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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    Once again Maggie and OA are detailed all over the area to look for suspects. And once again they have to chase one, although this time it was semi-legit because he ran first. I would have laughed had he run down the fire escape instead of up to make his escape, what with the duo failing once again to call for backup to secure the scene. Jubal got to talk at normal volume for almost the entire episode! That was one helluva nice panic room.
  2. To tell the truth, I was waiting for a reveal that Vivian had hired the kid to murder their father, with the promise of part of the inheritance to go toward his mom for a lifetime. ETA: Color me shocked (shocked!) when Benny asked Taylor if her evidence had been obtained legally with a warrant. Is that a thing now with TAC?
  3. Normally I don't pay much attention to the credits at the beginning of the show, but I just noticed that former LA County DA Gil Garcetti is a consulting producer for the show. Has he been on board all along or was that a new addition?
  4. With this show, it's more likely "OMG, the character is acting logically!" That's still brand new. Throw in a giant four toed statue and a purple sky and I'm there!
  5. I am going to commit the episode title to memory for future reference as an excellent insult.
  6. Maybe he will assign Dr. Bloom to the unit, and she will be consigned to walking the hall with her cane, making only token appearances in the 'regular' hospital.
  7. Additionally, DOT requires that all trucks over 10,000# GVW have a rear collision bar on the trailer, which is supposed to prevent that very occurrence. I would think that both vehicles would have to be traveling at rather high speeds for the car to have enough force to bend that bar back enough for it to slide under the trailer. But, if that were the case, we wouldn't have the thrilling race to save the driver with the slowest extrication possible vs. the person to person blood donation. Type O for the win!
  8. So, I'm guessing, a mistrial? If the tone of her voice isn't enough to make him drop everything and call her back, whatever she said won't make any difference, in my opinion. That was one stressed phone call. They are definitely going somewhere with the tension between the two of them. Worst. Bailiff. Ever. They are trained SO deputies; he should have expected some type of violent or extreme behavior from the defendant as soon as he got up. Did her experience in Die Hard inspired Holly McLane to write a book?
  9. Thanks, Zoey, for making me feel really old, when you said you didn't recognize the song Moondance or Van Morrison. 🙂
  10. Although a 5-star rating would certainly attract some interest.
  11. Yeah, the last victim's circumstance was not explained at all. I was expecting some secondary device. So, what are we to make of Chekov's auto-immune disorder? I suspect it will make another entrance at some crucial moment, allowing the Bone Collector to get away for another episode. Since that camera system works so well, why not equip each of his team with it, and multiple monitors back at his house? Amelia seems to be on the border between competent officer and scared of everything. She could use some backup in the field. The Bone Collector seems to have an excellent knowledge about all the workings of the various infrastructure. He's been in town only a few weeks (I know he lived there a few years earlier), but he knows how to disable the subway cameras and knows where his targets will be every day.
  12. He was burying the cat that got killed at the beginning of the episode, supposedly by the escaped tiger. He had wrapped it up and initially was trying to hide it from someone else in the house.
  13. Was that really a tiger at the motel? It looked more like a jaguar, or maybe even an ocelot. Not that it matters anyway; both of them have the right of way in that hallway as far as I'm concerned.
  14. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    Some guy named Benedict, I think.
  15. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    Or an ass-kicked agent in the field.
  16. Those numbers represent the percentage of gas:air mixture. As mxc90 pointed out, too much gas = not enough air for ignition until the optimum point is reached. That being said, I, even with a nose that's on permanent vacation, can smell natural gas a block away. Those people should have had plenty of warning to evacuate. Paging the Wig from OFI... Gallo really overstepped his bounds by telling the grieving parents it was the gas company's fault. He could get in all kinds of trouble for interfering in an investigation. If Hermann has unqualified personnel on his engine, he needs to do some daily training with his crew until everyone knows the engine inside and out, even if it doesn't do anything on camera. That is absolutely essential to good firefighting.
  17. I kind of liked it, as far as procedurals go. I was rather expecting some serious twists with the immigrant woman, such as the child not really hers and she was on some nefarious person's payroll, etc., etc., that could have been stretched out over a couple of episodes. One thing I will point out, for the benefit of the writers. Did anyone notice the "Los Angeles Tribune" newspaper headline? "Mayor diffuses crisis". You defuse a crisis. You diffuse a substance in another substance.
  18. Because Monkees are closely related to humans? I'll show myself out now.
  19. I know that these episodes are written and filmed way in advance, but it almost seemed like they were trying to ride on the coattails of The Good Place finale. Presumably Floyd will write up a report on Bloom's actions before he departs. That violation of medical ethics was so blatant as to be jaw dropping. Except, of course, Max will step in and smooth things over. I went back and (admittedly) sped through the show to find out why the big gun donor was so upset about the press conference. Was it about the palliative care unit, or just that his name was thrown out there? Either way, Max, as usual, has probably cut his corporate nose off to spite his face. That donor is going to talk at his private clubs and such, and word will get out to other donors about the hospital's conduct. That giant sucking sound? It's all the money going somewhere else. This hospital has gone completely off the rails. If I lived in NYC, I would get a medic alert bracelet that says "I will sue any ambulance company that takes me to New Amsterdam Hospital."
  20. I saw a little house sign once that read "Mom's Bed and Breakfast. You make both."
  21. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    It's a reference to the episode synopsis, which was in error.
  22. I had to laugh at Bull's comment about Juror #8. "She's sitting there, acting like she's made up her mind already and doesn't need to hear any more testimony." Heh. Imagine that. Like it would happen in real life. The attorney asking for a consultation telegraphed the downfall almost immediately. Of course, I wonder how he got so many shell companies up and organized so quickly so as to conceal the origin of his bribery payment. Don't quote me on this, but it's my understanding that, as a result of federal laws regulating access to US financial markets from foreign countries, that tax havens like the Cayman Islands have become much more accessible to US investigations for financial crimes. They sort of glossed over the fact that the Dean openly perjured herself on the stand when she testified that the Dr. was present when his father handed over the money. Her testimony in future cases is virtually worthless now. Benny should have questioned her more stringently on that point.
  23. You don't think Andy leaving town with $375,000 and moving to Mexico to start a fishing charter business, and the best that he can do is a POS shark bait tub isn't the least bit supernatural? (major snark).
  24. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    When Maggie and OA approached the box truck and the camera angle switched to inside the cab looking out at the rear view mirror, I had this mental image of Maggie yanking open the door and the terrified cameraman yelling "Don't shoot, don't shoot! They told me to set up in here!" That cargo company is going to be on the hook for wrongful death lawsuits in a big way. You're hauling around automatic ammunition and armor piercing rifles (tips hat to Netfoot), and you can't even do a proper background check? I am completely amazed the Army Military Police arrested the terrorists that they caught. "You kill us, we will kill you back. End of story." Paging Raymond Reddington...
  25. They should have pushed it all the way with the chorus: "Rip, rap, rip, rap, ripping all with ease."
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