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Everything posted by LuvMyShows

  1. That whole DNA thing was weird. They repeatedly said that his DNA was found on her, but they never said where. Given how little of her body was exposed when he was kissing her on the street, and yet there was his DNA, there would have been waayyyy more of her body exposed during the rape/murder, so there absolutely would have been more DNA found of the actual killer. The part I had a laugh about was the supposed high-inducing or even halucoginec effect of taking one hydrocodone. I can't take most pain killers because they are far too strong, but hydrocodone is weak enough that even I can take it, and more than one when needed. Also, given how high he supposedly was, we sure didn't see anything like that when he was walking her out and they were on the street.
  2. This was a compelling episode for me, with interesting stories and characters. I was not expecting that woman to still be homeless, but at least she appeared to be doing well. For a change, finding her really did need to follow the dribs and drabs knowledge trail rather than something that a concerted Internet search would have found. However, with the other story, when I put "Wayne April" into Google, I got a 2011 University of New Hampshire Magazine story (which I think is the one that was in the show) saying that he lived in Pasadena. So finding him after that would have been very easy...maybe a grand total of 90 seconds searching, and no archivists or school visits necessary! But that misses out on the drama and human angle for the show.
  3. Lesley was born while Lesley's mother was married to Henry. Henry went to Vietnam while still married to Lesley's mother. Henry had a child (Tina) by a Vietnamese woman while still married to Lesley's mother. He was not this wonderful American hero who wanted to make a life for Tina and her mother in the U.S...instead, he was a philanderer who already had a family in the U.S. That's the perception change.
  4. Very thought-provoking and well-said. Kody did what's called a "sucker's choice" (has other names, like false dilemma, false binary, etc.), whereby someone's wording makes it seem like we have to make a single choice between two distinct and opposing options. And regardless of how Christine tried to have both, the significance is that Kody views those as two opposing options, and it's heart-breaking to me for the lives these women must lead. In his mind, if the wife is correct and he is wrong, then he can't also feel love for them. Also, I noticed something in the TH with Kody and Christine on the couch talking about Ysabel's scoliosis, when Christine starts sobbing and leans into Kody. Kody puts his arm around her, but his hand is barely on her back, and it looks like his hand is there simply because he knows he has to...there is no emotion, or care, or comforting, in the gesture/motion. And it looks like he robotically retracts his arm as soon as she's 'done'.
  5. Unpopular view here, since I have seen only a few similar posts, but what are people upset about? Is it because Arie broke up with Becca, or because the break-up was filmed? It is a VERY good thing that Arie broke up with Becca now...she didn't deserve to go for years knowing she was second-best, before he eventually divorced her after they already had kids. Sure it was annoying how he wouldn't leave, but the words he said in the break-up were accurate words that would ultimately help Becca process the breakup much better. If people are annoyed that it was filmed, well, that's not on Arie. So I don't understand the hate. Besides, Jason did the same thing and he has now become one of the favored, but his was arguably worse, because the break-up was at the ATFR (but it's rumored that Melissa knew it would happen).
  6. Interesting theory about why Arie's family mentioned Lauren so much to Becca. There absolutely had to be something fishy about the breakup filming. To the best of my knowledge, we haven't had much (any?) film of the 'happy couple' during the period after the proposal and before the airing, and yet this time they showed us several different encounters from that period. I also do not believe Becca would have reacted so calmly...she never even raised her voice or called him any names. And what possible good could come from Arie having been in touch with Lauren while engaged to Becca? I feel bad for Becca, but I feel like either her eyes were open more than we're being led to believe, or she willfully kept them shut the WHOLE time, starting with the proposal itself where he looked miserable for most of it.
  7. Awesome, MegD...keep it up!!! I'm sensing from the replies that people have had different 'aha' moments that were their turning point. Whit has surpassed those many times over, and still hasn't come to her senses. I'm wondering if she's being figuratively handcuffed by her "No BS" mantra, and feels like "I can't go back on it now and admit that there really is no such thing as healthy at any weight."
  8. Go Yajmele! I just wish Whit could have even half the awareness/realizations that you've had...
  9. Very insightful answer (and best of luck on your weight loss!!!). I like the distinction you made between refusing to be a caregiver, which the fam/friends CAN do something about, versus urging Whit to lose weight, which they CAN'T do anything about.
  10. I have a genuine question, and please don't hate on me for it, but it's something that just occurred to me from reading the responses to this episode. Quite a few of the posters to this show have said they are somewhat-to-significantly overweight. And there is lots of advice given about what Whit's family should do to somehow get her to lose weight. But I'm curious if any of that ever worked for you, and if it hasn't, why not, and why should it work in Whit's case? Likewise with the physical state that Whitney is in...it seems that people are saying that she should be taking such-and-such event as a wake-up call that she needs to lose weight. But what are those posters waiting for in terms of a wake-up call in their own lives, and why have other events not caused the weight loss decision? I have sincere curiosity and would hope to get some sincere answers.
  11. Yes, there was definitely some fudgery when it came to timeline. Jon absolutely was complaining about how Molly was being after 5 weeks. So knowing that all the month-anniversary stuff we're going to see next week, actually came before the epic blow up we saw this week, makes it all a little obviously faker than usual. If the wig-wearing wasn't on the same day as the fight, as someone suggested up-thread, then that's pretty hinky of the producers. Either way, I like what Empress1 said about the ridiculousness of Molly going for Jon's fantasy with the red hair, and then completely failing on the follow-through! But now we're left wondering about the after-math of the fight....not sure how they'll re-address it once the broadcast episode timeline catches up to 5 weeks.
  12. Just saw the Civil Rights episode, and it's frustrating how they completely left out how Sherry, who was looking for Lefty, went from hearing that he had been arrested for burning down a bank during a riot in California, to having found Lefty's old girlfriend in California (not the one he was with when he died, but the one before that). It's exactly like they did with the episode where they were looking for someone (sorry, don't remember details), and they found that person by checking with volunteer organizations (not sure they even said what kind), even though we had not been presented with any information at all that would suggest checking with volunteer organizations. This ep wasn't super compelling for me.
  13. Love it!! Agree with Jazzhands that Ross looked "like he was made out of steroids and barely suppressed rage." And apparently we are right, judging from the content of The Ringer article that Dejana linked to, which said that "strength and conditioning coaches are the most maniacal people in the maniacal world of college football" (that is Ross's job). Also agree with GracieK that Kendall and Arie discussed the whole break-up-at-rose-ceremony thing ahead of time, and are "just giving TPTB what they want with the drama. They really looked at each other like, ok we have to pretend this is a tough goodbye right now." Finally, I've said this before, but I don't think TPTB understand what their viewers really want. As StatMom said, "The little end sequence usually shows more personality and interesting moments than the entire episode. They should make an episode out of those “outtakes” rather than the mountain of meta-conversations that the editors/producers etc. seem to love so much. So boring!" And I remember a few seasons ago (don't remember which B'ette), they showed a scene of all the guys traveling on a rickety bus in-country somewhere, and it showed a lot of personality of the guys, and everyone here was remarking how much we preferred scenes like that. Either TPTB doesn't get it, or we here on this site are not representative of typical Bach/ette fans!
  14. I have to disagree, because we are talking about, in essence, the difference between street smarts and book smarts. Seinne is very educated, but the kind of interpersonal game-playing and amateur psychologizing, is not a battle of wits (as in "book" smarts)...it's a battle of gamesmanship (as in "street" smarts). When people are very intelligent, they often think logically and assume others do too, which makes it hard to out-maneuver people who think emotionally and somewhat manipulatively. I don't necessarily think Bekah was actually like that, but I'm more commenting on the absolute lack of a sure thing as to how such a smack-down would play out.
  15. As positive as we've been toward Jon, I'm very worried about what they showed in the preview for next week. It looks like he really hits below the belt in their conversation, which appears to be about why they're not having sex. If Molly feels unsafe emotionally in a discussion with him, it will probably torpedo any chances he had for eventual sex.
  16. Having listened to Luke talk, I am SO GLAD they did not make him the bachelor. He has a slow, lazy, slurry way of speaking that is so low energy it would drive me crazy to listen to week after week. There was one point where Stassi was sitting on the couch, looking intently at Luke while he was speaking, and I actually got grossed out by the shape and formation that her lips were in. It was VERY weird that, considering how few American franchise contestants are there (compared to regular Bach/ette with 25-30 people), they couldn't even manage to do an intro for Jamey, Michael, and Lauren...and other than announcing Michael's name in the biathlon, I don't even remember their names being spoken. And as has been commented on before, more than ever we needed the names chryons! BTW, Chris Harrison with the beard was hawt (RIP, beard)!
  17. When Bekah was crying, she looked uncomfortably young...like, a little freckled round-faced boy (yes, boy) having the kind of meltdown that starts with the pouty lips (and not the trendy, fashionable kind), then frowny mouth, then spreads to his whole face, and then he just blubbers.
  18. Well apparently I am in the minority, because although I was very proud of L.B.. losing lbs (haha), I thought that he was still "whiny and stuck in adolescence". He very much seemed to want to pontificate and emote on his terms only. And I have NEVER been more uncomfortable watching this show than when they were showing the over, and over, and over again rude, dismissive dysfunction that is L.B. and his mom's relationship...gawd that was toxic! I am stunned that he never thought of therapy -- at his weight, and as the child of an alcoholic, and as a (former, if he's lucky) alcoholic himself, it would seem to be top-of-mind in "things I can do to make my situation better". I also disagree that just because they weren't on assistance, that they can afford the surgery. I bet it costs a lot, even with insurance. I don't get the sense that dad makes a king's ransom, and to feed a big boy like that enough to keep him fast must have cost a fortune. When they showed him running at the end, I said to myself, "There goes any excuse that any future participant/patient could possibly make about why they can't get their otherwise able body out of bed."
  19. I found a 5-minute TLC video on-line (not on the app) about Chitoka that was titled with "Follow-up", but it wasn't follow-up in the way that we mean it....it was more like "summary" about her experience and it only showed a close-up of her face, so nothing about the "how is she doing now?" that inquiring minds want to know about!
  20. Finally getting the chance to comment, after having read through all the commentary...too complicated to go back and find exact quotes, so I'll paraphrase: - In all the mentioning of "magnanimous" (which FT had used in a context where it was not correct anyway), no one has mentioned that HE SAID IT WRONG! He said, "mangaminous"...I had to listen twice more to be sure. - Also haven't seen any mention that aside from the absolute weirdness and inappropriateness of beating bride and groom effigies at a wedding, the pinata tradition at formal occasions that FT so insistently mentioned undoubtedly has never featured adults doing the beating WITHOUT a blindfold. That's what made it such a violent sh*tshow....if it had been normal blindfolded swatting (and by kids), it would not have been nearly so horrific. - Someone had questioned whether Mariah was there. I noticed her when all the bridesmaids were lined up against that bare wall in the basement, and she looked very, very much like Mykelti. - Someone else commented that they should have had space heaters. Apparently they did....Taunya mentioned that they had about 7 or 8 they were going to set up. - In the TH with Maddie & Caleb about the pregnancy, I thought it was very regrettable that Caleb mentioned how much he wants a boy. Hey dad, way to make your (potential) daughter feel wanted and special! - Given that they had spoken at great length, and in advance, about the pinatas, it was so very, very low rent when one of the guests had to HUM it. Get a freaking CD. - I thought that at times, Mykelti's dress looked pretty good from the front. But when they showed the shot of her at the "altar", standing sideways, she looked so enormous. - Someone mentioned about Maddie & Caleb not being accused of cultural appropriation with their wedding decorations.....they definitely were at the time. - For the very first time, I could actually hear what everyone has been saying about Christine pronouncing "ing" with a "k" at the end....I think it was when she was sitting in the wedding audience and said "stunningk" about how Mykelti looked. - When Maddie was getting her hair done, it looked like it was maroon-colored, dry, fried, and super unhealthy. - And finally...some people have said that FT has surpassed Whitney Thore as the most despicable character on reality TV. NO WAY. Whitney is more selfish, entitled, mean-spirited, and overbearing in one episode, than FT is all season. ....yet I can't quit these people!!
  21. But how is it fair to the current husband, to have the dead one be called the "late husband"? That implies a primacy of the dead husband over the current husband. Maybe "former husband who passed away" would work for the first reference in speaking about him to someone new, and then shortened to just "former husband" from thereafter? "Former" doesn't have the negative connotations that "ex-husband" has.
  22. It looks like next week is the finale (?), and I will be so disappointed to stop with their journey. I definitely hope we get another season. Does anyone know how the ratings have been? I, too, noticed the contrast between Karina's family on My 600 Pound Life and this family. But not only that, there's the difference between the "patients" on this show versus that. These all have enthusiasm and life in their voices, and Chitoka in particular was radiant when she was talking about the possible improvements to come. (However, girl really does need to step up her game, given that she only lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks on the "liquid" diet.)
  23. Yes, that's what I thought, and I am so mystified. At the very end, when we saw her moving into her bedroom, I said to myself there is no way that she is under 400 pounds. For this to have happened twice, when I don't remember it ever having happened on the show before, really has me suspicious, but I'm not sure what I'm suspicious of!
  24. Hi eel, a little OT, but how does one go about getting a gig like that? I'd be interested!
  25. I totally agree that Cable would never, ever have loaded from an unknown flash drive (I said that to myself out loud at the time!), and that something would have been detected about the wiped out data before she even had a chance to leave the room where she was. I also agree that Bull should have waited until the next day to talk to/fire Cable and that his reaction after she got out of the car showed a surprising lack of emotional awareness. I think the writers wanted us to feel sympathy for Cable, but dang, gurl should have expected some serious consequences. The part I thought was ridiculous, though, was Bull self-righteously saying that Cable broke the law. Bull has had his employees do that SO many times. This was different because of the naive stupidity of what she did, but still, pot meet kettle.
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