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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Considering the fact that Felicity just did the most assholish thing she's possibly ever done on this show all for the sake of perpetuating Laurel's "Sara's alive" ruse, nah, I don't need these two women to be friends. I see what Laurel can gain from a friendship, but I shudder to think just how much damage the relationship would do to Felicity's character.
  2. Like I said in the other thread: Ray, is that you?
  3. This is from the WeWatchforthePlot review (which I'm a fan of): I'm confused because didn't Laurel and Roy cast their votes to work with Malcolm? But Felicity and Diggle cast their votes against working with Malcolm, so their choice won out in the end. I remember Laurel asking Felicity "Did we make the right choice?" which I thought was funny because no Laurel, you and Roy did not make the right choice.
  4. Are we sure that the guy in the other Arrow suit isn't really Ray...he could be taking his SWMing of Oliver up to the next level.
  5. Eeek. Jessica DeGouw is an awful actress (or at least she was on Arrow...never seen her in anything else). But I'm kind of hoping that she gets the part so maybe she won't come back to this show in the near future (sorry for wishing bad things on those of you who want to see Deadpool but don't like DeGouw).
  6. This is probably different than what you mean by "the fandom," but I've noticed lately that instead of snarking on the show, people are snarking at each other! It was so much more fun when the bitterness was aimed at the ridiculous of the show, but I think that it's not even enjoyable to mock that anymore.
  7. I have read some Olicity fanfic that used the phrase "her sex" and I was wondering where in the hell that was coming from because I've never ever seen that sort of terminology before. Must have been written by a 50 Shades fan, I guess. For a good laugh, go on Amazon and read through the one star reviews. Someone should publish a book comprised of all of those negative reviews, that shit would be hilarious.
  8. Man, I hope that if the people I love ever think that I'm dead for a month, I'll get more than just hugs when I return to the Land of the Living. The Team Arrow reunion scene was such a non-event that it played more like Oliver returning from a business trip or something. I was expecting more and it was just meh.
  9. I'm bitter that we're being told to trust the writers. SA said that on Campea's show and I've seen people online saying this. I watched Lost and Battlestar Galactica, and I trusted those writers. That ended...badly. I trusted the Arrow writers through the mess that was season 2B. I believed MG when he said that they were aware of their problems, knew what people liked, and they were going to fix things this season. I actually believe him when he says that he knows what people like and what they want to see. Remember the interview MG gave recently where he talked about people's love of the Team Arrow "troika"? Yeah, the one where he basically said, "I know people love the trio, but we've moved beyond that now." Essentially, it doesn't matter what I want since I'm apparently going to get what I "need." How can I trust these writers when so much of what I'm being given are things that I don't want and the reasoning seems to be "We thought it would look cool" or "It was dramatic!"
  10. Yeah, that was a Lazarus Pit, I think. But didn't we get a spoiler that it was going to be used later on this season or something like that? Maybe I'm making that up...it's very possible.
  11. I'm a bit scared that with the Lazarus Pit in play, they're going to kill Oliver for realsies later on and use the stupid pit to bring him back to life. Do we know what episode the pit is supposed to show up in?
  12. Not liking Emily's hair in the crossover...very 80s. And what's with the acid wash jeans (unless that is just an EBR outfit, not Felicity)?
  13. MG's tumblr answers are so stupid. "I liked this scene because it was a powerful scene with two people. We wrote that scene for dramaz! We did that because it looked cool." It's worrisome just how much little thought is put into many of the things they write into the show.
  14. I think that the worst assholish thing that Felicity did this season is rig up the voice thing for Laurel to dupe her dad into thinking she was Sara. But that wasn't self-centered, as far as Felicity is concerned. I can think of maybe one or two more things that I had problems with, but other than that, Felicity has been fine. I'd say she's my favorite character on this show, I suppose, but she's not infallible. If she does things I don't like, I'll call her out on them, but personally I thought that she was lovely in the last episode. Like seriously, she and Diggle are the only two people making any fucking sense right now, and while I do love Oliver, I'm kind of waiting for all of this to come back and bite him in the ass.
  15. Here you go :) http://defamer.gawker.com/50-shades-of-sigh-the-disastrous-50-shades-of-grey-p-1683492446 My personal favorite quote about the movie from Jamie Dornan: "Mass appreciation doesn't always equate to something good. Think of Hitler! But I think, in this case, it must. It simply must." And from Dakota Johnson, his co-star: "But I don't want my family to see [the movie], because it's inappropriate. Or my brothers' friends, who I grew up with. I think they'd be like, 'Blegh.' Also there's part of me that's like, I don't want anyone to see this movie. Just kidding."
  16. Haha, I just read this article about the 50 Shades of Grey movie and their disastrous press tour. Apparently the leads hate each other (even admitted as much in an interview), they don't really have chemistry, and they both seem disgusted that they even made the movie. I've never read the book, don't ever want to, and will not be seeing the movie, but I am curious to see if this will be an epic disaster.
  17. Ya' just put on some really enjoyable show during Arrow time...something that'll make you smile and laugh. Then you come onto the forums right after Arrow ends to see just how stupid the episode was. I'm telling you, it's so much less stressful that way. I'm basically out until the Suicide Squad episode because all of the stuff in the meantime sounds ridiculously terrible!
  18. Oh geez. Now Oliver is actually considering saving Malcolm when he's captured by Ra's. So dumb. And more Felicity w/ Ray...please stop.
  19. I've given up trying to predict the ratings, they don't seem to make sense because lots of terrible episodes get good ratings. Sara returns next week, so maybe more people will tune in to see her. Or not. Who knows? The Nielsen's TV Twitter ratings were up quite a bit from last week. The twitter ratings had been on a steady decline from episode 9, The Climb. If you're curious, here's a summary of the tweet totals (def. is tweets ascribed to a linear TV episode. Note that there are all these other Nielsen's twitter numbers like unique audience, impressions, unique authors, that are probably important but I don't want to type all that so...): Episode 7: Draw Back Your Bow 39,000 tweets Episode 8: The Bold and the Brave 64,000 tweets Episode 9: The Climb 77,000 tweets Episode 10: Left Behind 62,000 tweets Episode 11: Midnight City 41,000 tweets Episode 12: The Uprising 57,000 tweets
  20. No, I'm not actually saying that people tuned in for the superheroes. But can I believe that this is exactly why MG thinks the ratings are up? Yep. It's probably all the justification he needs to keep shoving more superheroes into Arrow.
  21. Look down one day and it will magically appear at your feet.
  22. The dumber this show gets, the higher the ratings go, I swear. Unfortunately, I think this means were in for even more superheros next season. SA may as well go on sabbatical next season.
  23. I just can't take ign seriously. The comments on that page are absolutely vile, the reviewer refers to Oliver as Ollie (I fucking hate that), they frequently give bad episodes high ratings, and they actually believe that the Atom spinoff would take Felicity (which would effectively kill Arrow's ratings). Haha, no.
  24. Are these Felicity fans doing this or people who already hate her? Not sure what people are upset about, I didn't think she did anything questionable at all this episode.
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