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Everything posted by deirdra

  1. Her lips and top teeth have also been augmented compared to images from a few years ago. They take time to get used to.
  2. I recognized Savanah by her eyes. It was Gabe I did a double-take on.
  3. If they were going to do a rental renovation, why didn't they live in it rather than buy and bring an RV in Western Canada to drive to Florida and live in that while their house was being renovated, then move into the house and renovate the rental?
  4. I smile every time I see it, since it is perfection!
  5. I noticed that Breanna has the same profile as Robyn and similar facial expressions. I can imagine more simple holidays at Christine's place with only people who love them invited and everyone putting their feet up thinking - Isn't this relaxing without Kootie, Meri, Robyn and their baggage here as stress-inducing Debbie Downers?
  6. Doesn't Josh also have a second (actual) child by another baby mama? So Nutty makes three. Run Josh run!
  7. Or on a list of words rarely used anymore because it is misogynist, but Kootie finds it perfect for use in a family that is 61% female (4% non-binary, and only 35% male).
  8. And like most previous family gatherings, Christine & her girls did all the prep work while Kootie took Ysabel off somewhere and Meri & Robyn showed up at the last minute, never wondering how all the decorations and food-laden tables got set up. Poor Robyn had to host one Christmas and one Thanksgiving with Meri supplying a Rice Crispy turkey over the past 2 years, and hardly any before that.
  9. Kody comes to his own daughter's 18th Bday & graduation party, asks if she is turning sweet seventeen, then goes into a rant on how sixteen year old girls need patriarchial fathers to make them stay sweet. ADHD with no filter or self awareness to hear how stupid he sounds on national TV.
  10. The easiest way to pay off the mortgages on the Plague Pass properties is to sell all four plots, distribute the money equitably (get your own lawyers, Janelle & Meri), then each non-plural family can buy their own assets to fund them until death. If Janelle really wants to live on that parched wasteland, she can buy a more reasonably-sized plot.
  11. Would catty Katty dare berate a female show host who has no children as a "joke"? Choosing not to have children you don't want or don't feel equipped to handle is the RIGHT thing to do! California is already full of guys with multiple baby mamas and children they rarely see.
  12. Does Meri not watch the show to see Kody's talking heads? Last season on the show, after one of their get togethers on lawn chairs in the trees on the property, after saying nasty things to the non-Robyn wives to make them miserable, he basically said to the camera that he didn't understand why they were staying around. He's been trying to force them out, but only Christine has jumped.
  13. They should have not plugged in Christine's mic. Breanna can carry a tune. Christine sounded more tone deaf than at the wedding.
  14. Kody also needs to look up "nuance" in a dictionary. Unless he rilly means Christine leaving is just a mere nuance.
  15. With all her baggage, Meri is the 4th and the 5th wheel in this "marriage".
  16. That is the first thing I thought of last week when they mentioned it. 😉
  17. During COVID it was hard to find RVs to lease or buy. She would have been better off getting a small apartment for herself & Savanah and gone tent camping on the property a few times in the summer, trying out different spots.
  18. If so, that would mean if she continues her education, she'll be paying out-of-state tuition in Utah. Though I do wonder if Maddie expected her to be the nanny while going to college.
  19. She acted like she had been smoking pot with Bill before the show
  20. Bill turns 67 in January, but Christie just turned 60 and is not on Medicare yet like "our age" Bill
  21. I wonder if she thought she'd be paying the same tuition as Maddie: North Carolina residents enrolled for 16 or more curricular credit hours are charged a maximum tuition of $1,216.00 per semester. Non-residents pay nearly 4X more - $268.00 per credit hour and will not exceed $4,288.00 per semester for full-time enrollment. Ysabel probably qualifies for NC residence now, but probably didn't in year one, the typical waiting period for establishing residency.
  22. But, but, but it is a "Heritage" Inn, complete with tacky wallpaper borders from the 1980s!
  23. And the hole has enough shoulder room for kitty to stand up straight, reach over and grab food off plates or out of hands and sit back down on the perch to eat.
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