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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. King of the Damned Trying to remember the one that the boys weren't together and Sam comes back saying yes we got to take her down and looking at a clue you may have given. At least I took one out
  2. In a Jensen Interview, I know there has been a few, he said to prepare for directing, he went back and watched all the high points of the series. So it would also aid him in preparing for playing Demon Dean and he has said since the end of last season he didn't know if he would play Demon Dean Like Season 3 Demon Dean. Right now I'm excited which also scares me because when I get excited, usually I get a bit of a let down because I set the bar too high.
  3. No Rest for the Wicked ++ The Kids Are Alright ++ Malleus Maleficarum -- 33 - Mystery Spot 25 - Bad Day at Black Rock 23 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 23 - No Rest for the Wicked 19 - Jus in Bello 19 - Ghostfacers 17 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 13 - Fresh Blood 11 - Time is on My Side 09 - Long Distance Call 09 - The Kids Are Alright 07 - Red Sky at Morning 05 - Sin City 03 - Malleus Maleficarum 03 - The Magnificent Seven Passed on: Bedtime Stories I still haven't rewatched most of this season and I'm just voting on which ones stood out from that first time I watched it. I do remember liking several that the fans thought were horrible - Red Sky was one I enjoyed but not sure how much I will like it on repeat watching so I might change my mind later on how I vote.
  4. Now I'll have to see if I notice that now. Maybe it's suppose to be a classroom teaching English to those that don't speak English...see how hard I have to work at that. I really like parts of it and I really really like the trickster but as I've rewatched it has gone down for me. Not really sure why. Maybe because some parts are just too over the top? Don't know...I do wish they would find a way to bring him back as I do love the character.
  5. The very last line says "Do it! It's all you." is that the part you didn't get? I like what I see so far and I'm not sure I agree completely with @DittyDotDot's bizarro theory but I can see them doing some of it. I do hope that what Sam did isn't really something they keep bringing up. I felt that Demon Dean would feel ZERO remorse, so I'm interested but they could do like they've done so much in the past where they just drop the ball and leave it totally unsatisfying. I see Carver as really retreading Season 3 with Dean goes to hell and comes back as a Demon and how would normal Sam handle it. I DO want it to be normal Sam not Sam drinking demon blood. I see they have worked in Jared's real life injury and I wonder how long he will have to wear the brace. One interesting question from the Nerd Interview - that I'll put here because some might consider it spoiler-ish, Jared saying he sees only going a few more years. So I think they would like to get to at least 11, so they beat Tom and Smallville but it's been awhile since Jared's acted like he would like to see the end of Supernatural. Jensen also seemed to be on the same wave length, now it's my interpretation and I know a lot will be decided on fan reaction this season. I'm hoping that they dare explore new territory and not keep retreading the same stories. How much Carver has really been planning ahead, I'm not sure. But I do think it will be interesting to see Sam have to Deal with a Dean that doesn't care what Sam think and tries to use his past against him for his own purpose. I want Sam to be able to outsmart Demon Dean and realize he's being played. Also to get that sometimes you can't undo what someone says even if you try to rationalize it in your head. @DittyDotDot - how you feel is how you feel and go ahead and share it. There will be fans that share your views and maybe aren't willing to voice it. I also don't know that I totally trust Carver not to mess this up, but so far I'm hopeful. Not everyone is excited about Demon Dean looking at the responses on you-tube.
  6. ++ No Rest for the Wicked -- Malleus Maleficarum ++ The Kids Are Alright 31 - Mystery Spot 23 - Bad Day at Black Rock 21 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 21 - Jus in Bello 21 - No Rest for the Wicked 19 - Ghostfacers 19 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 13 - Fresh Blood 11 - Time is on My Side 11 - Long Distance Call 09 - The Kids Are Alright 09 - Red Sky at Morning 07 - Sin City 05 - Malleus Maleficarum 05 - The Magnificent Seven 03 - Bedtime Stories Thanks for responding, my curiosity is definitely more satisfied. I just will fight a bit longer. :) The Kids Alright isn't my most favorite but it is in the middle and I guess I think it's cute how Ben and Dean do somethings alike. I've always liked Ben and Lisa and that end scene is really cute and it's always fun to find something out. The Magnificent Seven - I always hated how they did the Seven Sins. I don't have a problem with how they introduce Ruby or the knife but a good portion of the story is just meh for me. I will admit that after listening to Kim Manners and now that he is gone, it has gone up a bit but it isn't my fav but I know I'm not in agreement on several so that's why I think this season will be interesting. But I can give Seven a break today. :)
  7. They could have gone with some wild colors but I know many Texas boys that are resistant to colors other than blues and greens but I agree they needed to get him out of his standard clothes. I just wish they would allow Cass to have other clothes to wear other than the trench coat. Sigh. I agree it is nice to get some hints. Not every fan wants Dean to become bi. But I wouldn't mind if the show allowed some women to have a bit longer life-spans and to even show some happy couple every once in awhile. But then again, TV no longer shows Happy Couples as a norm as it is boring.
  8. The Magnificent Seven -- The Kids Are Alright ++ Malleus Maleficarum -- 27 - Mystery Spot 23 - Bad Day at Black Rock 21 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 19 - No Rest for the Wicked 19 - Ghostfacers 19 - Jus in Bello 17 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 13 - Time is on My Side 13 - Fresh Blood 11 - Long Distance Call 11 - Sin City 11 - Red Sky at Morning 11 - The Kids Are Alright 09 - Malleus Maleficarum 09 - Bedtime Stories 07 - The Magnificent Seven why is the Kids are Alright getting so much hate? is it the Lisa and Ben because I would have thought it was on the horror stories that was really well told? Just curious.
  9. I think he is excited to have some time to just plain have some fun. Last season with all the heavy emotional season, it was draining and this season it sounds a lot more light. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they use some comedy to show some of this. Fans reactions will figure into it. Of course the fact we can't seem to agree on a lot will make it interesting to see what switches they come up with if it isn't working. I still think they won't take him too far but will the push the boundaries, oh you bet. Hopefully it will be fun to watch. I do hope that Sam gets to be a strong hunter this season, I'm am so sick of Limp Sam. I wonder do the writers love Limp Sam fanfiction? They have done it too death and it is time for a change. Hoping that Jared's interviews hold up when the season begins.
  10. The Kids Are Alright ++ No Rest for the Wicked ++ The Magnificent Seven -- 21 - Mystery Spot 21 - Bad Day at Black Rock 19 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 19 - No Rest for the Wicked 17 - Jus in Bello 17 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 17 - Ghostfacers 15 - Time is on My Side 15 - The Kids Are Alright 13 - Fresh Blood 13 - Sin City 13 - Long Distance Call 11 - The Magnificent Seven 11 - Bedtime Stories 11 - Malleus Maleficarum 11 - Red Sky at Morning
  11. Reading is Fundamental matches Sam's clothes so I think ya got it, But Season 7 is the one I barely watched. :).
  12. I've seen Jensen tired at conventions, season 1 falling asleep and Jared poking him awake and Jensen responding, "I'm awake." I really wondered season 6 if he was unhappy as rumors were being expressed and looking at the interviews I really wondered how much he liked it. Jared made it clear recently that he thought season 7 would be the end of the show. Jensen is also reflective and since he's had his storyline disappear he just may not be thinking he needs to be this invested in this storyline. But I agree that he loves directing and gets excited about it. Some cons he is really having fun and when he does he is so fun to watch. Now is he really tired and having trouble focusing on the questions I don't know. But I think he is enjoying working with his dysfunctional family, his words. Any job even one you love can get old and you can have some bad days where you really wonder why you're doing it in the first place. When I'm directing, there are times I'm pulling my hair out and asking myself why did I put myself in this position to begin with, on those days I could easily say I hate my job but two days later be back to no I like it. He's always stated that he just acts what's on the page and that's his job. He's also very smart and won't be burning any bridges so he can get work after Supernatural. Jared is harder to pend down because he is always excited about the new season. Even if some of us are cringing and not jumping down with excitement. I also remember interviews where he is complaining about having to do something that is really hard, like the End and saying he never wants to do it again, even though he gave outstanding performances. I would say that he is waiting to see how the audience responds, because in an interview he was sure everyone would hate Lisa and Ben and it got mix reviews. Some did hate it but others didn't. I also think he is overwhelmed right now, directing is a big job and add to the mix heavy eps with him in it, he could easily be very tired. I've also seen him say I'm not a singer and yet he has really nice song out, so I'll wait and see before I decide anything. Not saying your wrong that he's not as excited just not sure as it is as simple as that. But I think if he really didn't like it or felt that he could no longer play what they are writing on the page, he won't resigned after season 10. However he did seem excited at the end of season 9 so...who knows. :)
  13. I really hope they don't give the Mark to Sam, I'm so tired of Sam getting it worst than Dean. Let Sam's issues be that he dealt with it as a human and explore his natural dark side. I hope that Jared's correct. I still believe that there will be things I wish they had done differently but they are at least three scripts into the season. I do like that Jensen talks as if Dean is the addict, because that would make Dean making decisions not like normal but basically giving into his feeling of enjoyment. I just wonder how they will keep Sam from killing Crowley...what they will use to keep him from being successful and wonder if Crowley might even team up with Sam in a way later when he realizes the worst mistake ever, turning Dean into a Demon. Reminds me of "Be careful what you wish for." I don't mind the character's walking a mile in the other person's shoes but I would love to see the brother's broken relationship come to a grinding END! It's tiresome if you've been watching since season 4. That's 5 years of rocky relationship. It's time they put a more upswing than the mess we've been seeing.
  14. The Kids Are Alright ++ No Rest for the Wicked ++ Malleus Maleficarum -- 17 - Bad Day at Black Rock 17 - Mystery Spot 17 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 17 - Jus in Bello 17 - No Rest for the Wicked 15 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 15 - Bedtime Stories 15 - Fresh Blood 15 - Ghostfacers 15 - Time is on My Side 15 - The Kids Are Alright 13 - Malleus Maleficarum 13 - Red Sky at Morning 13 - The Magnificent Seven 13 - Sin City 13 - Long Distance Call I really have to watch season 3 to see which ones are my highest, but I've always liked Lisa and Ben. I do think we will not be agreeing this much on this season...It will be interesting to see. :)
  15. I can totally relate and hope that something positive comes this time. Limp Sam is fanfiction and not one I really like. Sam always failing on the big issues, because he has saved Dean's life many times, but he hasn't gotten the big Save other than Season 5 and well that one wasn't satisfying for me. Carver can explore both boys dark sides as long as he also explores their struggles to discover their good sides. Plus I really feel it is WAY PAST time for the boys to get along and work together to reach a goal. When has that happened? Where both boys got equal billing in the save? It would be nice if I was surprised instead of going okay they did that...now what? I'm still looking forward to Dean's story but I also hope it explores new territory.
  16. No I'm the stupid one, I totally missed the hint until I saw the answer. Silly me. No I'll blame it on being tired...ya that's it. :)
  17. Doubt it is Ben, because the fans were not kind to Lisa and Jensen said it was something that just couldn't work out. I would kind of go with someone that Dean saved but he really didn't know Dean did that because his lack of knowledge and has a grudge against Dean for harming someone he cared about. I mean not everyone lives that got saved got a rosy experience and some were totally in the dark about what the Winchester's do.
  18. My guess Hell House...but most likely wrong. :) But might as well get the wrong one out of my head.
  19. Well I suck at picking hard pics, Yes you're back up again. Yes you got it! Hey you're doing much better than me. lol.
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