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Suck It Trebek

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Everything posted by Suck It Trebek

  1. Kate is gold-Top notch service and chief stewiness. Glad to have her back after watching Hannah’s mess of a season.
  2. Terrence makes me cry. He seems like he’s lost, even just walking through the halls, and that’s such a shame because with the right teachers and classes, he could excel. Poor kid. My heart burst when he gave his mom the bracelet.
  3. Enjoying this very much. It’s been very interesting to see the different perspectives.
  4. The mother in law, Pary, looks like Karen from Potomac to me. I can’t unsee it.
  5. Depends on the state as to whether the WC Act covers someone who is clearly inebriated. Also depends on the policy-some will not cover injuries that occur outside the US (the employer would have a separate policy for it or risk being sued directly by their employee) even if the inebriated person is covered under the Act.
  6. This made me laugh long and hard. End Table Eason. ? Also...If David's behavior is "laid back", I'd hate to see what Jenelle thinks uptight, rageful behavior is.
  7. I do not watch this show that much, but hold up. They named that kid Ensley Eason?! In the grand scheme of things, her name is the least of her worries, but still!
  8. It grossed me out that Carole lied down on that bench in the steam room! While I hope it gets cleaned daily, other people's junk has been all over that! Totally nasty.
  9. Sandy was out of line when she pointed at Hannah and demanded to speak with her in front of guests, then reprimanded her about the sparklers. I know she apologized later, and she indicated it was related to her previous experience, but that was completely inappropriate. Should Hannah have known not to set them on fire inside? I guess? I don't really know one way or another, but her pulling Hannah out of serving is what I'm taking issue with. Can anyone tell me what the guest said when she left to Sandy? I missed it. Thx!
  10. And then that dickhead said he needed them to be toasted. Give her a chance to get the food to the table! They were toasted! What a demanding bunch of assholes.
  11. JD and Elizabeth (together or separately) weren't invited to the birthday party? Aren't they the godparents?
  12. I agree with you. He's a POS, but I think the people on the show were intimidated by his family name. I write it in past tense because I hope they are finally coming to their senses about him (which, yes, they should have done years ago.)
  13. I don't think anyone takes Thomas to task or stands up to him purely because of his money and his family's influence.
  14. Thomas screaming at Chelsea on the ferry was pretty scary. She handled herself really well in the face of that, especially considering no one really told him to back off. I suppose Austen, but that seemed half-hearted at best.
  15. Joao may drink too much, but what he said about the deck watch while at port made sense. I can't believe Conrad didn't release (or whatever it's called) the tender ... He was too busy grabbing a smoke with Hannah. Sandy was micromanaging, but Brooke seemed behind. I can't remember-is it typical that they take individual breakfast orders? And Casey... Bless her heart. Man, did her parents do her a disservice in not teaching her the basics!
  16. I'm so glad this season is finally over. It started the first week of December, so there was a lot of material, but 3 reunions was a bit much.
  17. Justin is my favorite, but giving that necklace to his girlfriend was very similar to Katie/Tom Schwartz's storyline a few seasons ago on Vanderpump Rules with the "ring on a string." He knew she was thinking it would be a ring. Why not request a different type of box from the jeweler, something more rectangular and flat, for example, to minimize the confusion? Overall, though, they seem like a nice couple. She was so happy to celebrate their anniversary. Very sweet.
  18. I don't understand why he was being so aggressive with the female client, especially. He was so pushy from the start. His commission for her renting an apartment was going to come no matter which apartment she chose, right? Unless it was truly just a time issue and he was trying to get home immediately. While his style wasn't my favorite, it was still head and shoulders above man-bun Collin who seemed incredibly slimy to me.
  19. There is nothing about those guests that says they are used to three star service let alone five star! Puh-lease.
  20. I wish someone would tell Naomie that sometimes we have to leave the crazy on the inside. Don't let it escape, Naomie!
  21. Sandoval is still friends with Jax, despite the fact that Kristin with him. I think it'd take a lot more than Schwartz's buffoonery to be rid of his friendship. But, I totally agree that he's the only one in that duo bringing anything to the table. Aw shucks Peter Pannery doesn't pay the bills, Schwartz (well, it shouldn't but he is on VPR so I guess I'm wrong.)
  22. What aggravated me about the Chicago to Amsterdam couple was their complete lack of knowledge about how a budget works. (A) Set one that's realistic (e.g. Go with $2k instead of $1900) and (B) Don't say you're "saving" money when you go with the one that is over your budget by $100. Just because you didn't get the one that was $350 more doesn't mean you are saving $250. No, you're still spending more than you wanted and there is no "extra" $250 to spend on traveling. For a couple of CPAs, they sure aren't money-smart.
  23. Cameron digging in because she was starving was very cute. I could do without JD and Whitney's looks across table. I thought Kathryn made sense and was incredibly cogent when speaking to them both. And now pigs are flying because I never thought I'd think that about her.
  24. I got the sense she thought she was cute with that behavior. The pouting, the smirking about how she always gets her way. Ugh. Couldn't stand her.
  25. OMG! Yes! I was wondering why it looked so familiar! Why why why would they go there, of all places?! Aiaiai
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