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Everything posted by VCRTracking

  1. When I first saw Anna Taylor Joy in SPLIT a while back I thought "Wow, she's great. Too bad about her eyes." I'm so glad I was wrong about them being a hindrance to her career!
  2. That's how most loan sharks operate. I think Han not paying him back for 3 years was what made him angry. Shows Han was risking a lot by staying with the Rebels for so long. I love in the Death Star meeting the way he turns and walks toward the Imperial officer(Admiral Motti) insulting him. Vader's like *sigh* "Some people have to learn the hard way..."
  3. The other British actors had posh sounding RP British accents, while Prowse's accent is Bristol which is more farm country.
  4. I remember this post from around earlier seasons because I responded saying Elizabeth was a POV character not a Mary Sue. I also think as much liberties as Morgan takes with real life you'd have to skew events a lot not to make Diana sympathetic! At least in the 80s. I mean Netflix just uploaded a video of "Diana's Sweetest Moments"
  5. So reading how to play "Ibble Dibble" it seems easy and fun to play. Each person has their assigned number. Just say your number then "ibble dibble" and how many burned cork marks ("dibble Ibbles") and pass it to another person's number. If you mess up just take a drink. I saw a video on YouTube of regular people playing it. It's not just for upper class.
  6. I just realized both Helena Bonham Carter and Gillian Anderson played "Miss Havisham" in different adaptations of GREAT EXPECTATIONS:
  7. Each movie is a plot to get Palpatine further in his goals. First become Supreme Chancellor, then acquire emergency powers over a vast army and finally turn the Republic into an Empire and kill the Jedi. There are things that weren't part of Palpatine's overall plan: Darth Maul getting killed at the end of TPM(even though it turns out he didn't die), Anakin and Padme having kids and them being hidden, Obi-Wan and Yoda surviving and Anakin ending up so messed up after fighting Obi-Wan that he had to be turned into a cyborg.
  8. I personally don't think they're that complicated. Anybody who has some knowledge of world history can pretty much get what Lucas is basing a lot of the plot from. Myths though, by their nature are the opposite of history and science. Myths are primal and emotional. The best moments in the prequels and in Star Wars in general tap into that. Excerpts from a Polygon article about the new Prequels archive book and features Lucas' quotes: "Who are the Whills? Hardcore fans will know that Lucas originally meant for the saga to be a tale from a fictional bible known as the “Journal of the Whills,” but we never got an explanation of the Whills in the film. Lucas says he originally would have explained more about them in the prequels, but decided not to after the poor reception over the midi-chlorians lore. Simply put, Whills are “a microscopic single-celled life-form” that have a symbiotic relationship with the midi-chlorians and who feed on the Force. They gave the command to the midi-chlorians to make Anakin, with Lucas stating he was touched by God, who in this case “happened to be one-celled animals”. "You’re going to destroy the franchise” When Lucas initially told 20th Century Fox that he was making the story of how Anakin became Darth Vader, they were as excited as anybody else. Then he told them that, in the first film, Anakin would be 10 years old. “You’re going to destroy the franchise; you’re going to destroy everything!” Lucas explains that he told people at Lucasfilm he was “making a movie that nobody wants to see”, but would rather do that than telling the same story over and over. And to be fair to George, it still made a billion dollars." "Corrupt corporations Lucas acknowledges that people were upset that the prequels opened with the trade blockade and dispute, but nevertheless says “that’s how wars start.” He goes on to say that The Phantom Menace starts with “corrupt corporations” doing bad things in secret and that all corporations care about is making money, while everyone else is trying to do the right thing but are completely overwhelmed. The two main themes are about becoming a bad person and democracy being given away; “there’s no coup, there’s no rebellion, there’s no nothing. They vote it in, which is what happens in real life.” https://www.polygon.com/star-wars/2020/11/10/21558304/darth-maul-sequel-trilogy-george-lucas-princess-leia-star-wars-archives-prequel-book
  9. Paramount wouldn't pay Duvall what he wanted, Julia Roberts was unavailable and Winona Ryder got sick before filming. I'll see it on when it comes out on streaming just because I'm curious what's changed.
  10. It's basically now SUCKER PUNCH with DC superheroes.
  11. Here they are reunited at a 2018 BFI Q&A after screening the movie:
  12. Coppola was still paying off his massive debt after "One From the Heart" bombed in 1981, and that's why he agreed to make a third Godfather movie. If had any real clout he would have gotten Paramount to pony up and pay Robert Duvall what he wanted. I think the only thing the studio didn't let him do though was name it "The Death of Michael Corleone".
  13. I'm curious if the new edit is does make it better. The first two are near perfect and shouldn't be touched but three could use an improvement.
  14. Thinking about that episode where the big city businessman's car breaks down in Mayberry and he learns from the townsfolk how to slow down and enjoy life instead of being so obsessed with work. That's essentially the plot of the movie "Doc Hollywood" and every Hallmark movie except with a young, female protagonist!
  15. The Clone Wars series and The Mandalorian make up for any disappointment in the prequels and sequels for me. The latter expands the mythos with new concepts and ideas in a better way and the latter takes the familiar and plays with them in fun ways. Television seems the best way forward for Star Wars. If one episode isnt good the next one will be. They can also take risks. Fans demand too much from the theatrical movies that a filmmaker is forced to play it safe. In regards to the sequels, Adam Driver's back must be aching after carrying all three movies.
  16. As much as I would have loved to see Leia be the center of the sequel trilogy, Carrie Fisher's death at the end of 2016, would have hampered it as much as it did the movies that ended up being made. They were rushed into production by Bob Iger so the first one came out in 2015 and the second in 2017. Lucas always took more time for preproduction and a three year gap between movies, so Carrie would have only been in the first one before she died.
  17. That final season of Laverne & Shirley when Cindy Williams left to have a baby and it's just Laverne all alone just felt so sad. Also they skipped ahead so it was now 1968 and there were Hippies now. I also don't get when they moved to Hollywood, L&S had a big cutout of the Beatles circa 1964 on their wall. Weren't the two of them too old to be into them at that point?
  18. Io9 has more detail from Lucas about his sequel storyline including how Luke would start rebuilding the Jedi Order, what happened to the remnants of the Empire, how Darth Maul became the top crime boss of the galaxy, etc: https://io9.gizmodo.com/george-lucas-plans-for-his-star-wars-sequels-were-more-1845643919/amp#aoh=16052797930386&referrer=https://www.google.com&csi=1
  19. But THE SEARCHERS still ends with Wayne saving his niece who was made a bride of Indians instead of killing her. When Wayne was making the final film THE SHOOTIST, for the final saloon shootout, the director wanted him to take out one of his enemies from behind. Wayne goes "You mean shoot him in the back? I don't shoot people in the back." Siegel said "Clint Eastwood would." and Wayne got pissed "I don't care what that kid does, I don't shoot people in the back!"
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