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Suck It Trebek

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Everything posted by Suck It Trebek

  1. All this talk about tall/short reminded me of a story. My ex husband is 6'7 and would get a ton of comments about his height. Walking in the city, some stranger passing by said, "Do you play basketball?" Being that was about the millionth SAME comment he'd heard over his lifetime, he was aggravated and said, "No. Do you play miniature golf?!" OT, maybe it was addressed by other posters, but I didn't see ... I thought Shannon was not so much upset at David, but more that she wanted him to make sure to address what they said in front of everyone and support Shannon by saying it wasn't her fault. Which he did do when she pulled her shit together post-bathroom tantrum. Why she reacted the way she did in the first place, obscuring that sentiment with ravings like a loon, I got nothin'.
  2. Shannon did before they went golfing with their husbands last (?) episode. Otherwise, yeah, no recognition and even a shrugging off by Heather when Shannon said she was hormonal due to the pregnancy. She did get confirmation when the others were at Glamis so that took precedence (I guess...not saying it's right) or they filmed something and it just hasn't aired?
  3. But the timeline is messed up, because (allegedly) Shannon didn't sell her house until after the 70s party and this episode they were shopping for the new place already. Plus, she said something about how only her kitchen was done, meaning she was already in the new place.* Maybe she had another party? P.s. I see your RHOC crap and raise you a RHONY and a RHONJ. ;)
  4. When I see Trevor, my brain automatically switches his face with this guy from The Waterboy.
  5. He said at the end that he works 48 on/72 off so maybe it wouldn't be quite as onerous as doing the drive twice daily.
  6. They played hide and seek and he was "able to find" her out on the balcony.
  7. I'm so glad none of you can see me. Jac is a total nut, and not in a cutesy looney way. CRAZY! Tre needs to put out a yoga video stat.
  8. There's just something about Lindsie I don't like; can't quite put my finger on it. May be just her overall attitude.
  9. I was just going to post this. Ambulance teams generate reports that become part of a patient's medical record and you typically need a signed med auth to obtain them. They have a ton of medical information in them from the ride-all vital signs, initial scene notes, complaints, etc.
  10. To quote Coming to America, "This is America, Jack!" She is a commoner, after all, as she liked to point out in Season 1 (though not with that specific word) after she was chastised by the countess for introducing her via first name only.
  11. I thought Bethenny looked beautiful for the deal at Dylan's. It was very striking with the red hair and the black and white outfit...then she slid out of her car, didn't take her driver's proffered hand, didn't thank him for the ride, nor even acknowledge his presence. What an asshole.
  12. When Lady Lyanna Mormont talks, people listen.
  13. I just rewatched the final few minutes (couldn't bear to watch anything more than that) and saw what Robyn said about Landon. The best was Shep's, "Wait. What?"
  14. I swear I watched the whole episode, end to end, but I did not catch this! Who said what now? And to whom? Juicy juicy!
  15. Incredibly satisfying to watch Ramsey being beaten by Jon.
  16. I want to be like Lady Lyanna Mormont when I grow up.
  17. Day-um. Dougal looked smoking hot charging down to the men who were being trained. That is all.
  18. The scene where Carole and Jules were in the closet had me rolling. All Carole wanted to do was to be quiet and listen and all Jules wanted to do was talk about everything she found in the closet, from hats to wallpaper. Hilarious!
  19. Craig really does seem to think he's the most specialest of all snowflakes, followed closely by Landon. That wasn't a sinus infection, Craig. No one was buying what you were selling, least of all your girlfriend. I thought Whitney and Larissa (?) looked awkward, especially when Whitney was telling her about the promise ring Craig bought for Naomi.
  20. I can't blame her for having that look when she has to deal with these people .
  21. Dani just seems down to earth and above the fray. Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.
  22. Can I nominate Shep's parents' mountain cabin to become the newest cast member? It certainly has more character than most of these nitwits combined.
  23. On Twitter, Landon alleged she texted the invite, but Kathryn had her blocked. She said the email Thomas told Kathryn about was the production call sheet for the cast. Glad she got her story straight, now/snark. She also says that typical crap about waiting to see what happens for the rest of the season, as if that makes up for her being an ahole now. I forgot about the DTF comment from Shep. He wrote a blog, apologizing, and said he was upset it was aired. Dude. YOU were the one who said it; they wouldn't have been able to air something you didn't say, ass.
  24. Landon's true colors surely showed through! The very definition of mean girl.
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