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Everything posted by babyhouseman

  1. Her alcoholic mother was too busy giving her food for her to learn geography. Or maybe she's thinks the world is flat.
  2. She can start a new exercise craze, Bopping your head to the oldies. But so far, so good.
  3. I said earlier I was in a mood because of family not being vaccinated and the holidays. I gotta take it out on somebody.
  4. What brings you down to Houston? I want to try all the fast food restaurants.
  5. I try to make one nice comment. I'm in the holiday spirit.
  6. A luggage cart ride.. She's probably still trying to get into her room.
  7. I hope the kids didn't see her looking like a passed out drunk.
  8. That's what I think when I see they have kids. She has innocent little helpers.
  9. If he finds you in bed dead, Big Daddy can just run a slice of pizza under your nose. That'll revive you. I don't have much hope for her. Maybe she'll surprise us. But it'll be fun.
  10. She does have a part time job. But she can't stop eating. BIg Daddy, chain her hands together.
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