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Everything posted by babyhouseman

  1. She had some of my favorite moments. The episode where she was thinking about gettting breast implants was good. I liked when she said, "I’m havin’ such a good time it reminds me of snow days. You remember snow days. You know, you’d wake up in the mornin’ and there’d be a couple of inches of snow on the ground and while Mama was fixin’ breakfast we’d be sittin’ around listenin to the radio to see which schools were closed, and which schools were gonna be open. And we’d sit there and just pray and pray “Please oh please oh please say Franklin Elementary.” And then the radio would say, “And Franklin Elementary” and we would just roll all around the floor in our jammies saying “Yes, yes yes!” Every time I see schools closing for snow I think of that scene.
  2. Lucy: I hope I wasn’t too much trouble. Rose: Don't be silly. Dorothy: We enjoyed having you. Sophia: So did half of Miami. Dorothy: Ma!
  3. Rose: Why don't you just kiss and make up?" Sophia: "Why dont' you just blow it out your ditty bag."
  4. Googling Valdosta Feed and Grain, I found the exchange: SUZANNE: I sized [Tammy] up the minute she walked in. Ya wanna know who she is? I'll tell you who she is. She's Miss Valdosta Feed and Grain, and if there's one thing that I've learned it's that you just can't be nice to the Miss Valdosta Feed and Grains of the world. JULIA: Suzanne, I know you pride yourself on having a pageant story for every occasion, but why not give Mary Jo a break on this one. SUZANNE: I'm just trying to be helpful, Julia. And y'know, there's a reason women like that want to be close to you. You have to be close to someone to knife them. It happened to me at the local pageant level. JULIA: Well now you've raised the hair on the back of our necks. I mean --- a local pageant level story -- these are the ones I love to hear again and again. SUZANNE: Ok. You can go ahead and make fun. But, when I and Miss Valdosta Feed and Grain, and a bunch of other girls were up for Miss Atlanta, it was Miss Valdosta Feed and Grain who pretended to be my best friend. And it was Miss Valdosta Feed and Grain who insisted on being my roommate. JULIA: If you have to say it, abbreviate it! Just call her Miss Feed or Miss Grain....you're giving me a headache. SUZANNE: Well now you've ruined the story. MARY JO: It doesn't matter. I get the point. This woman pretended to be your friend and wasn't. I just don't know what motive Tammy would have for that, or why she would be interested in getting my kids. SUZANNE: Because.........she's interested in anything that will make her the queen bee. That's the way those Miss Valdosta Feed and Grains are. They constantly compete with other women. JULIA: Suzanne, I hate to say it, but this is beginning to sound a lot like you. SUZANNE: Just what are you saying, Julia? Are you calling me a Miss Valdosta Feed and Grainand Grain? JULIA: I had always hoped it wouldn't come to this........but..... (she sighs, shrugs, and walks away) Another exchange from this episode: SUZANNE: Charlene, is there anything exciting for me in the mail? JULIA: No, just Julia's American Heritage, and I'm sure you're not interested in that. SUZANNE: I might be. Does it have pictures? CHARLENE: Yes it does, but most of the men are dead. (suddenly losing interest, Suzanne drops the magazine and picks up an envelope) SUZANNE: Well........what's this? CHARLENE: Those are Julia's tickets to the art exhibit. She's taking your mama. SUZANNE: (to Julia) Why didn't you ask me? JULIA: Because you don't like art. SUZANNE: I don't like art. I don't like history. I don't know where y'all get this stuff. JULIA: Perhaps you have forgotten that time we were at the Louve and you said, and I quote "I have no intention of being dragged to one more museum just to look at a bunch of pictures of small-busted, naked women with large butts lying around outdoors eating fruit."
  5. I'm another Dorothy, a sarcastic bookworm. But I am from the South and do Blanche's southern mannerisms in my head.
  6. Y for Yassir Arafat. "You grow a beard, Dorothy! Believe me, I woke up one morning, I looked like Arafat!”
  7. This reminds me of the episode where Suzanne wanted to get Charlene's baby a wig for an audition. "That's a fine howdy do after I got her this". Takes a little dark wig out of a bag. "I had it cut down from one of my old wigs." Whenever I see a bald baby girl, I think she needs a baby wig.
  8. The breast enlargement episode had some great lines: Mary Jo; These things are power! Julia: Suzanne's had those as long as I can remember. She was born with them. Mother and Daddy and I used to sit around and just stare at them. It's just the spin of the ole' genetic wheel. I think I've been amply compensated. Charlene: What's that mean? Mary Jo: It means Suzanne got the boobs, and she (pointing to Julia) got the brains. Suzanne: I don't think I like the turn this conversation has taken. Mary Jo: Oh, c'mon big boobs/tiny brains, it's a story as old as the hills. I didn't write it. Charlene: Mary Jo! I cannot believe you would even repeat that! Mary Jo: Oh, I'm just kidding. It's just the Littlest Angel's way of kind of evening the score. Suzanne: What's this Littlest Angel stuff anyway? Mary Jo: It's the name of a training bra, Suzanne. I'm sure you wouldn't know anything about that. Suzanne: A training bra; you little people have to train yours, and you call us dumb.
  9. Charlene was on the dumb side, but I thought she was realistic in her portrayal. I'm in the South, and I know a woman like her.
  10. Then Mary Jo sang it to her, teasing her. I loved it. Remember the talent show where Suzanne wore blackface. They sang "Aint No Mountain High Enough" and Suzanne and Anthony sang "Love is Strange". Then Mary Jo sang "Marry Me Bill" and "Where the Boys Are" at Charlene's shower. This show had so many great musical memories.
  11. Charlene and her tabloids drove Julia crazy. Julia to Charlene: Or, I've just never before noticed the extent of your unequalled ability to be fascinated at absolutely nothing.
  12. Suzanne: Happy New Year to you too, Bernice.....ya little fruitcake. Mrs. Perky Sugarbaker: [explaining Bernice's odd behavior to Suzanne and Julia] She has an arterial flow problem above the neck.
  13. Julia: Yes, and I gather from your comments there are a couple of other things you don't know, Marjorie. For example, you probably didn't know that Suzanne was the only contestant in Georgia pageant history to sweep every category except congeniality, and that is not something the women in my family aspire to anyway. Or that when she walked down the runway in her swimsuit, five contestants quit on the spot. Or that when she emerged from the isolation booth to answer the question, "What would you do to prevent war?" she spoke so eloquently of patriotism, battlefields and diamond tiaras, grown men wept. And you probably didn't know, Marjorie, that Suzanne was not just any Miss Georgia, she was the Miss Georgia. She didn't twirl just a baton, that baton was on fire. And when she threw that baton into the air, it flew higher, further, faster than any baton has ever flown before, hitting a transformer and showering the darkened arena with sparks! And when it finally did come down, Marjorie, my sister caught that baton, and 12,000 people jumped to their feet for sixteen and one-half minutes of uninterrupted thunderous ovation, as flames illuminated her tear-stained face! And that, Marjorie - just so you will know - and your children will someday know - is the night the lights went out in Georgia! Julia: I guess I'm excited about seeing Mother again, visiting a totally new country. Of course, seeing Japan with Mother will be seeing the real Japan. Suzanne: Julia, I am just here to visit Mother and pick up a car. I do not want to have any cultural experiences. As for seeing the "real" Japan, I've noticed that whenever people start talking about seeing the "real" anything, what they're talking about, basically, is hanging around with poor people. Now, I say I don't hang around with poor people at home, why should I do it on vacation? [suzanne modeling a fur pull-over] Protester: 50 animals died because of that coat! Suzanne: Wanna make it 51? Julia: Have you all just COMPLETELY lost your minds?
  14. Dorothy: I've just been thrown out of an unauthorized Elvis-fan-club... I'll try to pick up the pieces and go on with my life... I mean there must be a support group for people like me. Dorothy: An aphrodisiac, Rose. Something that makes you feel sexy... like Spanish Fly. Rose: [disgusted] Spanish flies? Dorothy: Fly, Rose. One Fly. Spanish Fly. Rose: Oh, come on Dorothy. I've been to Spain. It's not the cleanest country in the world, they must have thousands of flies. Dorothy: It is not a fly Rose! It's a beetle! Rose: They call it a fly but it's really a beetle? Dorothy: Yes. Rose: How do they know it's Spanish? Dorothy: Because it wears a little sombrero, Rose!
  15. Yes, Wendy Williams was rude. I was thinking how she was Tony's partner, and since Tony is Maks' friend, she should've been nicer. Meryl denied she and Maks are dating, but I still love their relationship. Here's a website with some of the M/M dances: http://www.freep.com/article/20140522/ENT03/305220205/meryl-davis-maks-Chmerkovskiy-dancing-stars
  16. My mother is still mad Derek lost the All Stars season. I liked Tony and Melissa too so it didn't matter to me.
  17. After Maks did the segment about the babies, they went back live to Maks, Meryl, and Erin. He looked embarrased, and Tom said, "Look for the show, "The Blushing Russian."
  18. Derek and Shawn Johnson did a Knight Rider bhangra during All Stars. It sound silly, but since D and S were such great dancers, they did a good job.
  19. He had the best lines tonight. When he talked to the fireman, he said, "I have all your calendars." When the wedding was finally happening, he said to Lily something like, "Go be a flower girl before you turn into a flower teenager."
  20. Yes, I think his "happiness" hurt him in certain dances. He and Sharna didn't click for me either. I wonder how he would've done with a more experienced pro. I like Candace, but she's not the best dancer. James is just blah to me. I love Derek. I started watching the show because of him and Jennifer Grey. But I've been voting for M/M because they're the dances I rewatch on youtube. Amy is amazing for what she has accomplished, but she's just not grabbing me with most of her dances. I did enjoy her quickstep and jive.
  21. You're right, CED9. I just read the blog.
  22. I think Amy has the samba and quickstep.
  23. On TWOP, they would call Michael Landon playing the violin "pit fiddling".
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