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Everything posted by LuvMyShows

  1. I did the further investigation, and he absolutely says "Ashley". It occurs at 25:29, when he says he's going to do what's right for him and for Ashley. He did get her name right at other times in that brunch, but at this point, he got it wrong. The difference here is that Dave's parents did come to the ceremony. And he didn't give any explanation proactively of why his parents were there the day before, but were not there for the get-acquainted brunch...it was up to Amber's sister to ask about their absence. To me it seems shady AF the way he handled it, even if there ends up being nothing shady behind it.
  2. I am never able to fathom that there are actual companies that have no defined roles or process. We've seen manufacturing companies where the flow of the goods being assembled was crazy illogical and horribly laid out. And warehouses that were terribly disorganized with no inventory system. Jen saying that she wasn't comfortable handing out assignments saying "You do this" and "You do that" is completely beyond my comprehension. Her inability to give up some tasks/functions would be understandable if she was particularly good at them, but it doesn't sound like she was. And yeah, Brian was underwhelming.
  3. I wonder if Mia has some psychological issues, based on how she was hiding behind, and surrounding herself, with pillows and the blanket while she was talking to Tristan in bed. I really felt for Tristan in the airport. I literally cannot imagine being just left there with no communication and no way to know where Mia is or what is happening to her.
  4. I didn't catch that while watching the show, but now that I think about it, her outfit was much more professional when she dumped the manuscript on Charles' desk. I wonder if it's really permanent and the start of bigger changes to come? And thanks to itsreal for the insanely hot pic of Peter H.!!!
  5. Interesting observation about his expectations vis coddling/praise....that would go with being a mama's boy. US airports are a place where people can be detained/caught from something they did wrong within the US, not just for something related to flying risk/danger or to the country they are going to.
  6. What Charles appeared like to me, was the aspect of Asperger's Syndrome, in which people have trouble interpreting the social environment and reading social cues. The look on his face conveyed that as well. From that perspective, I can understand his inability to grasp that he needs to chillax, get to know Chrissy, and then organically have the book come up. What does not make any sense -- given that from the looks of his house, he has clearly traveled in elite social circles, and given his position in the company, he has long been exposed to 'how things are done' -- is that he would leave without communicating anything to the host, who just happens to be his most important client at this point. That's the sort of faux pas that Charles the socialite and Charles the businessman would never make.
  7. I agree about Jason kissing. I noticed it from the early part of the season, before we saw Becca comment on it. Last night wasn't a great example for him, but previous kissing has been. It's always interesting to see differences in kissing, from the same female. My favorite example is on Younger, where there is great chemistry when she kisses Josh, but none at all when she kisses Charles, who the writers seem to be positioning as her OTL...they try to make it look passionate, but it isn't.
  8. Random thoughts: While Jason's brother gave excellent advice when he told Jason that time was running out so he should tell Becca how he feels, it was hysterical that Jason used the exact same words when talking to Becca that he had just said to his brother. I did not see any chemistry with Garrett, but I saw it with the other three. As everyone has said already, but it needs to be said again, girlfriend should NOT have been wearing such a teensy tinsy butt-showing romper to a meet-the-fam occasion. Big props and bonus points to Colton's dad for asking Becca that given that she and Colton had discussed the break-up of his big relationship, had Colton asked about her experience with Arie. Actually, it's quite surprising that Becca hadn't blabbed on and on about it to Colton, given how she likes to talk about herself and how at the beginning of this season, we were inundated with that topic. In the fake girls' gabfest, Tia raised her hand to speak...are you f*ing kidding me? Who does that? Then when she was talking to Becca, she said, "I do feel like I still have feelings for Colton" (emphasis is mine, not hers). Given that this whole Tia thing seems as phony as a $3 bill, that wording pretty well sealed it for me, since she qualified it that way. Nice of Becca to completely throw Colton's dad under the bus while letting Colton go, and minimize her role in her decision. I didn't get a good look at where Becca was or what she was wearing when she gave her ITM saying that Blake said he loves her, and she feels the same way but hasn't told him. That's a pretty big bombshell, yet it was not explored in any way in the episode, so it makes me wonder if it was the editing monkeys at work from something that occurs later and was inserted here. How 'coincidental' that when Becca and Blake were at the school, which appeared to be deserted, they just happened to run into some of the teachers/coaches who knew him. But I also noticed that at least with the first person they ran into, he introduced Becca by name, but didn't introduce the other guy by name. I wonder if it was someone that Blake knew from that time, but hadn't really stayed in contact with and thus couldn't remember his name. And he's where I take the express bus to hell...I did not find it cute or heartwarming AT ALL when Colton went to the hospital. I found it exploitative and demonstrating the worst of the movie/TV craze of romanticizing illness. Natch the kids were adorable, and able to get around just fine, and look, they received gifts and got excited! Plus, it was simply odd that they bought all those gifts, and did all those activities, with only 2 kids. My favorite of the night: when Garrett was discussing emotional things having to do with his failed marriage, Becca was of course looking away in boredom, and when she couldn't take any more of the focus not being on her, she literally interrupted him talking about how he and his ex didn't align, to ask him "Do we align?", so the focus could get back on her.
  9. Yep...especially the part in bold, even more so than the money. And what's odd to me, is that even though Vik recognizes the 'debt' he believes he owes his parents, he thinks that giving them a grandchild is a proper way to repay it, even though he knows first-hand how cold and unemotional they come off (I say 'come off' because I have no doubt that the characters actually have emotions, but it's how they were socialized to behave). So why do that to the kid, or to Helen? He also knows Helen's shortcomings, so while I can understand his knee-jerk reaction to dying and wanting a child to be his legacy, he should also be thinking about the life that the child would have.
  10. Yep. The whole Colton thing was so convoluted that this has to be the end game. You get the novelty angle of a "true" Bachelor virgin, not a faux virgin like Sean was. You get the missed chances with Tia...will she show up as a contestant? You get the suspense of what will happen when he gets to Fantasy Suite time. And of course you get the usual "got my heart broken" thing from having made it to the final four. No, we had to look at Colton get into the limo and pantomime like he was going to cry, but then have no tears whatsoever. Fakey McFakerson. OMG, I commented to my son (who lamely had been watching the Home Run Derby instead) that there is no reason for Colton to have said that to Chris at that time, because there is literally nothing that Chris could say or not say that would make a difference in this situation. Colton isn't going to drop out at this point, even if Chris said "We expect that you and Becca will have sex", which of course Chris wouldn't say, because he's a company man. And if there were anything that truly was making him uncomfortable, he would speak to a producer/handler in private as it got closer to fantasy suite time.
  11. I was confused about what Vik did with his new car when he got home. We saw him park it on the steep street, which is where we've seen their other cars before. So I thought that was its normal parking space. But then we saw him pull into a driveway, at what I think was supposed to be a late hour. My first confusion is, why would they park the car on the street in the first place instead of in the driveway, and why are they also doing both? My second confusion is that when he pulled the car into the driveway, we saw another car already there, which I assume is Helen's. Since she would have already seen Vik's car parked on the street, and then not seen him in the house, you'd think she would have been pretty worried, that he had maybe gone out for a walk and then something happened (like he passed out). So she would have been texting/calling, but we didn't see anything like that.
  12. Yes...that is why I started watching this show. I'm now invested in the characters, but I still like the original premise.
  13. As much as I often hate the plot direction and how the characters are written, I am always captivated by the episodes. I guess it's the acting, and wondering what's going to unfold or be revealed.
  14. As I know from people close to me, that is actually totally plausible. If in your marriage you are just existing, and then you find a love interest who actually makes you feel alive, you'd never get over that person once you'd returned to your marriage, even if it had been only a few weeks that you spent with them.
  15. Nice wholesome pic of our Leandro Dottavio 10 years ago playing baseball in college...apparently, he was pretty decent...http://warriorathletics.com/roster.aspx?rp_id=1456
  16. During the wedding ceremony itself, all I saw was Clare. Now that I'm looking at other pictures, all I'm seeing is Tenley!
  17. My second-to-last opportunity for a good old fashioned GGTD hate list! From the conference room scene with the branding woman, she likes Lady Parts because it's 'bold and edgy'? Really? Also, the super-extreme un-professionalism of Abby balking about the presentation being in three days because she has ''so many things happening on so many fronts in my life"? Girl, no. SMH So Abby had all that time, but was reduced to having to cram all her work into being at home and at night, where, surprise surprise, life interrupted her! Delia would never have gotten as distracted as she was in that client/divorce meeting, and would never have been so flippant to the client afterward about her debacle, and that's even if the client hadn't been a major client like this one apparently was. It made no sense to not have Mike's family come to the Lily-college acceptance dinner. I could understand if Abby wanted it to be just Lily and her, and I could understand wanting a family-of-origin-only event for something that was a family tradition, like going to see the first blockbuster movie of summer, or something like that. But this was par for the course for blended family celebration causes. So when Abby has a major work crisis where she needs ideas, she calls her three girlfriends to work on it with her, and not her co-owner and her staff? And once again, the women are able to drop everything and come running (with Jo doing it on vacation). Abby saying the 'jade eggs' thing to the waiter was so unreasonably OTT, even for Abby, and it was just stupid and weird. The camera work was very odd how they kept showing Jo on Facetime (or whatever it was) at their get-together. Delia was talking to Albert and urging him to work it out with Jo, given how long they've been together. Haven't they been together less than a year, in 'show time'? Phoebe bringing Tony, to a bar, on her date, because "he doesn't get out much"? Are you kidding me? First of all, DUH, he has no business going to bar. Second, if she's worried about him getting out more, she and he could go literally almost anywhere they want any night they want, given that her kids apparently disappear and reappear by magic, and, she's still got household help to watch them when they do reappear. And by the way, what happened to that austerity kick that Phoebe had to be on because of the cutback in child support due to her marriage to that artist? The Simone character never would have asked Abby to take her to the hair appt. As on other shows, I hate "sucker's choice" that are portrayed as so dramatic. Abby could have called Lily, and cancelled on the dinner, consoled Simone for a very good amount of time, and then still made it to the movie with Lily. She didn't have to ditch one for the other. Jake's Facetime scolding of Abby about whatever she said about Emerson at dinner, which then got interrupted by Abby's first breakdown, was so fake sounding. I wondered what was going on even before the Abby interrupted...Paul Adelstein didn't go a good job with his read of the lines. It was very odd when Phoebe gave Tony the little lecture about Delia, because Phoebe said, "You two have some shit, not me, you two" (emphasis was hers). But no one had been saying that it was Phoebe's shit, for her to need to emphasize that it wasn't. Good for Mike for speaking truth to Abby about how she wants the happy family time with game night etc., but not the hard part. As much as these women blab to each other, no way would Delia keep secret about the pregnancy or the paternity. Good god, Delia is not a teen-age girl, that is avoiding responding to the boy-next-door's texts because she can't decide whether to go out with him or wait for the BMOC who hasn't asked her out yet. She is a grown-ass woman, who wouldn't just keep ignoring Tony's texts and calls. So now Delia's concerned that Tony just got out of prison and can't hold down a job, but when her p*ssy was calling the shots, that didn't matter so much. Abby's breakdown at the work presentation was so cringe-worthy. And I know it was supposed to be uplifting because of how she used the breakdown to make a point, but I was massively confused, because she still didn't have a product pitch, and although her rant sounded like she was against all the vagina-oriented products because of the message they send, it sounded like that's the products they were sticking with when she talked with Mike afterwards. Or maybe it's that the difference will be that the Lady Parts message for those same products will be uplifting and accepting rather than shameful? Abby uprooting everyone's lives by suggesting that Mike move in, and then declaring it wasn't a good idea once they actually experienced real life, only proves that Colette was right! And a side note that I noticed...good job casting the actresses who play Simone and Colette, because they very much resemble each other. Likewise with the actor for Charlie, who looks like he could easily be Lisa Edelstein's son.
  18. I think you are thinking of Clare Crawley, who was the runner-up on Juan Pablo's season, has been on multiple Bachelor in Paradise seasons, and got engaged on Bachelor Winter Games (they have since broken up). I noticed the resemblance to Danielle immediately.
  19. But most of those conversations wouldn't take place during private time, because they are part-and-parcel of the show's MO (other guys are lying, I'm a virgin, throw shade at an ex) and given that you probably can't predict when you'd get private time, then if you have something fairly show-standard to say, you'd want to take advantage of the "public time" that you do get. The mom cheated thing might be a candidate for private time. I don't think any of us are saying that private time is 'easy' to get; but it is definitely do-able, and probably for the contestants as well as the star. Heck, they can't wear their mic packs in the water, right?, so there's a time to talk privately.
  20. I was stunned that when Marcus timed it, it was over 5 minutes. That is an interminable time to wait for one order when you're sitting in a drive-thru, let alone what would happen if there were multiple cars in front of you. I had actually been confused as to what the heck was being peeled off and put back, so I'm glad you explained it! Maybe I'm being naive, but in the earlier days, I thought it genuinely was companies that were struggling and really needed Marcus' help. Now it seems more like Marcus actively seeking companies to fit in his portfolio, and yeah maybe they're struggling and might want his help. I was very confused about the whole split into the second location. They made it sound like it was accomplished in a contractual and legal way. If so, then Dino couldn't have just pulled the rug out from under them as was being portrayed. I can't imagine why Doug and his wife wouldn't have jumped at the chance to start their own pizza business, considering that any semblance of there still being a family is a total illusion, so there isn't anything to protect or risk losing...cause it's already gone and lost.
  21. Yes! I don't think it's because she knows who she wants, because we've seen her doing it with all 4, which would presumably include the one she wants. I def think she is thinking of other things, specifically, how she can turn the conversation back around to herself. But I like Mabinogia's scenario too!
  22. What struck me was the very, very sad-looking set-up where the bride and groom (all of them, I think) went immediately after walking down the aisle, to have their champagne and their awkward get-acquainted chat. It was just one little isolated table, away from anything else, with barely any decorations. The thing I noticed is what all the girls were wearing to bed. All three of them were wearing sporty-looking things, none of which were cute/feminine/flirty for the wedding-night. Mia seems like the kind of person who may be more focused on an idealized concept of a wedding and marriage, rather than the reality. She said something about how the wedding "made a little girl's dream come true" and also something about "waiting for your future prince". This was different from Danielle, who said something about how the wedding was something she "never even dreamed about", which said to me that she was taking the wedding for what it was in reality not in some long-held fantasy. There was also a confusing editing-monkey/Franken-biting quote from Amber, where she said "I want a husband because" and then it was spliced together with "I'm the kind of person that really needs structure". From her clips, she did appear to have a very structured life (not throwing shade, I get it and it works for her), but the quote made it seem like she needs a husband in order to gain needed structure. One thing I did not like, which I don't remember noticing as obviously before, was how when the vows were being said, they did a lot of fairly rapid intercutting between the groom saying one word or a few words, and then intercutting to the bride saying her version of the same things. It didn't allow for any continuity of expression or getting a sense of the moment.
  23. He had a few other odd comments. One was when he said, "My prize is Mia", which at least I understand even though I find it kind of repulsive, whereas I do not understand what he meant regarding the lighter skinned thing, when he said that you want to be with someone "that melts your butter", and I don't understand what he meant when he said, "If you're a bird, I'm a bird" (I don't remember the context). I had noticed that when Bobby and Danielle walked in to the reception area, to be introduced as husband and wife, they were not holding hands (the other two couples were, for their entrances), and it looked very awkward. They were at least holding hands when they left the reception in the big sendoff.
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