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Everything posted by babyhouseman

  1. They usually address religion in a general way on soaps. I remember Guiding Light having a hot priest. And on this show, poor, forgotten Paul's brother was a priest. Guiding Light on the radio had a religious start. I was trying to remember christenings on Y and R and couldn't. I googled and found baby Sully/Christian and baby Faith when both babies had their "fake" mothers(Sharon and Ashley). Incidentally, Faith's middle name was Colleen. And a recapper described who Ashland was talking to in the preview as an older man. I'm gonna be goofy and say because of the names, Ashland and Ashley are twins separated at birth. lol
  2. I don't think it will be Rosie tomorrow. She retweeted about tomorrow on The View and said "not me".
  3. It's easy to be choosy about jobs when you have money.
  4. I have friends in an online medical group who have used them, and there should no connection. Most surrogates already have children which is good because it proves they can carry a pregnancy and they have at least one child to focus on. And the donor is usually the husband. Remember Mackenzie was a surrogate for Lily and Cane? She didn't have any angst that I remember.
  5. The gray haired man up top looks like he's over it. Doesn't he want somebody's autograph?
  6. I was thinking in terms of doing something illegal. And Tonya Harding did that. Then there are the political controversies.
  7. I keep up with celebrity gossip. They do a lot of trashy celebrity articles.
  8. I might be too cynical, but I always thought her mom's injury was a way for her to get on the show. They can't cast Lori Loughlin because she's too controversial.
  9. OK, my profile makes it obvious I love the movie Dirty Dancing. Melora Hardin played Baby in a short lived TV show based on Dirty Dancing. I remember watching the show and not getting into it. It'll probably be mentioned on DWTS. I'm familiar with her from Monk too. If the gymnast gets Sasha, I'll root for them. I like Sasha and want him to win. But his last gymnast didn't turn out as well as hoped(Simone Biles). And I hate the bachelor association with the show. The past two winners have been Bachelor people. Ugh for bachelor nation. They got Grocery store Joe much higher than he deserved. And I know we have to accept Tyra. But having the 30th season without Tom is so irritating.
  10. Making fun of adults on the internet is fair game to me. Maybe Zach doesn't mind the teasing. But he has to live with her. He doesn't have to read the internet.
  11. This is what Jim Boob looks like before sexy times with the wife. That's what Mechelle looks like during sexy times. Walmart can hire these people for a commercial. Have lunch in Walmart. Get your car serviced in Walmart. Take a pregnancy test in a Walmart bathroom. Yeah, hillbillies come in different stripes. Many are not religious. Many don't want a bunch of younguns. You know you're a Duggar if you know mama's menstrual cycle.
  12. Yeah. Chris needs a son to ride motorcycles with and go to strip clubs together. But with Chris being in his seventies by the time the son is old enough, it might not happen. But look at Amy's father at his age. Chris can take him on the motorcycle to the strip club.
  13. I know Amy and people on the show are making more money than they deserve. That's been known since Kate Gosselin and the Duggars started their shows. It's just fun to snark on these people.
  14. Kate Gosselin kept her last name because of the brand, and she really hated her ex husband. But she didn't remarry. Personally, I don't care. Amy can change her last name to one of her adoring friends' last names.
  15. No Peta? Did she and Maks win the lottery?
  16. Maybe she wrote Matt a thank you note: Dear Matt: I'm being made to thank you for letting me use the farm for the wedding. So thank you. Please enjoy the painted rock enclosed. Amy, wife of Chris, married August 28, 2021 and Mr. Amy, my man
  17. The wedding makeup artist must've put the makeup on with a butter knife.
  18. I'd like to know what the toast was. He can be as cranky as his daughter, but maybe it was sweet.
  19. I've seen them. They transferred a herd of elks from the West to the mountains of NC.
  20. She can give birth in Target. Makes as much sense as the home births. Name the baby Tar-jay.
  21. ,Makes me think of the song, How Can I Miss You if You Won't Go Away?
  22. Cameran Eubanks was on the Southern Charm reality show set in Charleston. She's married to a doctor and has a daughter. She wasn't political on SC. From what I saw of her on SC, she wasn't totally annoying, but she wasn't talking politics.
  23. There's a rock with a little bed. They did customize the glasses with wedding details.
  24. He's Mr. Amy. I do feel sorry for men who have to wear suits during the summer while women get to wear lighter clothes. In the pages of vows, she probably promoted her social media and cooking videos. And she did make him cry. At my aunt and uncle's wedding in July many years ago, she though he was crying when he was sweating. What about the painted rocks? They must've felt left out. Maybe one of the guests is selling one on ebay.
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