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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. The pilot is going to come back from the future and tell everyone "Sorry, everyone, this really sucks, I know, but you got cancelled after one season. Oh, and put your money in Uber stocks."
  2. I would laugh if they opened up the rear door of that van and a pile of money and bullion fell out. And if they gave Dick Wolf a cameo. Did Mic and Zeke go directly from the wilderness to her apartment? I'm thinking that, in real life at least, there would be a bit of an issue of body odor and ratty clothes by this time. Get thee to the shower, Mystery Man! So the Major wants to weaponize Cal. That's what the national security apparatus really needs: a pouty little boy that shows promise as a surrealist painter and wanders off at the slightest provocation. Enemies beware! More conspiracy clues! Lourdes and Jared live at 3528 Whatever Street. 3+5=8; 8 & 28=828. ETA: After rewatching the scene where Jared and Mic are assigned to watch the van brought up from the river, it turns out that it was the getaway car from a $75 million dollar heist. Hmmm.
  3. From the article: "To recreate the L.A. Times, where Jay goes to see an editor (their preferred meeting spot is a dimly lit bar, shot at the American Legion’s Hollywood Post 43),...." Somehow, that seems just so appropriate.
  4. Even if the plot is a little slow, I just like to see the vintage autos. Who keeps an old city bus warehoused for the movie industry?
  5. They showed Alter Ego to be #131 at the very beginning. For whatever obsessions I have, a few seasons back I created the full list (as shown), and have been following up every episode since then. If anyone wants to see it, I will create a separate thread and post it. I can't even remember half the names anymore.
  6. So Red actually misjudges an event. He's slipping. It turns out, the bad guy simply hired on some Dollhouse Alter Ego actors to get it done. I was rather sort of rooting for Reddington in the courtroom, but his inherent snarkiness was cutting his testimony off at the knees. They left the door open a bit, though with the order for a trial on the firearm possession. Liz has gotta be sweating bullets now, after she heard Red's vow. I had to rerun the scene twice when Ressler actually effected an arrest, but then I realized one of them got away, at least for a bit. Of course, it always helps when the evil guy wastes time explaining his evil plan. That poor, soon to be ex-husband is in for a lot of shame now.
  7. The difference probably comes from powering the halo that is continually over his head.
  8. "The potential series...centers on the division of the FBI tasked with tracking and capturing the notorious criminals on the FBI’s Most Wanted list." All they need now is a suave, well dressed arch criminal to lead them down the path.
  9. To which the kids would respond: "No problem. We believe you. After all, what kind of clueless idiots would go to all the trouble to make that stuff up, without ever having an explanation?"
  10. And probably leave him with the restaurant bill, too.
  11. I can hardly wait until Michaela and Zeke start having sex. "Wait, what did you say?" "I thought that was you." "No, that was the first time".
  12. It's ordnance, not ordinance, Mr. Defense Industry guy. I had to laugh when Bess was lecturing the Syrian diplomat. She says "You'll have to answer to your own people for your actions." The Syrian would have just shrugged and said "Yeah, so?"
  13. When I was in college, I saw one of the ubiquitous book for sale signs on a bulletin board: "Science book for sale, $12" Call xxx-xxxx (or something like that). Another wiseacre student had handwritten a note on the same posting card that said "Same book, $7." Different phone number. Cold, man, cold.
  14. Perhaps a market based approach, such as cap and trade, would be more efficient. People with an excess of good points could advertise them for sale to the rest of us reprobates. Certain pharmaceutical CEO's and entertainment executives would be ineligible, of course.
  15. Maybe he was stuck by an ancient computer, typing in a sequence of numbers every hour or so. And, yes, it did smell like carrots in there.
  16. I rather had to opposite view of the ME. I thought she was so convinced of her own immunity that she was sure the jury would see the world the same way she did, because that's the way things are (in her worldview). She wasn't at all cognizant of the fact that, far from her view, truth is how it is presented in the world of trials and juries. It can be slanted, twisted, turned on its head, and shoved out the door without so much as an apology.
  17. Just as a side note, age is considered a protected class under EEO guidelines, and Otis's continued needling of Mouch could be considered harassment, if Mouch ever decided to make a complaint. That is, if Boden would actually manage his station. I called the cop responsible for the accident as soon as Casey and Severide "interviewed" him about the accident. Of course the police impound yard let them rummage around the wreckage of a potentially unsolved crime. And fiddle with evidence when they eventually found it out on the avenue. Do these guys have any life at all that they hang out at Molly's every single night off?
  18. The first thing I thought of was that scene in Spaceballs where Moranis and crew plug in a videotape of Spaceballs and fast forward it to the current moment, and start watching themselves "live".
  19. And there is your answer. Several years ago, Red saved the rat and its mother from some terrible fate, and it has been devoted to him since. Lying in deep cover, it waited until Red called upon it for its assistance. Look for future missions when it somehow smuggles in prison blueprints, a large stash of money, a cell phone, and maybe a bottle of good Cabernet.
  20. Kelly did say to the kid, "All the times I told you that oily rags piled together are a fire hazard..." (or words to that effect). If that came up in a conversation with a counselor or a defense attorney, oh boy. Station 51 in peril! So Kelly and Matt are going to room together. The dullest bachelor pad in all of Chicago. Doesn't matter anyway, as they seem to spend all their off time at Molly's. That doctor must be the only medical person in Chicago that doesn't know that Foster was a doctor before becoming a medic.
  21. Another interesting effect of Daly & Fiona making it into the future, assuming they land at some reasonable time downstream, is that the original disappearance/reappearance would still be in everyone's collective memory. Now it happens again, and the pilot has a first person account of both occurrences. Even if the mysterious three letter government organization managed to bury the story the first time, it will come roaring back again.
  22. I had to rewind and put the closed captioning on, because when it was first said, I thought "Alice Cooper? Are you freakin' kidding me?"
  23. All we need now is a stuffed tiger.
  24. I guess they gave the kids, save Noodle, the episode off just for managing the vow renewal with all the trimmings last week. I realize that the McCord residence is a high security house, but with all the hand wringing about the State Dept. redshirt taking his computer home, there is Bess talking international policy with China on a laptop in her personal residence. For some reason, Matt and Daisy's quarrel during the meeting reminded me so much of the background voiceover in the movie Airplane! "The white zone is for passenger unloading...."
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