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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Nah, they're going to go the cheap route. All the fires will happen on Hermann's days off, so the usual crowd will traipse into Molly's after shift and regale Hermann (behind the bar) of the day's exploits.
  2. "$18,000? Oh, better luck next time." Speaking of which, the California Lottery is sitting at $548 million. Help, Janet!!
  3. I really felt for EZ there when she got in the car with him and said "You can fuck me if you want." He had to be thinking "How do I get out of this? This is not going to end well." Fortunately for him, it did.
  4. Even after the return to the station, Andy was still trying to convince herself that she did the right thing by jumping in. She doesn't see anything beyond her tunnel vision, "I can be the hero" complex. I can't help thinking what would have happened if Andy's actions had directly resulted in the kid's death (on a Shondaland show? Not a chance) right there in front of his father. And it also seemed like Bishop was more annoyed at the fact that she was upstaged rather than the rescue failed.
  5. It also served, as far as I could see, to be a definitive statement of Elizabeth's Presidential campaign platform.
  6. Michael would be required to be a bartender at some random Boston tavern for the rest of his days.
  7. About that beard, Gorsch. Either grow it out or shave it off. A four point buck wanders through Chicago and nobody notices it?
  8. She must have done some background checks off camera. She said the taco vendor only had one son, so she knew something was up. From there it's just the standard trap to see if they can catch him. I wouldn't be surprised if someone was outside the market watching him make the phone call. 7 million pesos calculates to about $368,000 US. Just 'cause I wanted to know. When EZ finally dumped that car and hid in the field, my first thought was that it was a gigantic marijuana grow, and EZ is looking around, thinking, "This is just not my day."
  9. Alec Baldwin/Nicole Kidman did this plot in a 1993 movie called Malice. I didn't catch on until Bull mentioned the lack of vomit. What I would like to know, besides plot requirements, is why the NYPD, with all their in house attorneys (plus the city staff), would have Benny arguing the case. TAC's specialty is jury selection, not trial litigation. And, since Bull made it clear that the PD was his client, why was the officer sitting up at the defense table? One, that implies that she was on trial for a criminal offense instead of the city being subjected to a civil action; and, Two, since she appears to be his client, selling out your own client in public would be a grievous breach of attorney responsibility. I hope that law schools show these episodes to their classes with the admonition of "Don't do this. Really. Just. Don't."
  10. Dowel Jones

    Season 01

    You have to search for it. The two agents approach the Ukrainian doctor's apartment complex. Agent Bell: "What do you bet he's in the wind?" Seconds later, said doctor comes crashing down, through the wind, and into a car. Why would the property manager give up the locations of the gang's properties, if she was actually part of the cartel? Was she looking to clean out the lower level thugs?
  11. Rhubarb noticed all the rum flowing out of those barrels from the errant bullets (and there were plenty), so he put out the word and he and his friends are still having the party of a lifetime. As we speak, they're laughing their furry little asses off after hearing that Team Chandler is stuck in the Nathan James sucking down Cherry Cokes.
  12. Well, the Carolinas did get hit pretty hard recently, and Michael is making a run at Florida. Plenty of work for her off camera still.
  13. I was harboring a forlorn notion that Heidi was a deep plant all this time, talking the talk, but this week buried that idea. The way she smiled when the General ordered the hapless Jewish man to start running just made me sick. She is unrepentant evil. So what was she doing in Faber's study when Aurora burst in? She would have no legitimate reason for being there that late at night. I like to hope the remainder of the village somehow manages to safely migrate to a larger town and disappear. If they stay there, it's just a postponement of the inevitable. "The German. Duty before pleasure." Heh.
  14. Some brands of masks also have a head up display inside that has a flashing red light in full view, in case you can't hear that alarm for whatever reason. There was no reason, other than plotline, for Stella to go down like that. Also, when the air does deplete, you actually can't draw a breath inside the mask; the air seal is that tight. Unless, of course, you're a handsome leading man and always sport a three day growth of beard on your face, but that's another subject entirely. When you can't breathe like that, it's automatic that you somehow break the seal so you can get some outside air. You can't avoid it. You don't just pass out.
  15. Was there any explanation as to why Chandler was ashore again on a high risk mission (other than the normal Captain Kirk plotline)? Then he suddenly appeared back at HQ going over the big picture, and then back aboard the ship. Do I have that sequence right? I couldn't figure it out. Hey, Tac Squad. Do you think it was a good idea to crawl out the same window where multitudes of bad guys were just coming in and shooting through? I mean, yeah, you all made it out, but you know what I was expecting? The scene onboard the ship where they were all recalling the firefight would progress with each member disappearing because they didn't make it out, and Chandler and Slattery would be the only ones left. Flags of Our Fathers did such a good job on that subject, showing all the stress and guilt of the three surviving Marines as they repeatedly recreated the flag-raising in a spectacle for war bond drives. It makes you think, how do you pay for a war? I read a book one time that posited that the American Revolution ended not so much as a result of rebel victories on the battlefield as it was becoming a severe drain on the British Treasury and enough of Parliament finally said, "To hell with them."
  16. Lord, that was bad. Really bad. Somebody needs to get fired, or at least demoted. Apparently facial hair is no longer an impediment to a tight seal on a facemask. Or maybe scruff is still in. I'm not sure which. It doesn't seem to matter anyway, since the heroes do not seem to see the need to wear the SCBA at critical times. Shondaland needs to have a disclaimer at the beginning of the show that says "This show is a dramatization. It does not represent any fire department outside of fiction."
  17. Just in case anyone's concerned about the behavior and competence of the 51 crowd, Station 19 made it's return to tv tonight. And yes, they did bring the crazy.
  18. Writers' Room: "What are we going to do now? How can we fill up an hour show about a busy Chicago fire station without the pointless relationship drama that was Gabby and Matt?" "Oh, I know! Let's have a big incident where everyone actually gets to do their job." "Naah, that'll never work. Way too boring." "C'mon, let's try it." Well, we've seen the people from 51 know how to do everything technical on a fire. Maybe they could now focus on actually putting water on the fire. That was embarrassing. If I had been in Mouch's position, I would have slammed my helmet on that clod's fingers until he let go of the stair rail, and then dragged him down the stairs until he got up and walked. Ain't nobody got time for a pep talk in there. Sure am glad that CFD can handle a complex, multi-story structure fire with a reduced force so that everyone from 51 can go contaminate the ER at Chicago Med while they wait for Stella. My tv cut out. I take it she survived? Did Severide and Hermann get into a fight over it? I take issue with Severide's anger at Hermann, though. It's the firefighter's own responsibility to keep track of the SCBA air level. That's what all those audible alarms are for. They tell you when you have 2-3 minutes (under normal breathing, less when exerting) of air left. You don't ignore the alarm just so you can keep putting water on the fire (or at least in the general direction of the fire). You don't wait for someone to tell you to go get another bottle. Stella would know that from training. I thought Severide was going to pull a Bruce Willis and shoot the window out, but no, he actually did it the right way. And all those idiots on the ground getting pelted by falling glass. Good work, PD. Speaking of PD, I sure am glad there's no favoritism in CFD. Let's all look for the cop's dad instead of anyone else that might be trapped in the building.
  19. Does anyone have an explanation for the episode titling?
  20. I missed the import of the tunnel from the white gang's house to the brothel. It would be pointless for use as a smuggling route. By the way, that club guy that was tracking it out needs to take some lessons on how to stay in stealth mode. He was just a bit too noisy coming through the trap doors. Watch your step, Coco. The boss got his eye on you now.
  21. Dowel Jones

    Season 01

    And the characters always end their rant with "Let's MOVE, people!" As if you can speed up the data entry into the computer, or make the mouse go around just a little faster. Just like the scenes where the police in a shooting match get on the radio and shout "I need backup and an ambulance NOW!", as if that makes a difference. I hate that trope.
  22. The writing on the wall was the slogan of Los Olvidados (I forget the actual wording). It was meant as a false flag to show that the rebels had killed the nun, and maybe the people would turn against them and support the Galindo cartel. Hence, unless the rebels are supremely stupid, the killing was planned by someone in the cartel. It's up in the air as to whom.
  23. I have to say I thought of The Spy Who Came In From The Cold (the book, not the movie) as soon as those two agents were sent out to the field. ETA: Although Faber's knowledge of the two agents is a given, how did the Germans know about the mole in the resettlement office? That info wouldn't come from Sinclair.
  24. Steven Seagal sold out, obviously, although I would favor a reappearance of our favorite submarine captain. I am waiting for the crew of the Nathan James to throw the cardboard cutout of Chandler overboard, so that Tavo's henchman can come running into the room, calling out "We got him, Tavo! Our people saw him floating face up in the ocean!" I assume that whatever battleship is out there is firing 25" shells at the Nathan James. I would expect a hit to do more damage than that. With all the relaying of commands on the bridge, I am continually recalling Spaceballs, where Dark Helmet screams "Stop preparing! You're always preparing to do something. Just do it!" You have to wonder what Granderson's plan was. Hasn't she ever watched tv to know that "You have to come to HQ with me to explain why you sent a bug to infect the entire command structure of the US military, crippling our defense and costing thousands of lives" just isn't a very persuasive argument. Instead, she relies on "but I thought you loved me". Stick a knife in her, she's done.
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