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Everything posted by TheGourmez

  1. I want to know where people are discussing She-Ra, @Brn2bwild! Because it's clearly not here. LOL.
  2. Woo hoo! I've finally started watching the new season! Loved the first episode, especially the dogs and Steve's building concern that this was both an exciting and disturbing development. The shadow in the kitchen was pretty cool, too. Not so sure the child sounds aren't just a barn settling - I wish we had more of the debunking of old, but I bet producers thought that was boring material over time. Regardless, these guys are comfort food to me! I wouldn't mind seeing more of the old TAPS contacts that bring them in.
  3. Honestly, it could have worked if ANY of the younger characters were more developed than a two-line casting call. I still have no idea why they bothered with the blonde actress daughter at all. At this point, the characters in a Murphy/Brennan production are all just caricatures of an idea, whether portraying a real person or an imagined one.
  4. I don't think the twin came completely out of nowhere - I think Luz having twins was meant to be a hint, as twins are often common along the same family line. But I think they are matrilineal, not patrilineal? I don't know why I'm defending this.
  5. The lack of resolution of the jeep accident scene is the first time I've watched this show and was truly annoyed at an unexplained plot thread. There should have been immediate followup on that, not a time jump to Chester coming home. I didn't expect him to be so heartless to his father - it made no sense. Because his mother, who also lied to him his whole life, is blood, somehow she deserves more respect from him? But then, I've never quite understood the reverence folks pay to their bloodlines. I've no problem with the historic and horror plots living together. It's not the best story ever told, but it's a fresh one to me.
  6. Just caught up-I love that Hailey works at an art gallery! Seems like a natural career for a sibling to a blind person. She probably has a lot of experience describing visual media to her brother and maybe fell in love with that.
  7. I thought the final scene was meant to convey that Logan had managed to call in the terrorist threat, knowing Kendall's plan. But he did seem genuinely surprised by the no confidence vote, so I'm not sure.
  8. Seriously. I couldn't stop feeling the impending doom for the Troi Riker household all episode. I really wish they hadn't killed Hugh - it was, wait for it....overkill. I liked the knife-throwing action sequence, but they could have managed that without killing him off. So is the anti-synth cult in charge of the Romulan Borg recovery operation? That's not been clear to me, but with the Space Lannisters' run of the place, I'm thinking yes.
  9. Maybe, that far in the future, the French accent has evolved into a bad French accent!
  10. I just watched the whole series thus far, and that's my biggest complaint - SO MANY GOODBYES and speeches!! And then the private goodbyes after the group goodbyes? So much overkill. I dug the Ash/Michael relationship last season, but this season, the poignancy of the goodbyes was lost because there were so many. I was actually surprised that no one on Discovery is nursing a grudge against Michael still for her past mutiny. Does the whole crew know all the details of all these highly classified missions? I think it would do a lot if she still had to deal with others' resentment. Otherwise, I loved the show. I'm just thrilled to be back in a world in which I have new Star Trek - multiple new Star Treks! These shows feel more like the Star Trek universe to me than the rebooted movies, of which I only watched one. Loved Pike, loved Saru, loved Tilly. I'm not sold on Stamets and Culber's return wasn't as polished as it might be, though if Culber continues struggling next year with his return, then maybe I'll be okay with that. I'd love Michael to rely more on her Vulcan upbringing again - she was far too comfortable with all her human emotions this year. Or maybe I'm just tired of her tears. I want more of her just plain being competent. I would really like to know how the Klingons went from shades of gray and blue to mostly brown by TNG, but Worf may not let me ever learn the secrets. I laughed out loud when they grew hair this season, though - the bald heads were so bad.
  11. Ah, synths! For some reason, I thought they were going with "sents" as the term for problematic androids instead for sentients vs non-sentient ones. That area of France is Sunstone Winery in SoCal!
  12. So Calanthe's daughter's moroseness for the whole dinner party wasn't that she didn't want to get married but that she was pining for the whole (hedge)hog? I really found her simpering until she stepped up to defend him.
  13. And my theater was totally into it - people gasped at all the right moments, etc. I was the only one giggling at believability issues, but I also enjoyed it (not a big FAN, just a little one). Most of my friends who've gone have loved it, though the dissenters are loud.
  14. Not Jewish, but I don't think they believe Jesus to be a prophet. Muslims do, though.
  15. You guys, in the Amish episode STEVE HAS HAIR!!!! 😂😂 He's wearing headphones without his hat at some point and I was SO surprised to see hair. I always assumed he shaved his head bald under the hats. The legs in the antique shop episode are pretty cool - they look too skinny to be human legs to me, which creeps me out more. Re-animated puppetry?
  16. Just bought the season because who am I kidding, I love this stuff. So Episode 2....I groaned when they started bringing in Native American burial grounds. But I didn't know there were actually Native American burial mounds that had been destroyed by settlers, and having that historian come in lent a smidge of respectability to it. I don't think we got to see enough evidence though - no replays of the knocks and talking except for one EVP, for example. Loved that they did more research, though, especially in dispelling the deaths that the family thought had happened in certain way.
  17. How is this thread not full of people commenting on the Lord Commander again heading north?
  18. I think the changes accomplish both just fine, and I'm glad she's still bigger on the bottom, though her face and neck have become slender. I like the representations of larger girls doing great! I agree @Brn2bwild, on being unsure about Light Hope. I think, at this point, we're supposed to believe that the First People were bad people and that they invented She-Ra and the weapon to become all powerful in the galaxy, which Mara stopped by pulling the planet out of the dimension, and that was always meant to be Light Hope's purpose, to train the She-Ra and keep that dark purpose hidden from her until the planet was in balance and it was too late. I'm not sure if the present day princesses and their people are supposed to be descendants of the First People or if they are rather indigenous populations that were already there before the First People migrated to Etheria.
  19. Off-topic, y'all, but I feel a NEED to discuss the ludicrousness that is Netflix's Haunted, but I can't for the life of my figure out what category to start the show topic in. We don't have docudrama, right?
  20. New episodes coming soon! As I dressed up as Glimmer for Halloween, can't say I'm looking forward to her costume transition, but I'm willing to accept it if the story is good enough.
  21. Yeah, not being fond of Steve and Tango would definitely make it less enjoyable!
  22. I have now done so! Just needed the encouragement to take the plunge, I guess.
  23. To start us off, I've only seen the first episode so far, as I don't have the Travel Channel. But I enjoyed seeing Steve, Jason, and Tango on my screen again enough that I'm going to figure out how to watch more without cable. The episode I saw was the first, The Boys are Back, about a farmhouse in Tennessee that seemed very haunted indeed! But I missed the debunking aspect - they did no analyzing of the data, and I was disappointed that they didn't try to recreate the homeowner's experience seeing the potential hooded ghost. Sounds like Grant may have taken the debunking to the Ghost Hunters reboot, but the beloved personalities appear on Ghost Nation instead? I am admittedly sad they aren't all on the same show.
  24. A thread for discussion of the new ghost-hunting show, Ghost Nation, on the Travel Channel, led by former TAPS members Jason Hawes, Steve Gonsalves, and Dave Tango.
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