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Everything posted by TheGourmez

  1. Centering around Rachel is fine. I'm just glad it won't be centering around Rachel going "home" to Finn after her one Broadway show. Though to be fair, the showrunners may have intended that planned final scene to be many years in the future. But probably not more than a decade, and I don't think that would have been long enough for Rachel's ambitions int NYC. Nor did I want to see Finn settle in Lima for all-time. Find his passion while there? Sure. But stay there? Nope. He wanted out.
  2. Due to NULOCH, I can only rank Carlys by the one I hate most to the one I hate least. 1. SJB. I hated, hated, hated original Carly and everything about her, although I did like the scene when Bobbie found out Carly was her daughter. 2. TB. This is when Carly's shit stopped stinking, and she became the patron saint of mob molls, a title that Olivia is currently in the running for. I couldn't stand the screeching. There was so much screeching. And I resented that the unholy trinity took up 99.9% of airtime on my show. 3. JB. I hated her because she was supposed to be Carly, but I'm still not sure she actually was. 4. LW. Once again, I hate Carly. I am very grateful to her pairing with Franco, because there were brief moments when she was with Jax and Todd that I didn't hate her. That wasn't okay.
  3. Loved the episode. Which doesn't mean there wasn't plenty to dislike, which is most Glee. Frankly, I consider that part of Glee. For this episode, it was only the cutting of Total Eclipse of the Heart that annoyed me. And not seeing Stoner Brett on the graduation stage. Even the Temple Grandin stuff was only long enough to warrant an extended eye roll, and I thought the rest of Holly's scenes were hilarious. And the Animal Husbandry class's WTF looks at being pulled into a glee club dance routine were hilarious. On Santana, I love that they had Brittany able to see through her so easily, and that they validated my own thoughts as to Santana's motivations. I had no problem with her going for the understudy role--she didn't do it to undermine Rachel at first. She did it to try that career on for size. And if Rachel hadn't reacted like she did, I think Santana would have decided it didn't fit and quit within a week. But Rachel raged, so Santana activated her "all in" mode, and we were left with a stand-off until Brittany diffused the situation. I've often found Brittany a waste, but I agree with BLT's comments that she was more like the S2 emotional genius Brittany in this episode, which suits her well. I enjoyed her and her dancing in both episodes. Absence makes the heart grow fonder? That, and I loathed her with Sam. Can't wait to see what nonsensical reasons they come up with to have Will and Sue pop up in the show from time to time.
  4. Nowhere near as good as the first Dungeons and Dragons episode. I'm fully in the meh camp.
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