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Everything posted by ebk57

  1. Thank you so much aradia22 for starting this thread!! I've just finished my evening perusal at the BroadwayWorld.com forums. And while I love some bitchy theatre talk, those people are almost too bitchy for me. I get info there, but don't participate much because I'm too afraid someone will yell at me. And I'm too old to be worried about that!! That said... I'm totally unprepared tonight to give any opinions that will make sense. Haven't seen anything this season yet, but hoping to make a trip up next month. I really wanted to go to the Delacorte last night for the Public Theatre Gala but didn't have the ginormous amount of money they wanted for tickets. Then, after my husband made his decision to do a one day trip (today) instead of going up yesterday, I read there would be a standby line for free tickets last night...and the actual tickets to buy were much cheaper. Ah well...timing... Anyway, I'll be back. Thanks for starting this!!
  2. I'd say yes. It was one of those shows that I thought would be really bad, but found that, while it's kinda silly, it's still really fun. So, this didn't help, did it :-)
  3. I was reading through to see if anyone mentioned Smash. I was so looking forward to the show, being a theatre fanatic, but the blindness to the lack of any talent in Ms McPhee sent the whole thing into a tailspin. Terribly disappointing. And I hadn't thought of it until you mentioned it, but I feel the same way about Boardwalk Empire. Loved the first couple of seasons, but then the whole thing went off the rails. Too bad.
  4. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    My sentiments exactly (although I have been to San Diego - beautiful city). Thanks for saying it much better than I could.
  5. Holy crap, I used to love this song with I was a youngin'... and I'd forgotten all about it! I will now have to go and find it immediately. Thanks...I think. And no one should ever be embarrassed about loving Led Zeppelin. Or Barry Manilow.
  6. Okay, that just made me laugh out loud.
  7. I think it was in PE when I was a youngin'... but since it was 50 years ago, I don't want to swear to you where exactly it was played. All I do know is that as soon as I heard the commercial for the first time a week or so ago, I couldn't stop smiling.
  8. I don't have any idea if it was a "hit", but it was played incessantly in my elementary school so we'd all get up off our large butts and move around. And I apologize if I seem a bit obsessed about giving Robert Preston due credit, but, well, I'm a bit obsessed about it...
  9. Here's the full number If you go to YouTube, Mr. Preston is credited both on this video and the commercial video. This is a quote from Wiki -which must mean it's true... :-) (but it is!) "In 1961, Preston was asked to make a recording as part of a program by the President's Council on Physical Fitness to get schoolchildren to do more daily exercise. The song, "Chicken Fat", which was written and composed by Meredith Willson and performed by Preston with full orchestral accompaniment, was distributed to schools across the nation and played for students in calisthenics every morning. The song later became a surprise novelty hit and part of many baby-boomers' childhood memories."
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTjejvnBJfU
  11. Totally sure. I grew up with that song throughout elementary school. And, just to make sure, I just googled it (since I often don't trust my "totally sure" memories)
  12. I'm usually around for at least the four majors - Tonys, Emmys, Grammys and Oscars. I also love the Kennedy Center Honors. So take that as a warning... :-)
  13. Will do! I had a lovely time chatting with you tonight!
  14. I liked your post before you posted this. This is so funny...and true.
  15. I'm always watching this for the Shows. But this time, I think the Show was totally underwhelming. A shame... I really hope NPH can host next year. Seems to make a whole lot of difference. And I like Hugh Jackman...
  16. I know! Next year for King & I? I'm undecided on Tina's dress...
  17. No, unfortunately. I love the music (although I think they might have done better with an original score). The number was fine and Nick Cordero was stunning. And I like Zach Braff. But... not enough for me to shell out the bucks.
  18. They are TV stars! Although I'm not sure why she is. (not trying to be catty, just don't get her)
  19. I think that's part of what they're going for. You're looking for a show to see. You don't recognize a lot of stuff. Then you see "Carole King" and you think - familiar! I was initially not interested, but I've read really good things about the show. At this point, I won't go out of my way to get there, but I wouldn't say no if someone suggested it.
  20. But she gets the essence. And the Carole King singing cameo was the worst kept secret of the night. I loved it
  21. I'm oddly captivated by this. So NPH has won his Tony. Will he please come back next year and host? Please??
  22. Okay, I love Hugh and Jessie dusting the piano.
  23. NYT: If gospel music hadn't been invented, the Tony broadcast would be 35 minutes long. Ha! And Sting... a nice guy. Don't know if I want to see this show, though Raisin - wow. That's a surprise.
  24. My first Broadway show. With Gwen, Chita and Jerry.
  25. Have to say I was surprised it was nominated after reading the reviews and hearing what some people said. I'm pulling for Harvey...just because.
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