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Everything posted by WhatsUpDummy

  1. Did anyone clock how many time he brought up having "survived" Covid? It was AT LEAST 3 times. "I'm 6 feet above the ground instead of 6 feet below" "You have no idea what I went through!!!" "I survived" "I had a death-like experience". He acts like he's the only person who ever had it. And "death-like experience"? What does that even mean? I can't with his dramatics, I would've told him to shut up already.
  2. Check this out. A bonus clip that shows Robyn and Kody discussing how Ari sleeps in until noon, is up all night, and how for the first time in her life they're trying to impose a bedtime. Aside from being terrible people, they're also terrible parents. Shocker. https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2022/11/16/sister-wives-fans-get-angry-after-kody-robyn-browns-controversial-parenting-choices-are-exposed-in-bonus-clip/
  3. If Robyn actually had a health condition she'd be reminding the entire world about it daily. Robyn's always been quick with excuses about why her children need more, why she needs a 7 bedroom house, etc. Everyone was so hyped up about her having a full time nanny and if she actually needed one because she's ill she would've spoken up about it and I think most people would be understanding about it. But even when she first joined the family and was young and thin and more energetic she needed a nanny for her children. Christine sent Mykelti to LIVE WITH ROBYN to nanny her children because, for whatever reason, Robyn just can't deal with her own kids. Robyn has been nothing but a drain on this family in every possible way from Day 1.
  4. How do we think visitation is happening with Truely? There's no way Kody is driving to Utah to visit so that leaves Christine to drive her to Flagstaff. Do we think Robyn makes up a bed for her in her mansion? Or, more likely, Christine gets a hotel, Truely spends Saturday and Sunday days with her deadbeat dad but sleeps at the hotel with Christine? I also wonder how often Kody is seeing her, if at all. Truely seems like a smart kid who knows her dad's a deadbeat and isn't interested in giving up her weekends for him.
  5. Last I heard Tony doesn't have a job. He quit BoA to be a streamer of some kind. So why is he always gone? Also, is it just me or are there not a lot of pictures of Tony and Avalon. Seems to be mostly Avalon with Mykelti and extended family. Hope for her sake Taco Tony isn't an absentee father like Kody.
  6. I LOVE that Christine said it one more time as she walked out the door...KODY FAVORS ROBYN!! Christine said from Season 1, episode 1, before Robyn had even married Kody yet. I'm so happy for her that she got away from that ego-maniacal, rage filled, nutjob. And I couldn't help but notice how un-surprised they all were when Kody's screaming. I bet that's his norm, screaming and ranting and they're all used to it. The last few seasons we're all finally seeing the real Kody. Full of rage, righteous indignation, and completely unhinged.
  7. And I'm sure Jayden will LOVE the fact that your new gal-pal is only 5 years older than her.
  8. Are either of them capable of taking a picture without squinting? I'm not making fun, it's a legitimate question. I know when most of us genuinely smile or laugh, our faces squish up but I feel like they're going to look back at all their photos in a few years and think "Are there any pictures where you can see our eyes?". Occasionally, take a nice staged pic where you're both looking at the camera with both eyes open and nice smile.
  9. For the record, I don't think she's lazy because she's overweight and I apologize if it came off that way. I think she's lazy because we never see her doing anything except moping around her house and complaining about everything. We saw her actually doing work at the farm once. I'm unclear if that's her actual job/career or if she does anything else. I also think she's lazy because she did say she expects Johnny to cook healthy food her and help her lose weight. If you don't remember that, I suggest you go back to her earlier episodes and do a re-watch because she definitely said it. Ella is perfectly capable of cooking her own healthy food and taking charge of her weight loss, if that's what she wants. She seems to want to put that on Johnny. I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree on them. I don't get the vibe that he's going in wanting to change her. He seems to roll over and go along with whatever she says (with the exception being coming to the US during Covid). She said she wants him to help her lose weight so he went to his local apothecary to get her some stuff. Seems pretty straightforward to me.
  10. Johnny's friends and family have definitely brought up her weight but Johnny himself hasn't said anything negative about it (that I can recall). Sure, Ella's capable of diet and exercise but she's also capable of finding someone stateside to date but she doesn't want that. She comes off as pretty lazy and flighty. She might not have asked him to visit an herbalist for weight loss stuff but she absolutely wants him to cook healthy for her and to help her lose weight. Johnny is inexplicably into her and seems down to make her happy.
  11. Ella specifically said she wanted Johnny to help her lose weight because, you know, "all asians are skinny and eat healthy". She was excited that he was going to be doing the cooking and helping her to drop some pounds. Johnny has never mentioned her weight in a negative context, that's always been her hangup.
  12. Yes! Is Col Lennox embezzling from the Army? Maybe I'm really overthinking this whole situation but how much cash does a regiment have on them at any given time? How often do the soldiers get paid? Who physically pays them? Is there a treasurer or some equivalent? The more I think about it, the more questions I have.
  13. You're right. I meant to say SleazeBall Edward. Tom is nice and well-meaning.
  14. Maybe I'm a dummy but I'm not understanding how the Army situation is unfolding. Is Col. Lennox completely in charge of deciding where a barracks should be? Don't these things have to be approved by someone way higher up? And the only reason the Army is in Sanditon is because SleazeBall Edward suggested it? Again, don't these things have to be approved? I didn't think the Army could just wander around the country and set up barracks anywhere they like. And Tom is taking the lead on drawing up blueprints for said barracks? This whole thing doesn't make sense to me.
  15. Bible Ben had some balls, judging the guys on the show for not being "men" and being led around by the women. Uh Ben...we literally saw you chasing Mahogany around Peru when she told you to stay in the US. She stood you up at the airport and you showed up at her hometown. Why was he so baffled that she used an AirBNB as her "apartment"? SHE DOESN'T WANT YOU KNOWING WHERE SHE LIVES!!! Ben wouldn't think twice about showing up at her place and banging the door down insisting that she listen to him. I'm so glad Jasmine called him out on being a creep.
  16. WTF did I just watch?! Everybody defending Incel Mike like we didn’t see him literally try to buy her affection? Buying her a couch means she’s required to marry him? She told him it was over and to stop sending money and somehow HE is the victim here? Sometimes relationships don’t work out, we’ve all been there. She met him In person and decided he was gross. Harsh, but she told him the truth. Mike is choosing to ignore the many, many, many times she’s told him the truth and he is choosing to send her money because he thinks that’ll make her beholden to him. I’m shocked everyone was on his side. He’s so disgusting.
  17. Ximena has said that Mike has gotten physical with her and I 100% believe it. When she was yelling at him to get out and he was refusing, if the cameras hadn't been there I think he would have hit her. The look on his face was scary.
  18. It's pure entitlement. Ben and Incel Mike think they're entitled to anything they want from these women. Ben is using God and Mike is using money. It's so bizarre that Mike is constantly complaining that Ximena is using him for money and then turns around and tries to buy her affection every time she attempts to dump him. They're both so disgusting.
  19. I was INFURIATED watching Mike with his shit-eating grin, laughing at Gino and Ben's relationships. This f&$%ing incel had to be told over a dozen times to leave her house and then basically tried to buy her....but go ahead Mike, laugh it up. I can't wait until his segment airs. I hope they eviscerate him.
  20. Meri still looks better than Robyn. I’ll die on that “heel”.
  21. Someone on Reddit actually found that awful blouse and it came from Dillard's. And it came in multiple colors. I hate LLR but if I had to choose between Meri's wardrobe or Robyn's, I would choose Meri 100%. At least LLR is attempting to be fashionable?
  22. I don’t know what kind of desperate AUB man would be willing to take on twice divorced Robyn, her five children by two different men, and her sallow, frumpy, miserable self. And who would want to deal with Kody as an ex? She has to know that’s she done.
  23. If I'm remembering right, Meri ended up being about $5K over budget and she said she would pay the difference out of pocket. Kody did make some comment to Christine (who was significantly under budget) about giving up some of her money to offset Meri's overage, but Christine said no and she ended spending her money on the stone on the outside of her house. I'm not really bothered by Meri going overboard on her choices because at this point, they're no longer solely living off of Kody and Janelle's income. They're all on tv and they're all "working" for TLC, and they're all getting the same paycheck. It's her money, she can spend it how she likes. Although, I would like to know what everyone's grocery budget was. If there was any place in the budget where Meri could have given back a bit, that was it.
  24. I wonder if it's as simple as Meri being the disciplinarian and Maddie views her as the "bad mom" who was all about timeouts, yelling, or spanking (No idea if the Browns spanked their kids, just me wondering). Christine was all sunshine and rainbows, Janelle has said she didn't do much in terms of discipline, and we all know Kody's f---ing useless. That leaves Meri with the not so fun job of being the tough parent. We saw it on the Fourth of July episode back in the earlier seasons; one of Robyn's kids was crying because someone hit her and all the parents are standing around doing nothing and Meri had to take charge and lay down the law and tell the other kids to knock it off. I really don't see Meri being abusive to children and I'd love to hear more details from Maddie.
  25. I don’t like LLR at all but I actually prefer the LLR prints and graphic tees to Robyns super frumpy schoolmarm tops. They age her so tremendously. That blouse she’s wearing on the tell all is sooooo unflattering and matronly. At least LLR is attempting to be stylish in its own garish, polyester way?
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