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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. They're doing their best to kill her. Somebody just keeps screwing it up.
  2. Bess was also wearing a Colfax Track team sweatshirt at the beginning of the show. Did she come out of California in the show's history? I was thinking 20kw generators and several thousand gallons of diesel, at least until they could get a good source for independent power. I know they had some in camp but it sounded like they were woefully underpowered. Okay, Russell, I know that one of the show's premises is that you are the voice of the President in most of the scenes, but when you're in a group conference and the President is sitting right next to you, don't you think it would be prudent for you to shut the hell up and leave the negotiation to the President? That was a very well written speech to the State Department employees. Letting people know that they are valued is the strongest brick in any foundation. Audra MacDonald?
  3. So, what happens if you're on the Ethics Express and you have a choice between, say, running over the members of The Red Hot Chili Peppers on one track, or switching over and running down one Frenchman? Do you still go to the Bad Place?
  4. Well, personally, I wouldn't want to leave that in the hands of an AA. It's one more link in the chain of getting critical equipment. I'm sure it depends on the location, but when I was working, I would always find time to make a phone call to get stuff for the engine. Plus, although ambulance personnel might be run hard in real life, this crowd spends an awful lot of time lounging around the station or running errands.
  5. What, you don't have fast forward? I zipped through pretty much every bit of the garage scenes until 51 arrived. Made it much easier. How did that soldier make staff sergeant without ever once being deployed somewhere? So Gabby has a working knowledge of structural engineering, too? You would think that, given the extent of the collapse, the contractor would have foreseen it too. They do know about these things. Chief Boden orders his entire house to respond to the collapse scene, even though they weren't dispatched, and they took out coverage of their own area. Somebody's going to notice that in headquarters. Look out, Chief. Your job is on the line again. And yes, Casey, let's go into a confined space without and SCBA or rescue rope, because it's your wife in there, and there's no chance of further collapse and trapping you, too. I get the setup for Hope being not exactly competent, but, hey, firefighters, take care of your own equipment. Call HQ by yourself to get those O2 bottles refilled. I wasn't paying enough attention. What happened to the rodent after it escaped? Is it still at large? Way too cute and furry to be an abandoned plotline.
  6. I have put my mail on vacation hold, but they have never asked when I will return. I went in to collect it, and they would ask me if I wished to continue the hold, but that was all. The same for my newspaper delivery. I guess it would work for one or two nights for Red. There wouldn't be any questions about a suicide and two open heart surgeries resulting in a transplant, would there? And then one of their surgeons turns up dead. Just another day at Hospitals R Us. I did like the "Doctors Without Morals" quip, though. I WANT a roll of Calvin and Hobbes stamps. I will pay the surcharge. Red's phone number is listed on Liz's phone as "Nick's Pizza"?
  7. At first, I thought that he might be in a lower level class at a university because he had his own office, but then the bell rang for beginning the next class. Did anyone here go to a college with time bells? I sure didn't. So maybe he is in high school.
  8. The only real problems with a double transport are that, 1) in real life, the cardiac patient would require the gurney, so they would have to unload the (presumably properly secured) patient from that gurney and hand load her into the ambo while on the backboard, and 2) one medic would have to take care of two people while in transport. Of course, in the magical world of Chicago Fire, one round on the AED stopped the v-tac and the patient was fully recovered, so those problems were automatically mitigated. An in-station romance at 51? Color me not surprised. At all. No, wearing gloves on the way to the call is not standard practice, unless you yourself are infected with something. But that would be a whole 'nother issue. I always put my gloves on after arrival. How exactly is a BC promoted to Commissioner in one step? That line floored me. Does that mean he will be the boss of that asshole Assistant Chief from last season? The battle is on the horizon, and Boden's career is on the line again. I had to laugh at the line about the two cigar butts, because last episode Casey and Severide were the owners of those two cigars on the roof. Busted! Is there a captain position open on the truck, or will Casey have to move to another station? If so, will there be a gusher of tears from Gabby and a demand to Boden to keep him there at 51? Transfer someone else, she whines. You can't do this to us! I loved Hermann's line about "buy one, get one free" Buy one, get one and pay for it. He knows about business. Too bad he got shanked in the end.
  9. They forgot to mention in their reverie of how they would do it all again that they would get their pants sued off by record labels and musicians and lose everything.
  10. I felt like I spent two hours watching the arrow spin around and a caption below that says "Loading, Please wait." I did like Gordon's tape message to Hailey.
  11. Slattery asked him if he wanted to go back to Greece to get his family, and Chandler replied, "I just want to go home."
  12. Which gives some serious weight to Kevin's rant the first time around. This time, if I were Kevin, I think I would have met the director after the show in a private room and rearranged his nose for that idiotic stunt. Whether it was planned or spontaneous, that was over the top punishment for an actor. Good luck, Morris Chestnut. You're going to need a strong stomach to get through that mess.
  13. And, obviously from the previews, the entire premise of the show. Unless they want to retitle it The Last Four Ships.
  14. Well, for one thing, they could have all gathered on one side of the ship, threatening to capsize it just like the previous episode...
  15. Dialogue on the deck: Chandler- "The future's uncertain." Me- "And the end is always near. Let it roll, baby roll..." Hey, Vulture Team, here's a hint. If you're dealing with hostiles at the airport, don't waste time ordering them to put the chalupa down and drop your weapons. Just shoot them. Same thing on board the Greek ship. Sasha shoots everyone who gets in her way until she gets to the engine room, and then holds the guy hostage, which gives him a chance to jump her. Unsuccessfully, of course. I was thinking, two ships head to head at 20 knots each, yeah, that's going to make it easy for the boarding party. But then again, the Navy has some experience at colliding with other ships. What, too soon? I lost track somewhere. Did the NJ dump those fishing refugees off between episodes? I got a kick out of Kandie attaching that foot long silencer to her sidearm. And then putting it back in a holster. Vellek holding onto that match until the bitter end was comic. As was the flash of the hazmat sign on the lab wall while Sasha is shooting it out with the two Greek redshirts. Be careful, now! Now that they have won the endgame, what did the NJ do with the Greek warship? Sink it, let it go? There didn't seem to be any crew left anyway. I thought the navigator joke was kind of funny. But that's just me.
  16. The tech guy said "The hard drive was pretty fried, but it looks like he found a way to hack through our firewall. He was trying to upload something to the cloud before the bomb hit." Hannah asked "Do you know what it was?" Tech guy shook his head.
  17. I won't argue too much, but, on rewatch, she said "a centimeter", and pointed to the midpoint of her shoulder, several inches away. If she had said something like "the brachial artery", it might have been more convincing, at least to me.
  18. Mookster, you may end up being our own Designated Survivor.
  19. In real life, absolutely, and OSHA would definitely have something to say about their safety practices. However, in tvChicago, the connection between plotlines and truth is often very tenuous.
  20. Or, it could be just a half hour comedy show instead of a world shaking allegory.
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