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Everything posted by VCRTracking

  1. When I first started watching Bonanza reruns in the 90s, it was mostly from the first six seasons package. So that's Bonanza to me, with all that kind of late 50s, early 60s look and feel with Adam and the outside of the house looking like a set. I first saw the later seasons from the early 70s and it was weird and not just because of the kid they added. It actually looked like a Little House on the Prairie episode, with Landon's hair long and the filming style was similar which makes sense the crew on LHOTP came from Bonanza.
  2. I will always love the moment in the first movie when he's still skinny and Col. Phillips throws a dummy grenade in the middle of the soldiers and he just jumps on it thinking it's real while everybody is getting out of the way. It still makes me cry. I also like that they give Cap in the films a sense of humor and kind of a I loved him in the trailer saying "You had to say it!" when Thor yells "Is that the best you can do?!" and Ultron send hundreds of drones.
  3. I knew that Barry traveling back in time would mean Cisco is alive and the kiss never happened. Poor Cisco, his brother was a really douche for telling the girl he liked in high school he wanted to be a priest. I would have let his fingers be broken off from frostbite! I guess Barry really is like his brother, the way Wells was a father. Cool to see them parallel the scene between Cisco and Wells from last episode, but with a very positive outcome(although I was still white knuckling grabbing the armrests and tense throughout it) Wells was right though. A life for a life, Cisco for Iris' boss(Todd Manning from OLTL) Damn Iris, you had to go and tell Eddie about Barry? WTF? And you're surprised he punched him? Great to see Captain Cold as always and his sister. Their interplay was great. Now that he knows his secret identity is a nice way to set up Flash' dynamic with Cold and the rest of the "Rogue's Gallery" in the comics. Can't wait to see Mark Hamill as the "Trickster" from the old show next week!
  4. Oh man I was laughing so much at the Talbot scenes. Adrian Pasdar was having a blast and poor Talbot's wife(and his aide)! As creepy as the Ward and 33 scenes were, they were't as horrible as I thought they'd be. Ward(despite his protestations is still a psycho and 33 is just as broken as a doll in DOLLHOUSE was when they were in the blank state, he would have taken more advantage of her. Ward though didn't stop 33 from kissing him while wearing Skye's face because she's been brainwashed and it would be wrong, but because he finally realized Skye is just not into him. Yeah Fitz! Loved his telling Jemma that "the scariest change was you" and that the Hulk saved the world, even though Jemma was right that Bruce would rather NOT be the Hulk. I get that she's scared but I don't like where this is going. Could it lead to her taking sides with Tony in the Civil War? I don't care what anybody thinks I like Skye and Coulson's relationship. He is now unapologetically her surrogate dad at this point and I liked the Lola story and them eating licorice at the same time. It makes sense that Fury would take Steve Rogers to the cabin after being defrozen, because the modern world would be too much to handle at first. Besides the PULP FICTION homage in the beginning, there was definite nods to the reimagined BATTLESTAR GALACTICA that Edward James Olmos had starred in. Gonzales is Adama, Bobbi is Starbuck, and the bald guy giving her a hard time is Tigh. I really liked Hunter in this episode.
  5. I already like the episode but this review and analysis of Annie make me really appreciate it:
  6. I love the detail of Frankie having Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead by her bedside. I remember having to report to jury duty a few years ago and during selection there was a pretty young Asian woman sitting next to me wearing an expensive looking pantsuit, with her hair up and glasses and I spotted a paperback of Atlas Shrugged in her purse. Luckily I didn't get picked but I wonder how she would have been like on a jury!
  7. I'm the opposite, I was laughing throughout that whole subplot especially the tag. I felt bad for Britta, lamenting that everybody treats her like a joke and she found a kindred spirit with Elroy but ended up driving him off with her awful singing. Gillian BTW looked and sounded great in her fantasy. I think Elroy had some good lines but hasn't really fit in with the group except for Jeff. I think Frankie is doing a better job actually. I like her friendship with Annie and her views on hope. Love Vicki schooling the kid with the afro on what it's like to play background to the study group/committee. I had trouble last week with the freezing watching on Yahoo! so I just decided to either torrent or watch on Dailymotion from now on.
  8. Wow, they really aren't afraid to make Phil be a total asshole Todd and Melissa are cute and this finally shows how good she is as Betty on Mad Men I did not know January Jones could be that sweet.
  9. I believe Britta when she says her parents were terrible but I also believe that they changed. I think her running away at 17 made them realize how bad they treated her and so they took the opposite There's that Beatles song "She's Leaving Home" where in the chorus John Lennon sings the parents POV: "We gave her everything money could buy" and Paul McCartney sings "She's leaving home after living alone for so many years."
  10. Hawkeye and Quicksilver speak! In a new AoU TV spot which also has some cool new action:
  11. I like her guest appearances on the "How Did This Get Made?" podcasts for the movies Sucker Punch and LOL. Listening to the Sucker Punch one from 2011 was on the Oscar Isaac bandwagon before anybody else!
  12. The casting of Edward James Olmos as head of "real SHIELD" is brilliant. You'd think "How can anybody claim to be the real one instead of Coulson's team?" and then you cast BSG's Admiral Adama/Lt. Castillo from Miami Vice! If they call Coulson has to defend his right to be the director of SHIELD and they call him out on all the things posters have complained about(including his favoritism towards Skye) I'm going to be impressed. Angar the Screamer, which has always been one of the silliest characters is actually terrifying in execution. Cheerleaders and birds dropping like flies. Thank you show for having Tyra Collette fight Adrianna La Cerva. Loved the scene in the diner and overall Kyle MacLachlan chewing the scenery.
  13. HO. LY. SHIT. So many hard to watch scenes this episode, the top of course the guy doused in gasonline and being set on fire. Believe me I'm no fan of Apartheid era white Afrikaaners but yikes. I would have been okay with just shooting him in the head! Phillip and Elizabeth's reaction was just as disturbing. How do you not look away? Nina's reunion with the old resident she betrayed in season 1: Awkwaaaaaard. Phillip lying to Martha again and at this point I think Martha's choosing to believe the lie. Poor Gaad taking out his frustrations on a mail robot.
  14. "I'm going to name my sandwiches after her. My sandwiches suck." With the reduced cast both Britta and Gillian Jacobs have now become the funniest person on the show for me, which I never thought would happen when the series began, but I actually think is cool. I still like Abed, but I do like him better with Troy. Also her retching when Annie said her parents were really nice is still funny on rewatch.
  15. I wasn't spoiled so I was just "Thinking oh god, he's dead" when Wells walked into the room. Such a heartbreaking scene and finding out Cisco crying was unscripted makes me appreciate Carlos' performance more. When Barry traveled back in time at the end I knew there was still hope. He's going to save Cisco like Marty saved the Doc from the Libyans in Back To The Future. Then I saw the Paleyfest trailer where Cisco is very much alive, and gets to meet (unenthusiastic yay) it was a relief.
  16. Also why was Garrett so mad at the end of the first episode? Was he angry he wasn't invited to be part of the group instead of Frankie. Liked that Todd made an appearance. I'm not sure if that was really Richard Erdman playing young Leonard in the flashback or an amazing lookalike.
  17. I just finished the first episode. Seeing Shirley at the end made me so happy. Loved just the idea of her spinning off to be the chef of a wheelchair bound detective but actually seeing it and that they cast Steven Weber was great. As someone who loved the short lived "Andy Richter Controls the Universe" I like seeing Paget Brewster in a comedy again and playing a similar character. I like how they in their own meta way through Abed introduced what Frankie Dart's role in the show will be. ETA: Just watched the second. I already like Keith David's Elroy and his interactions with Jeff. The virtual reality stuff with the Dean didn't really make me laugh until Elroy went in. As a Clue fan I liked the casting of Martin Mull(Colonel Mustard) and Leslie Ann Warren(Miss Scarlett) as Britta's parents. Finding out they've already had contact with the other members of the study group including Chang was funny. I also liked Frankie and Britta's talk in the car. Liked the Portugese Gremlins trailer at the end.
  18. Besides John ripping apart the NCAA I loved the joke about the "Wes Anderson sex party".
  19. There were some good episodes in S4 like the mindswitch one but I do think S5 had some really great ones like Pierces' will reading.
  20. New preview clip: Okay so far. It feels like the old Community as do the characters(the ones we have left anyway). None of that kind of off feeling like in the "gas leak" season. Jeff is being Jeff, Abed is being Abed, Britta is being Britta(man she can't catch a break), and Annie is being Annie.
  21. If it makes all of you feel better, realize one of the happy couples will eventually die first leaving the other all alone like poor Gayle in the finale(although she looks great!)
  22. I disagree that April never did any work on P&R or that she was ungrateful. She may have been a bitch about it but she did her job. She was a good assistant to Ron, as in keeping people from seeing him, and as far as I know did her job when she moved up to the National Parks service to work for Leslie for three years during the time jump. Enough for to be afraid she was going to be stuck in a rut and was going to do it for the rest of her life. She also was wiling to do whatever crazy task Leslie asked of her like being sanitation workers and trying to move a meat locker. When Ron and Diane went to get a quickie wedding and ran into Leslie and Ann, they had just come back from cleaning an underpass! (BTW I love April's reaction to hearing Ron's getting married) Except for Ann always she had moments where she's been nice to all the other characters, including Jerry. She also never squandered any of that effort by other people to help her. She was still doing her job in Washington DC in the future and helping Donna with the "Teach Yo Self" program.  Also didn't get the first time the line "I have two beautiful children. Out of three. Not a bad ratio" but got it on rewatch!
  23. She said she was married before to a man, but he cheated on her. Poor January Jones, always having to put up with an unfaithful husband!
  24. The way I look at it, the Gina dancing subplot isn't really about Gina, it's about Holt and Terry's different views on lying to spare a person's feelings. Holt telling Gina he wasn't a "bunny buying coward" and Terry out of focus in the back gesturing "Hey!" is my favorite moment in the episode. As for Gina herself, I actually expected her to do something really vile like shred important police files or destroying Holt's property, something that would make you go "Why doesn't Holt fire her already?" Her quitting dancing was actually more reasonable than I expected. I didn't expect Chris Parnell to come back so soon. I loved all the horrible things he made Jake confess on camera to, which he did himself! Yeah it would have been nice to see more of Amy and Rosa, but I think they wanted to surprise people on when they were going to rescue Jake. Finding out Hitchcock and Scully can actually be competent and they didn't become detectives out of some mistake was great. That they actually tried back in the 70s and 80s but were now coasting is interesting. If anybody wants to know what Hitchcock looked like Dirk Blocker was on a show in the late 70s, there's a show called Baa Baa Black Sheep, about Marine pilots in the Pacific during WWII. It airs on MeTV at 7 PM Sundays, an hour and a half before B99.
  25. Watching the Hawaiian episodes on METV. I like how Mike and Carol refer to Mr. Hanalei as an 'old gentleman' as opposed to 'old man'. Very respectful.
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