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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. What would really suck is if Daly's plane, and the missiles, made it into the future and he goes down there, much to the consternation of everyone in 2024. I noticed (sidebar) that, while in the simulator, he was wearing earphones by David Clarke Co.( a very popular, and expensive, set of aviator gear). But, they put tape over the logo on the outside. It could be correct. The attitude of the aircraft is its position relative to the earth below it, as in flat and level attitude, or nose up attitude. I wasn't listening closely enough. After this episode, if I were a passenger on Flight 828, or anyone connected with it, I sure as hell wouldn't consent to meeting Ben for any reason.
  2. I think the niece should at least be charged with felony stupid for giving the combination out loud. That, and apparently not having a password protected phone. I was also hoping for a twist or two. Maybe they did do it and used the Agatha Christie plot to get away with it. Or maybe either one of them was selling the other down the road. Or the owner had some hare-brained scheme to loot his store and it went bad from the start. I liked the question Benny used to stir up the jury pool, causing most of them to reach for their wallet/purse, and outing one juror they definitely didn't want. Cool trick. Can the prosecution really bring a surprise witness into court, claiming they didn't know about them until the previous night? Even with a good cross, the idea of guilt is implanted in the mind of the jury. "Finish your drink. It's the last one you'll have for a long time." Mic drop. On a side note, I'd be worried about those shoulder belts in Bull's car. They sit way to high, and look like they could snap a neck in a collision.
  3. The only thing that got my interest was a flashback to the opening scene of S1E1, which showed her opening the duffel bag. What duffel bag has a double zipper? Outside of the current occupant, why would anyone be trapped in one?
  4. And if those wall studs were on 16" centers, I'll eat my hat. So many blunders and idiot moves in the trailer company storyline. It's a felony to look inside someone else's mailbox. I presume that will come up during discovery, which might negate testimony from the security chief. If he wanted to, he could charge Casey with assault and battery, as well as trespassing, but, for some odd reason, the next scene is all three of them in conversation in his house. Speaking of him, the dynamic duo gets a phone list. but Naomi says to print out that list of 1100 names. At 50 names per page, that's 22 pages. There goes the printer ink. They lucked out making that phone call to his office. Worst of all was Casey's anger at the police for doing their job. Beyond the two scenarios listed by the detective, I can think of a few others. Casey decides to frame the family, for instance. Naomi wants to make herself the victim, for instance. Casey's construction jobs, for instance. The PD has to exclude all the other possibilities, at least until our heroes can put themselves in harm's way by confronting the bad guys with only testimony from their accomplice. And so Naomi departs the show, to follow up on a hot story in Zurich, probably involving young, jet-setting, hedge fund millionaires who ski all winter and safari all summer, and have houses in five different continents (all with smoke alarms, of course). My heart sank for a moment when Casey was in his apartment, looking at the Gabby photo, and the off screen voice says, "Well, hello." What a relief to know it was Naomi. The semi vs. car crash. It was a good thing that the crew had their helmets on. Except for the people actually working underneath the rapidly collapsing semi trailer, of course. Maybe Mouch was a bit of a turd for not saving the medics ahead of time, but the scene where the bus rolled up was worth the dumbness of the rest of the episode.
  5. Wait a minute. Didn't IHOP change their name awhile back, albeit only temporarily? Shouldn't they be heading to Inter-dimensional Hole of Burritos? Not to worry. Upstairs, Chidi reverted to form and spent the entire time worrying about whether it's "in and out" or "out and in". I want that Postal Service patch.
  6. You guys are inserting real life logic into the discussion. Please stop. :) /s
  7. Fast forward five years, and there is Agnes tucked in bed, and she looks up at Spader and says, "Tell me a story, Grampa. Tell me about the FBI..." Spader sighs, and says, "Once upon a time...." I'm glad he picked Archibald Leach (anyone else channel the Jeopardy scene from Cheers?). He could have picked Marion Morrison.
  8. I would like to know what newRed looked like before his transformation 30 years ago. A young James Spader, or perhaps Tom Keen (special cameo photo appearance by Dr. Max)?
  9. Dalton could make an easy statement on the problem just by shifting the ICE Border Patrol agents to somewhere else, and tell the AZ governor "You want your own immigration law? You enforce it by yourself." Next up: "The Department of Defense will be conducting a study on the feasibility of the continuing operation of various military bases in Arizona." Chekov's party basket is bound to play a big role in part two. I have to believe there is some undercurrent for the introduction of this subplot. Part Two will be the feel-good episode. Everything will be solved, Hallmark style, and the vow renewal ceremony will 'just so', allaying everyone's fears.
  10. Stevie is already in line to be the Secretary of Domestic and Foreign Affairs.
  11. I was thinking of the person hearing the confession, not the confessor. Can someone of any religion claim that privilege and not divulge what was said to them?
  12. I know it's probably extremely coincidental because of the writing timeline, but my first thought when Maggie dumped on Gary was the extremely embarrassing incident with George HW Bush and the Japanese Prime Minister way back when. I'm probably going to hell.
  13. That's a hella good story idea.
  14. Is it only the Catholic religion that regards confession as sacrosanct? That would seem to open an entire can of worms if everyone suddenly started claiming the right of confessional immunity, so to speak.
  15. Dowel Jones

    Season 01

    A guy as rich and paranoid as the arms dealer rents out an entire floor, but doesn't have any security on the lobby floor when he's supposed to meet the buyer? I thought sure when Billy Burke was running through the lobby and out to the conspicuous by its own ordinariness van that someone would have had a suspicion or two. But, then again, as soon as he said "If you don't know this stuff you get yourself killed. Or your partner killed", that he was a dead duck. Wrong on both counts. By the same token, did the daughter take into account the reaction of the group OA was supposed to be representing? If they got stiffed on the deal, I'm sure they would be taking a much more direct approach to the problem than a lawsuit. They could have had henchmen hiding near the piers also. That couldn't have been the Quantico Academy. Where were the pretty faces, the beautiful hair, and the too-tight low cut blouses? Those students looked way too professional.
  16. I hope all of you can crowd source this show for me, because, even after watching all of S1 and tonight's episode, I am almost completely lost most of the time.
  17. I spent the whole episode wondering what the connection was to the opening sequence. Finally, they went back to it. I felt for Blake. He looked so triumphant at the meeting, only to be deflated back at the office. And, yeah, that is life in the big leagues sometimes. Why was Henry responsible to file a report on the Secretary's actions? He's an ethics advisor, not a house cop. Yes, it did bring to the fore the doctor's wrongdoing, but it just seemed off-putting to bring it about that way. And another thing. That guy was the WH physician. Why did Bess go to him instead of a private physician for her adult child?
  18. Wait a minute here. Haven't they been dead for 300 years? If so, the 521 year lapse would only go back to 1797. Plenty of people in that pool, now.
  19. He's in Canada. How could he start in the negative?
  20. Kind of a weird reference to the movie Grey Gardens, around 47 minutes in. Since the movie aired in 1975, is the term really in the culture still? Weller shouldn't stand a chance against Remi's fighting skills. They've built the whole show around them. This FBI must really, really want Zapata alive. Any other show, they would have ventilated her at the moment she swung around and pointed the gun at Reade.
  21. It's much easier to put a bucket underneath the pipes to catch the residual water draining out. That makes it a lot easier to detach and replace the leaky pipes. Of course, you don't want to take the bucket out and absentmindedly pour the water down the sink before replacing the pipes. I've (ahem) heard of guy actually doing this.
  22. "Ah, c'mon, Dad. Can't I get a break here?"
  23. Someone needs to get word back to Doug that he's doomed, so he might as well start partying at the bar, peeing on the police car, and giving that snotty kid a fist sandwich. What are they gonna do?
  24. Very strange episode, but the puppies were cute. End of conversation. :)
  25. I think we have to go with the simplest solution. It was a David Copperfield stunt gone terribly wrong.
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