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Suck It Trebek

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Everything posted by Suck It Trebek

  1. What the hell died so Idina Menzel could wear it on her head?!
  2. When the grandmother smacked the girl (Sabrina?), I had to pause my DVR because I was laughing so hard. I mean, of course, the grandmother is a sadistic bitch, but that was so unexpected.
  3. It's actually controlling of Caroline S to always be late. Everyone else has to stop what they're doing and just wait around for her to swan in at whatever time she's ready. Agree wholeheartedly that it's a lack orf respect for anyone else (I mean, 15-30 minutes is one thing, hours late is different.) I wish someone would say, "dinner's at 7:00, sharp," and when she finally deigns to show up at 9:00, they're on the dessert course because they actually started at 7:00, instead of waiting for her to arrive and then serve. Rude to the hosts, other guests, and the staff (depending on the situation.)
  4. Oh, Ariana. Her answer to "What if I had three nuts?"...sigh. http://www.collegehumor.com/post/148990/cute-college-girl-of-the-week-ariana-madix
  5. Anyone else think Jiggy looked like he wanted to scamper (lumber? Wobble?) across the table and slit Harrison's throat because Lisa was fawning over him like she used to do to Jiggy? No? Just me?
  6. Wait. Open champagne in a car is okay? Not a limo, but a private vehicle?! And, wth were they eating that requires plates? Also, Caroline Fleming's passive-aggressive game is perfection.
  7. You know who doesn't look bulked up? Schwartz. When he walked into Pump, he looked like a schlubby suburban dad who got lost going to the nearest outlet mall and needed to ask for directions. Incredibly disheveled. I've always thought he was cute, but eesh.
  8. Yes! That dog's a real asshole. More accurately, Andy's a real asshole for not training him properly...I know he had the trainer, but it didn't work, clearly.
  9. Looks Like Christmas was (surprisingly) good! I thought the chemistry was there and I liked the dialogue. Cute.
  10. I actually yelled at the TV, "And how are you going to pay for all that?!" She gets the promotion and then promptly quits?? Huff.
  11. And.and.and....She works! It's not like she's kicking it at home, eating bonbons, and watching her soaps! Supporting her, my ass. Huff!
  12. 2015's On the Twelfth Day of Christmas was cute; I liked both main characters and the storyline was sweet. I also enjoyed Love Always, Santa, though the daughter tended towards precocious.
  13. What's a sex test? Did they have to prove if they were a man or woman in order to compete in their gender category? I didn't realize.
  14. Was it because he couldn't swim with it? I've been to the Baths. The caves are awesome, but the hike back to where you get the trams is no joke. I don't feel so bad that my asthma kicked up after seeing Kelley breathing so heavy. (Yes-he was carrying about 50lbs of stuff, but still!) :) Also, it is a good half hour or so from the dock to the baths so maybe Kelley was right to call Capt Lee since going to get the keys would have been at least an hour. 'Course, he should've checked for the keys ahead of time, mind you!
  15. At first I was thinking $18k?!, but I looked at their site and everything's included from flowers to food to cake to DJ, etc. Well, at least for their "best" wedding package, not sure about what Katie & Tom got. I laughed when Katie enumerated Tom's possessions including Ninja turtles and sweatpants.
  16. Kelly refuses to take any ownership. Stating the obvious here, but she makes her own decisions and choices in how to respond. Cannot. Stand.
  17. Ugh! I thought she looked familiar, but then I just chalked it up to a blonde Janice Dickinson.
  18. Tom Schwartz jumped up really quick to defend Tom Sandoval from Stassi, Katie, et al, so he has no issues with defending people he cares about. It seems to be just Katie that he can't/won't stick up for.
  19. Kelly needs to seriously consider underwire. Or, really, any bra. Please and thank you.
  20. Love this show! It's quickly becoming one of my fall favorites.
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