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Everything posted by babyhouseman

  1. In the past, the doctor has done that with some patients.
  2. Custody battles can be bad. Maybe he has a bad relationship with his ex. It's not like he's jetting off to Houston for a vacation.
  3. Why is his father there for a video chat? He thinks Mike will eat the computer? It's all for the kids!
  4. I hope he gets a checkup, and they edit that out. That they don't drive all that way for Dr Now to tell him he's fat and to plug his book
  5. He's from Ohio. He lives an hour and a half away from his kids.
  6. I don't remember anyone on the show being dx'ed with binge eating.
  7. I don't know anything about sports, but I didn't know they cared how many concussions you got.
  8. The Lumberjack slam pack. Does a lumberjack come with it?
  9. And now Zach is displaying his children on TV. It's all about the money.
  10. I know. I thought of what could've been. I noticed that. I guess her fashions were memorable. The second dress was OK, but that first dress split down the middle? When the camera cut her off, she looked like she was wearing a tutu. I'm glad Iman won. I actually voted for him for the first time. I liked him over the other three. So it came down to him and JoJo.. What happened to the Peleton groupies? I thought it was interesting two of the freestyles had themes of accepting everyone. The old shows didn't run out of time so fast. The couple could be lifted and Tom could do an interview. The final four will be on Good Morning America tomorrow.
  11. Sherri is better as an actress than a host and has done dumb things. But she can be funny.
  12. At least she's doing things with the kids. Good night everyone. It's been fun.
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