new season until summers usually.)
  17. Please take the current discussion of Abbott at GAF over to the GAF thread since the article and ensuing discussion is about GAF people & programming.
  18. I'll try to address this. I didn't love the book. I did think it was well written and a pretty easy read but I felt the author mixed a 2020s sensibility a bit too much with a 1950s setting. I found it hard to care much about the characters and felt it tried to be too cutesy. Ultimately, it didn't click with me even though I totally get why it did with others. It's tricky because I 100% know there were kickass women in STEM back then. There were people who supported civil rights for all people and were openly accepting of gays and lesbians. There were atheists. Those attitudes are more common today but they weren't non-existent back then so I'm not calling shenanigans that the lead character is all these things. (Even if it did feel a bit Mary Sue-ish at the time.) But the book has her spouting these radical ideas, or radical for back then, on her cooking show and is widely accepted. Granted, I didn't live back then and I could be mistaken but I found it hard to believe that kind of cooking show would have such mainstream success. As I read, I found myself comparing the book to the (HBO) Max TV Series, Julia, which came out last year. They both told the stories of women who found success hosting a cooking show during approximately the same time period yet I think Julia did it better. There were some changes to make it more modern but it still had some period reactions which felt more authentic. For instance, her husband absolutely adored Julia but we saw his support wasn't as perfect as it could have been.
  19. FYI, since there is such a split in when people watch this, and we do have a lot of discussion, I've gone ahead and put in a request for a full forum with episode threads...etc. I don't know when it'll get created so, for the time being, follow the mod directive above. At the time a forum is created, I'll lay out the guidelines on how to navigate it.
  20. Even though this show only started airing in the US, it has aired in its entirety in the UK. Open discussion of every episode (no spoiler tags) is allowed. If you'd like to let others decide whether or not they want to read your post without being spoiled, you may indicate which episode you're talking about. If people haven't seen that episode, they can skip your post.
  21. After a time capsule is unearthed at a local high school, a small Far North Queensland town is plunged back into the past, and the secrets of an unsolved murder of one of its students unravels. Originally aired in Australia.
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