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Everything posted by TheGourmez

  1. I keep trying to talk myself into liking Franco, because I sure as hell don't want to watch Steve Burton anymore. I don't mind Franco as much as others do. Thanks for the suggestions. I'm not sure I can handle Jason doing anything but rolling off a dock these days.
  2. I have a little time right now to catch up on the GH I've missed....which is a lot. Over the past year and a half, are there any episodes that you particularly remember being worth watching? I wouldn't expect anyone to give me actual air dates, but if there are scenes you think I should catch, I can probably find them. Thanks!
  3. Ignacio Serricchio, who played the riveting roles of Diego Alcazar *and* Zombie Text Message Killer Diego, is Don West, one of the main(ish) characters in the new Lost in Space on Netflix. He's aged well.
  4. A fan made a nice and LONG in memoriam vid celebrating many of the cast and crew who've passed on from GH over the years. If you have 14 minutes to spend, it's a nice nostalgia trip.
  5. I do wish the last two episodes had gone on without the not-so-subtle sexual abuse suggestion and the needless Antonio suicide attempt. I'm okay with having Andrew kill himself in the midst of the swat team's attack, acceptable dramatic license for me, but those two inclusions soured the overall whole. I will rewatch - such beautiful shots & framing throughout this finale, but those two elements stopped me from being fully blow away. I would also have liked a tribute to the victims for the final frame, as a final undercutting of Andrew's importance.
  6. As...as a block of wood? /sorry not sorry
  7. Great insight into Cunanan's mother at the episode's end, @Sarah D. Bunting! You had me cringing at the traits she shares with my own mother and Andrew - hearing the story she wants to her, only honing in on what she wants her reality to be. Luckily, mine comes without the sponge baths and murderous rage.
  8. FYI @Sarah D. Bunting, I think the picture of Andrew in the Advocate spread was meant to be Andrew pasting his head over Antonio's, not a production mistake.
  9. Yeah, I'm pretty sure WGA members just blindly vote GH every year. They've won since forever.
  10. And, of course, that's why it was the penultimate sentence of Episode 2. I admire how the dialogue ties in to events we may not yet know, kind of a backward foreshadowing with this timeline. For example,
  11. Very well put. I think this series would be more aptly named ACS: The Victims of Andrew Cunanan rather than ACS: The Andrew Cunanan Story thus far, and that's because we aren't getting his story, at least yet. We are getting the stories of his victims, and I think that's an honorable intention, even if the main character remains little more than sociopath thus far. I enjoyed seeing Cunanan try to handle, quantify emotion in this episode, but I think we will ultimately learn that Andrew Cunanan is a victim of himself as well, how he gets to the point that he decides there's no going back to normal human life for him if he can't get the desperate acceptance he craves and used to have from those he felt the most affection toward. That last episode was just wonderful, which is so hard to say of the gruesome reality it stems from.
  12. An important part of this fashion, at least among my circles in the early 90s, was that you had to bag out the shirt after tucking it in. Literally pull the shirt up just enough from the pants to create a baggy effect.
  13. Watching after reading so many reactions and reviews actually made the show more subtle than I expected! On dovegate, I'd have been satisfied with one pan to it in the morgue; two was overkill. I haven't watched Season 1 - haven't decided to cough up money for it yet, hoping it comes to Hulu - so I can't compare S2 to that. I think the aspects of gaudiness in score and portrayals are purposeful as a reflection of the Versace aesthetic, and I dig it. I'm not amazed with Darren's performance yet, though it's good. I'm a fangirl of 8 years at this point, but I think I'm still capable of rationality. ;) Ricky Martin has been pretty good thus far, and as a lifelong General Hospital viewer, "pretty good" is way better than I expected. Ricky got so much crap for his acting as Miguel on GH - he was pretty entertaining on it, regardless of the acting competency. Nice to see him onscreen again for me. I thought Penelope was great, and I look forward to seeing more of Edgar's portrayal. I am drawn into serial killer cases; something in me yearns to understand how anyone can give in to such depravity. So I'm all in for sure. I'm hoping to be awed with future eps.
  14. Other than delight once I realized that was Asha--sorry, Yara--Greyjoy onscreen, I give this series a solid meh. The actors were good, but overall, it just seemed like a hodge podge of every "I'm an angsty, edgy teen" film I've ever seen.
  15. I think they set up that divide very well toward the end of S5, and the heart attack foreshadowing was strong. Those eps are some of the best acting done on the show by John Spencer, IMHO. For the record, I enjoyed the Josh/Donna scenes in Germany and the openness on Josh's face - acting without speaking is some of the best work this cast does. But I don't think I'd be friends with Josh -or- Donna in reality. I'm perfectly happy to root on their ship, though. And I miss Danny Concannon. This is my first ever show watch...and I'm about to start A Change is Gonna Come.
  16. Still a few days behind, but after having now seen both Sarah Brown and Tamara Braun on this show in different roles, I can unequivocally say that yes, it's always been the character of Carly that I hate and not the actresses' portrayals. NULOCH UO, but if Roger Howarth were playing a character other than Franco, I think I'd dig a pairing between his and Becky's characters. Sadly, that is not what we've been served. I may be...glad?...that Steve Burton has returned because it's finally freeing Billy Miller from having to play Jason at all. Now if Burton could just go away again, we wouldn't need to bother with the character at all anymore. A girl can dream.
  17. I took one look at was like, "That is NOT Maxie Jones."
  18. In a lasting long-term relationship, I guess, but do we know how long Kevin and Sophie were together and married? This would be such a fun twist! I don't worry about these sort of details myself, but I imagine he just rented a car. Rental offices at the airport are open late and re-open early. And I highly doubt the clerks are required to assess whether someone's struggling with alcoholism or just looks like hell with the flu. So...he rented a car.
  19. For ranking, because this is definitely a show given to ranking: 1. Murder House: The first is still the best for me, maybe because the plot twists were the best. 2. Cult: There was so much truth in this season, and I love how extremism on both sides of the political spectrum was skewered. I'm progressive as hell, but I grew up in a very conservative household, so what drives me most insane is people's unwillingness to remember that their political opponents are also people who think they're doing the right thing. And cults are just plain fascinating. 3. Coven: That season was just a lot of over the top fun. I watch this show primarily to be entertained. Story is less important, which one must accept if one watches Ryan Murphy shows. 4. Hotel: Again, one I was in for the over the topness. Mainly the over the top aesthetic. 5. Roanoke: I lived in NC for a while, so it was fun to have Roanoke as the centering force. And I enjoyed the reality show gimmick. 6. Asylum: I think there was too *much* story this season that I gave up trying to follow it. 7. Freak Show: I don't think I could hate a season ending more than I did this one. EVERYONE DIES JUST BECAUSE! I didn't think I was ready for a horror show about American politics yet, but turned out I really was! But can I please actually have a character to root for next season? Is that too much to ask for? Also, a little (lot) less Sarah Paulsen screentime please...
  20. I think people have placed way too much important in that Night King's touch. I think it was only important to the episode it was in, perhaps a way to specifically get past the Children's magic there. I don't think Bran was pushed out of the dream in this episode, just got spooked and so ended his spying for the moment. Oh, for sure! I wouldn't be surprised if there's an earlier reference point, too; the team power walk is always an effective way to frame a shot. Buffy's merely the first time I remember seeing it.
  21. Everyone on Twitter kept saying Suicide Squad and that just made me inexorably sad for humanity. My first power walk memory was probably Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
  22. The organizers of individual events do, which tend to be a handful of people who also set up events throughout the country throughout the year - $125 is a fairly typical price. The GHFCW organizers themselves set the price for the Main Banquet and some of the smaller events here and there. Or at least that's how they did it last time I went, which was like in 2013 or 2014. And no, I would never pay that much either (I was in for free as a photographer/writer). But plenty of people do.
  23. I really didn't expect Piscatella to eat it, but it is somewhat poetic that he gets accidentally killed by a group being as over-the-top militant as he's always been. I don't think his backstory was meant to make us feel for him; for me, it made me more prepared to see how far he'd go torturing Red and Red's family. I wouldn't have thought he'd go there, and I originally thought he was trying to take out all the inmates one-by-one singlehandedly to retake the prison. Nope: revenge game. The last moment was beautifully done, but I didn't enjoy this season as much as last year's, which was one of the best for sure. Flaritza were actually a highlight for me this year, and many individual performances were great, but I didn't understand why most of the inmates behaved as they did, switching allegiances all over the place. So overall performances, Flaritza, the inexplicable chemistry between Caputo and Figueroa, Frieda's badassery, the talent show, and the opening two episodes were the reasons I'd watch this season again. Definitely not for the Piper/Alex relationship and dear god, the methheads needs to go.
  24. So Burton is returning? Even less reason to try regular watching again.
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