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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy this season (I held on for like seven more seasons than I should have, really) but I heard about what happened in last night's episode. I won't say because I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, but I do know two things: 1.) Don't ever get on Shonda's bad side. She seems fairly vindictive to actors/actresses who piss her off. 2.) Shonda shows are only good for about two or three seasons, tops. After that, it's a clusterfuck. I gave up on Scandal a few seasons in because it was just gross, and people's relationships were majorly toxic. I see previews every now and then, and that show still looks like a huge mess. I had to ditch Private Practice when this deranged lady cut Violet's baby out of her. Ugh. I did enjoy the first season of How to Get Away with Murder, but I'm sure that one will fall apart shortly, and I'm not sure why ABC keeps giving shows to this lady!
  2. Well you can't just type stuff like that and not let us know who you're talking about! My curiosity is piqued!
  3. Remember how the EPs told us that it's easier to write for characters who are in on the secret (of the Arrow's true identity)? It's hilarious because Laurel knows the truth now, but they still don't know what to do with her. She's just totally clueless all of the time...nobody tells her anything and she's MIA during significant moments. She didn't know that Oliver was heading off to duel with Ra's (for good reason, but still), she wasn't there to greet him when he returned from the dead (she saw him return but wasn't at the actual reunion), she wasn't there when Roy said goodbye for good, and nobody bothered to fill her in about the day trip to Nanda Parbat to save comatose Thea. Oliver wasn't planning on coming back, and he didn't even bother saying goodbye to Laurel. She's the contracted "lead female," and there have been multiple episodes this season where she's been missing or had less than two minutes of screen time. Her scenes are cut all the time. She's largely kept out of Oliver's orbit and he's the main character. I mean, with moments like this and this, I can completely understand why Laurel's role is limited, but it is quite bizarre how she is treated, and it really does make you suspect that yeah, maybe the writers do hate her.
  4. Hopes for season four: - Laurel, Malcolm, Ray, and Ra's all leave permanently. - No more day trips to Nanda Parbat and the LoA is only mentioned in passing (but Nyssa is cool, she can stay). - Lots of interactions between Oliver, Felicity, Diggle, and Thea. I want all possible combinations! - Roy returns by popular demand. - More focus on characters and their relationships. - Less writing to plot, more organic storytelling. - Actual story arcs for Diggle, Felicity, and Thea. - WAY less crossovers. - Return to villain of the week stuff---these guys can't handle the complexity of a serialized story. - Better stunts (not being able to clearly spot the stunt double's face would be nice, for sure). - occasionally visits to help Oliver on missions. - No Oliver/Felicity relationship angst. I want happy, loving, simpatico Oliver/Felicity. - Smiling, happy Oliver. - Relevant flashbacks. Bratva Oliver could be very interesting. - More Donna Smoak. - No more separating Oliver from Team Arrow. Like, ever again.
  5. An Oliver/Nyssa wedding would be pretty heinous and insulting BUT I do have to say that I WOULD look forward to the rage-tweets that would follow. I can imagine MG's tumblr response as we speak "I underestimated that response for sure." Dude has no clue, I swear.
  6. I love that part of her plan hinged on Diggle or Malcolm lugging Oliver's dead weight around. I can just imagine Diggle sighing and shaking his head upon realizing that he would be tasked with carrying 180 lbs. of pure muscle through the secret escape passage. Good times.
  7. I'll forever not understand why they cast J.R. Ramirez as Ted Grant because he was already recurring on season 1 of Power at that point. For someone who was supposed to be a big part of Laurel's training & a possible love interest, why cast a guy that was gonna have filming conflicts? Doesn't make sense.
  8. The Laurel fans are the LaurelLanceDefenseSquad, not the DinahDefenseSquad :)
  9. The unique audience, impressions, and tweets are all the highest they've been all year (even higher than the season premiere and the Flarrow crossover). Cool.
  10. Don't do it! Don't even dare to hope, it'll crush you. Laurel is never leaving...she'll survive a nuclear apocalypse, Armageddon, Doomsday, all other world-ending scenarios. No matter how much I hope that she goes to pursue law in San Diego or San Francisco or wherever she was headed, I don't think it's ever gonna happen :( So not happy that Oliver is separated from Felicity and Diggle AGAIN next episode. I don't want to watch Oliver in Nanda Parbat and everyone else in Starling City...so I guess I'll just read about what went down. So over the LoA crap, please let this season be the end of that for good.
  11. Yeah, I can't believe that people are saying that...I've seen more explicit stuff on the Vampire Diaries. Like a few others, I didn't like the choppy editing of the love scene, and I would have liked more wonderment from Oliver when Felicity confessed that she loved him. I wanted more "I can't believe this is happening" from Oliver since he has barely touched Felicity all season, and I would have liked if she had started undressing him, but whatever, I'm not the director! I mean, it sounds like I hated the scene, and I swear that I really didn't. But I've waited three seasons for this, and it could have been so much sexier, damn it!
  12. Finally got to watch this one like 4 hours after it aired, so I'm typing this before reading the thread. Didn't someone who saw the episode early describe the jet scene as "cute"? Yeah, Oliver talking about snapping that dude's neck. Aww, how cute. WTF?! Wondering what LoA member was tasked with changing Thea into her Pit dress. Poor girl was comatose AND some random stranger saw her naked. Not cool. Loved Felicity referencing the "Survive My Sword Prophecy." Yes, it is as ridiculous as you make it sound, Felicity. The love scene wasn't actually as hot as I thought it would be. I think that my expectations were too high. Oh well. The goodbye scene with Diggle made me teary, I will admit. "John, you're the best man I've ever known. Whatever happens, you're my brother." Aww, that was just lovely. Then Oliver had to go and fuck it all up with that obnoxious "I just want you to be happy" crap with Felicity. I wish he would stop saying that! I mean, I like that he wants her to be happy, but she won't be happy without you, you idiot!
  13. Haha, I'm gonna go with "no." Should be yes...but probably no.
  14. Even if the writing is complete shit, I'm still very hopeful because SA and EBR have scorching chemistry that can probably save even some of the worst dialogue.
  15. Well this is disappointing. I think that PeterMills was probably my favorite character...Charlie Barnett is so darn cute and likable. They kind of failed him on the storyline front, but I didn't want him to leave. Does that mean that Warren Christie's character is replacing him? Eh. Not happy about this at all!
  16. I did not watch The Flash, but I saw a gif set online where Cisco talks about quadrupling the range and tripling the resonance of the Canary Choker of Bleeding Eardrums. Laurel should be able to "do some serious damage with this thing" according to Cisco. I do not think that the writers have thought this through. Is Laurel just going to go around shattering people's eardrums? Seriously. God help any man or woman who is in the field with her.
  17. "I choose you, Ray." *sleeps with Oliver 2 hours later* What a mess that would be! I hate how the Ray/Felicity thing concluded, and I wish that the writers had given Felicity a bit of time before sleeping with Oliver, but it is what it is. I don't get why they did it this way, but I don't really like Ray, so it doesn't make me irate or anything like that.
  18. Weren't the EPs going on and on all season about Felicity making a choice between the two men? I mean, obviously her heart wasn't in it, but Ray just basically made the choice for her. That whole storyline was such a fucking waste of time.
  19. There was that tweet "Olicity fans, this is YOUR chapter. Please vote with your dollars." Then he retweeted that comment about "We should all go buy @mguggenheim book #Overwatch to REALLY thank him for the 2x23 #OlicityKiss!!!" Then when the book sold out, he said something about probably having Olicity fans to thank for that. He was also contemplating doing some sort of fundraiser to even release the deleted kiss video (when asked if he would release the deleted Olicity mansion kiss, he said "maybe we'll use it to raise money for a good cause or something" ) but obviously he decided against that since he released the video after that twitter trend.
  20. I do like that this was for a good cause, but I have to admit (and please don't burn me at the stake here), it bothers me that whenever money is needed for something, it is always the Olicity fans that are targeted. This is not the first time he has asked for money from this particular group of people (could be the first time he's asked for a good cause, though, I'm not sure) and I don't think it will be the last, either.
  21. The last thing I remember SA questioning was the decision to kill off Sara. I remember that he said something like, "Are we sure about this, guys?" And look how that mess turned out. If he's questioning whatever happens in 3x21 and if the damage can eventually be undone, well I'm really concerned. Like, are people going to be rage-tweeting MG after next week's episode, or what? Also, have we reached the shark-jumping portion of the season yet? Because I remember MG talking about skirting as close to that line as they could without actually jumping the shark.
  22. I just don't think that I can handle Candice Cameron-Bure. She's in like every Hallmark movie ever, and her super enthusiastic attitude just isn't normal. Nobody can be that happy and positive all of the time, right?!
  23. On Orphan Black, I'm not sure how I'm going to like the increased presence of the new guy, Mark (and whatever other names he goes by). He's a creeper. I saw some gifs online, so I was curious about Bates Motel. Holy hell, that show is bizarre and I was really confused about who people are, and what's going on. I suppose that will happen when you try to jump into a show in the third season.
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