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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. As a firefighter (retired), I watch fire shows to see if they get at least some of the action correctly, and to laugh when they don't. And I watch to see who is going to be having sex. Just as I am sure that attorneys watch legal shows to see if they get some of the action correctly, and laugh when they don't. And watch to see who is going to have sex. And everyone else just wants to see who is going to have sex.
  2. Add to that the one particularly irritating moment when Benny had the temerity to loudly object that the ADA was testifying and not actually asking questions. The writers must have been laughing when they wrote that scene.
  3. Now, unlike Jason, all I see is a horse's face. I see a 2-3-7-10 split and somebody is buying beer after this game.
  4. Not to mention that an astute competitor candidate might have his staff look up the family voting records and make an issue out of her non-voting during the campaign.
  5. This is a department that was considering promoting either Andy or her squeeze Ryan to the Captain level. Nuff said.
  6. I think that, despite the cutting of the scene where she rushed out to the balcony, the fact is that she actually pushed Jon over the edge.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if someone dropped a dime on some dicknose Chief (yes, they do exist), and said,"Hey, can you work this into a plotline? Don't use my name."
  8. On the other hand, the project he designed for the other architecht had no bathrooms whatsoever. If you don't need one... Speaking of podcasts, I liked Michael's last line in the car after he tells Eleanor that she actually told Chidi that she loved him: "You want to listen to a podcast, maybe?"
  9. And, after he finally gets the building done, he has a moment of Randall-inspiration, goes for the grand gesture, and renames it Deja View Apartments.
  10. As long as West Coast Gabby is on duty and berating superior officers, none of the firefighters at 19 have a thing to worry about. Sullivan did err in the way he lashed out at Bishop during the training, despite how elementary it was. Praise in public, discipline in private. A general word to everyone to stay on track and accomplish the task at hand should have been sufficient (assuming everyone in the room was actually professional). As it was, he got publicly burned by Ripley.
  11. At least when they encounter a pregnant woman on some incident, they will know to ask her "Whose baby is it? Are you sleeping with anyone else? Are they rich?" I agree completely about the Spanish skills. I spent several weeks at an immersion school in Mexico way back when I was a firefighter in a primarily Latino community, and, although it helped considerably, I wasn't even close to being able to adequately translate everything people said. That whole storyline was just some inspired silliness that this show engages in all too often. I think Gorsch had Benny waxed after Benny went to Grissom and ratted him out. That would make a helluva story. Gorsch will probably still submit those letters of reprimand because he's really that stupid to think that there wouldn't be any blowback based on his actions at the incident. I loved Capp dropping that hint on him. "That's your job, boss."
  12. Gorsch continues his reign of terror at Firehouse 51, taking over Boden's morning meeting and going out on calls in Boden's place; Brett and Foster respond to a call where a Halloween prank has turned deadly serious.
  13. My sister was chairwoman in SF one year, and they filled their entire garage up with boxes.
  14. Or, if you're Beth, you can ask the customer to write down his CC number and promise that she'll tear it up as soon as she's done.
  15. I have forgotten the specifics of Galindo's brother's death. What did Devante tell him? Lesson learned too late. If you're going to be a mob lawyer, always carry a pistol in your pocket.
  16. They spent the last fundraiser on a cavernous convention hall one floor up from everything at the hospital. Or maybe it was one floor down. If everyone checking in to the Corrections wing of the hospital has to surrender everything in their pockets, why are the CO's walking around inside with guns and such? That was some might effective defib work. Two shocks and he's back from asystole. And no drugs, either. 4-5 drinks in and she can still walk and talk without slurring? I'm impressed.
  17. Dowel Jones

    Season 01

    New York young'un goes into construction, makes mad money. Check. Gets involved with shady business man who does favors for him. Check. Goes into politics. Check. Has an affair while he is married. Check. Has shady friend pay out hush money during the campaign. Check. Nothing to see here, folks. Moving on.
  18. I have to give the writers' room a snark credit for one scene. When Katherine and Eddie are in the kitchen post-play, she begins with 'I don't want to be with you', but finishes with 'This Isn't Us.' Boom. Did anyone else think of To Kill A Mockingbird when Theo presents his costume?
  19. Deferring to the late Steve Goodman here (several years old now): "The law of averages says anything that will happen, can. But the last time the Cubs won a National League Pennant, was the year we dropped the bomb on Japan." I took Allison's remark that she didn't even vote for the candidate to mean that she skipped that race, not the entire election, and was surprised for a moment when Bess told her to get off her butt and down to the polling place. And it was an eloquent speech. Small story: Regarding the polling place, I remember living in Chico, CA, many years back and being a polling official at the University polling place. There were 16 local residents and 100-200 students registered, but, they were all gone by the time primary elections came around in June, and were a factor only in the general elections. Thus, I had to sit there for 12 hours, even after the 16 local residents in the precinct had cast their votes. And I'm sure the students went home and tried to vote at their home precincts, too. I think Bess should make it a point to quietly spread the word around State that employees should avoid eating at that establishment, period. I also think the staff should get a loan of a shelter puppy and meet Bess at the elevator just for one day. The DoD chief, in my opinion, was being a bit too strict on protocol. Yes, it was wartime, but he was stateside, as I understand it, and made it back to his unit before deployment. I think that if they did some digging they would find more than a few soldiers AWOL for more than 18 hours. I saw a program on tv once (Whispers in the Wind, if I remember rightly), about the desertions in the early days (1942 on) of the air war in Europe. They were a constant problem because the Allies were basically losing, and crews were flying their bombers to Sweden or Switzerland for refuge and internment. So I can see the attitude toward desertion, but he didn't desert; he served his country.
  20. What I didn't understand is why Slattery ordered Octavio and Kelsi to "Halt!". What are you, a cop? Shoot those motherfluckers and be done with it. It's not like they're getting a trial or anything. President Spineless better find himself a VP in a hurry, because his cred went way down with the (rapidly decreasing) military. Of course, I find it surprising that anyone would believe a confession with an obvious stretched rope around his neck. No sign of the battleship this week, although I did like the guy swiping it off the table.
  21. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/jaguars-players-detained-wembley-nfl-021457638.html Jason must be so proud...
  22. Don't get everybody started on defective slow cookers, now.
  23. Well, that was a 60 minute (commercials included) Saturday morning cartoon show. That's all I got.
  24. Everyone is less than enthusiastic when Sullivan assigns each member of the crew a specialty skill to learn. During a house call, Ryan is caught off guard when he comes face-to-face with someone from his past; and Sullivan, Andy and Maya handle a structure fire in a derelict building.
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