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Everything posted by FireFoxy

  1. Andi needs to take her own advice and "STAHP" with this. She looks childish and ridiculous. Like someone replied to her, her ass STILL slept with him sooooo... And if Sharleene is ok with Nick then maybe he is not as awful and evil as so many see him. Yes he's a famewhore but really, anyone who goes on this show is one too. Some more than others. I can't stand Josh but if having him be The Bachelor will cause a meltdown from Andi then I'm all for it.
  2. https://twitter.com/MzKatieCassidy/status/603776626741096448 https://twitter.com/EmilyBett/status/603790878293958657 Cute!
  3. Britt and Brady aren't hiding it anymore. Good for them! https://instagram.com/p/3J1qByEjtD/ https://instagram.com/p/3IgRwfB1xB/ https://instagram.com/p/3JdN7Th10r/
  4. The Courtney claim might be suspect but the fact that basically the producers, who she is close with, and CH never denied it says something. Plus come on, we all know not to trust CH at this point. And yeah, Kelsey really did get the brunt of all the bullying. It's just a sad situation overall to be in.
  5. My issue with Kaitlyn is that she obviously did this for exposure yet she got a pass and Britt was the one who got unfairly attacked because she was "such a phony and so plastic". That's rich considering this show has had Emily Maynard, DeAnna Pappas, Ali Fedotowsky and Andi Dorfman as leads and they are some of the biggest phonies ever. The hate was so OTT and ridiculous. And sleeping with 3 guys in 3 days is gross and not to mention unsafe. According to Courtney's book, they weren't provided any type of protection in the FS and if that is the case with Kaitlyn and her suitors then YUCK! I am honestly excited to see how the fans are going to turn on her. This happens almost every time a "fan favorite" is made the lead. By the end of the season they are panned because people figure out that they have 0 intentions of getting anything but exposure and free trips. BWA!
  6. I think it's hilarious that after all the shit Britt got, she is the one who got the actual relationship out of the show. She got raked over the coals and fans are going to be soooo pissed when the season unfolds and see how everything went down. I hate slut shaming but as a woman, if I am into a guy, and if I am especially in love with him, I honestly have 0 desire to sleep with anyone else. If I had been Kaitlyn, I would've avoided sleeping with all 3 because as women, we sadly get looked down upon when we do things like that. The backlash for her is going to be so bad by the delusional types who watch expecting a love story. I think someone nailed it when they said she likes to overcompensate by being physical with guys. She was on Seacrest and basically admitted she slept with Chris in the FS and has had sex on the first date. Girl, just no.
  7. Eddie! D: I am so not over it. I loved him and I actually really liked Iris/Eddie. Ugh!!! WHYYYY?!??
  8. That preview was even better than I expected. These guys are so lame, I would've been like NOPE and left too. Brady is dull but seems like a nice guy.
  9. OMFGGG! What a mess. The backlash for Kaitlyn will be epic. And then her picking no one? Best.season.EVER!
  10. I had no issues with Brad picking on one, I actually admired him for it. I do side eye Kaitlyn because she made a huge deal about being TB'ette and being bitter about the whole two b'ettes and I never, ever believed she had any intention on doing the show for love. Just like Britt, she wanted recognition but ironically Britt, who is actually in a relationship with someone from the show, got slammed and raked over the coals by fans and the press. And Nick, you are an idiot. I think he lost because he was posting cryptic sad comments on social media. Stay away from the show dude.
  11. I looooved Katie and Emily's look for the upfronts. Not here for any of their outfits for the after party. Also, I think it's sad we didn't get any pics EBR and SA together. I can't say I blame them since fans ship them irl and that must suck for his wife. I just hope that things don't get weird between them because of that. I do remember seeing some fans speculating about them having an affair because of the way Stephen is so enthusiastic about Olicity and how he couldn't stop staring at her in the crossover viewing event. Since then, like at Paleyfest, he has been rather arms length. IRL shipping is the worst!
  12. This season was a bit of a mess but I would be lying if I said I didn't smile a lot during the episode. Thea as Speedy, Felicity kicking ass, Olicity FINALLY being together an happy, Barry being adorable, OG Team Arrow working together, Ray being awesome and becoming ATOM, Nyssa living to fight another day. On the other hand, Det. Lance falling off the wagon was sad but I really enjoyed Laurel's confrontation scene and I feel this will be a sl that will play out in S4. I also thought the set up for Damien Darhk was brilliant. I just hope he isn't a huge flop like Ra's. And Oliver you idiot! Handing the League over to Malcolm won't end well. I also wanted Nyssa to be the one to kill Ra's. I also want more Nyssa/Laurel and more Tatsu. On a shipper note, I loooove how Oliver gave up being The Arrow to be with Felicity. Considering he only returned home to seek revenge and thought he had no chance of finding happiness ever again, that just made me so, so happy that Felicity could cause him to find that light and happiness. I truly hope the show leaves them happy together. We have seen how awesome they work when they are a united front. No need for angst, they are better as a unit.
  13. That is so sadly accurate it makes me want to cry. GH was so, so good back in the 90s. WTF happened?!? Maurice even acted!
  14. Lawd, reading the spoilers make me sooo happy that I dropped this mess last year. Ron actually blocked me in Twitter for calling his ass out for the lazy, awful shit he peddles as a plot. How could the show go from really hitting a stride when Cartini first came on to the turd it is now?! I don't get it!
  15. If anyone followed S1 of The Bachelor Canada, which you should watch because it was really sweet and heartfelt, it appears that Brad and Bianka are back together after splitting last year. Awww! I always liked them, they truly seemed very much in love. I hope it works out for them. https://instagram.com/p/2eqLyXtwN3/
  16. I agree about the shipper wars turning personal and this forum is also to blame. Fans need to separate KC/LL and EBR/Felicity. Frankly, it leaves and awful taste in my mouth and it feeds into the whole "shippers are crazy and ruin the show" backlash. Attacking KC is not a good look and that article was basically rife with personal attacks towards her. And I say this as a huge EBR/Felicity and Olicity fan. People need to stop.
  17. I see people already saying Felicity forgiving Oliver is ridiculous on other forums. I mean, love makes you do stupid stuff, like overlook the fact your boyfriend is fucking around with random women AND your sister....
  18. So it stayed pretty much the same from last week.
  19. Nah, he kissed her on the cheek which I don't see any issues with. In Hispanic culture that is how everyone greets each other. In Europe you get a kiss on each cheek. But yeah, they are so broken up.
  20. Oh please, those two are so done. Some of the comments in the article are actually pretty interesting if true. Others are so, so sad and delusional.
  21. They look cute together. And I have to agree with the commenter that says Britt is the true winner. She got a relationship with a guy who gave up the famewhoring on TV and traveling for her. That's pretty sweet.
  22. Meredith will forever remain my favorite B'ette, followed closely by Jillian, Ashley and Des. And Meredith/Ian....*sigh*
  23. If they are broken up, I am 0 surprised. As Padma stated, his body language was so stiff and "eh" about Whitney post show. It actually made me feel bad for her.
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