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Everything posted by babyhouseman

  1. N is for the nudist colony the girls ended up at on vacation.
  2. B is for Bom, Bom from them singing Mr. Sandman.
  3. I is for Immigration which was an issue in the Mario Lopez show.
  4. Play is for the plays the girls were in. Blanche's audition went bust.
  5. E is for the Elvis fan club who kicked Dorothy out which caused her to need a support group.
  6. I get the Hallmark channel now too. Guess what I watched this morning.
  7. S is for the South is where Blanche was from where she matured faster even though we don't know if it was from the heat or the gin.
  8. O is for orgasm which Blanche had many times, many many times!
  9. G is for glub, glub, glub which Blanche said at age 92 in a tub after seducing a cute tennis instructor.
  10. Gunilla Nylund was the daughter of Rose and Charlie Nylund. According to Rose, she was conceived on "Hay Day," an annual holiday in St. Olaf.
  11. Joy talked about JR on Good Morning America this morning.
  12. Actress Scarlett Johannsenn named her daughter Rose Dorothy. A lot of article comments refer to the GG. Also I discovered a singer named Ingrid Michaelson and can't read her name without thinking of Rose calling out to Ingrid on the St. Olaf trip.
  13. I watched the last half of the movie an didn't like it. It was dull. I thought thought the girl who played Elizabeth Berkely looked like a Duggar girl.
  14. D is for drugs which was discussed alot on the show like the prescription kind. They have Estrogen and Maalox but no illegal drugs for the burglars.
  15. Blanche: [having kicked Dorothy out of the Elvis club] Well I... I hope you're not too upset over this, Dorothy. Dorothy: ...I've just been thrown out of an unauthorized Elvis-fan-club... I'll try to pick up the pieces and go on with my life... I mean there must be a support group for people like me.
  16. Blanche: Dorothy, she is making me an aphrodisiac. Dorothy: Use black underwear and vodka like everyone else.
  17. Rose That's the way it was with thor. Our pet lamb. From when he was first separated from his mother, he wouldn't eat, sleep, or frolic with the other sheep. Dorothy You're slipping into verse, rose. Keep it simple. Rose Daddy got the idea of taking this old inner tube, wrapping it in wool, and putting it next to thor's bed. We named it brunhilda, and it did the trick. Thor thought it was his mother. He began eating, .. Dorothy Frolicking. Blanche Frolicking. Rose Yes. Then one day, thor got a little playful and accidentally bit brunhilda.The poor little guy stood there watching his mother deflate before his very eyes. He was never the same. Sure, once in a while he'd baa at the back tires of a parked car. For the most part, he kept to himself. Dorothy I see your point. Rose You do? Blanche Who cares? Dorothy You want to hear the sequel?
  18. Dorothy: What are you doing shooting - are you crazy?! Rose: I heard a noise, I thought it was robbers. Sophia: I lived eighty, eighty-one years; I survived two world wars, pneumonia, a stroke and two operations. One night I'll belch, and Stable Mabel here will blow my head off! Rose: They were probably looking for drugs. Dorothy: We have Maalox and estrogen. Now how many junkies have gas and hot flashes?
  19. S is for Sonny Bono who was pursuing Dorothy, but it was only a dream.
  20. Blanche: But Dr. Clayton wants me. I can feel it. Dorothy: Let someone else feel it. Blanche: But we were meant for each other. I'm a woman and he's a man. Dorothy: And what am I, Little Richard?
  21. I was a teen when the concerts were happening so they make me feel nostalgic. Rock on!
  22. Rose: Game's over. I win. Dorothy: What? You bought one street in St. Olaf Rose: I bought the only street in St. Olaf. Dorothy: Let's see, I can either buy the library or the phone booth. Rose: I'd buy the phone booth. Dorothy: Why? Rose: People use the phone booth.
  23. Rose: You know how many of these stinking hot toddies I had to drink to keep on a happy face?
  24. She had some of my favorite moments. The episode where she was thinking about gettting breast implants was good. I liked when she said, "I’m havin’ such a good time it reminds me of snow days. You remember snow days. You know, you’d wake up in the mornin’ and there’d be a couple of inches of snow on the ground and while Mama was fixin’ breakfast we’d be sittin’ around listenin to the radio to see which schools were closed, and which schools were gonna be open. And we’d sit there and just pray and pray “Please oh please oh please say Franklin Elementary.” And then the radio would say, “And Franklin Elementary” and we would just roll all around the floor in our jammies saying “Yes, yes yes!” Every time I see schools closing for snow I think of that scene.
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