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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Not to mention that there are apparently no trained arson investigators in all the jurisdictions where these fires occur, thereby creating the need for a prisoner to be released from jail to assist the FBI. I was also taken aback by the abbot's reaction to the fact that Wattles killed men, too. What, you didn't think it was odd that he killed women, but throw him under the bus if he killed some men? Claire's fiancee' is still waiting at the airport. She's got some 'splainin' to do. A question came up for me. If the glass eye had a GPS embedded in it, did Ian Garvey's crew insert that into the unfortunate Mr. Navarro's skull to keep track of him?
  2. Believe it or not, I once saw a board game in a second hand store based on Lost. I have always regretted not checking it out. I want an action figure of all the characters. Except Chidi, I guess. That would be an inaction figure.
  3. I was sort of thinking along those lines, where a substantial house in the DC/Virginia area would get the necessary security upgrades and be available to high ranking Cabinet members and such, with the idea that they would move on if they left government service.
  4. If the first person that Jack meets is named either Shawn or Michael, then we'll know.
  5. I would do the same, except that the red door would have "The Judge" on it, leaving me with an intractable problem. I might as well pack some burritos when I die, as I'm bound for the Bad Place.
  6. The third ep was a bit of a bore. I lost interest halfway through. Hope they get traction again.
  7. My worst nightmare is that over on the next episode of This Is Us, Jack will be caught upstairs by the fire downstairs, but suddenly a very young Gabby Dawson shows up and pulls him out of the house, much to the consternation of the real firefighers. Unfortunately, he dies later, but she sees her career in the future.
  8. Who knows? Maybe the burrito was sentient and Jen was a holographic projection.
  9. Warning! Warning! Warning! Boden's job in peril again! Maybe HH was wearing a pair of Boden's Harbor Freight firefighting gloves and the story will start to come out.
  10. So Dawson drags both Casey and Brett on her Errand of Lifesaving, breaking so many rules and butting heads with everyone, it's becoming cringeworthy. I may need a cast for my wrist from the handwaving. Cruz and his tool. Now the squad needs three tools, because both the hammer and the halligan are tied together. I did like how Boden covered himself in front of Connie. Brett has engineering skills! At least they gave one of the other women on the show a chance to be useful outside of SuperGabby's shadow, but how did the welding apparatus suddenly show up? Too bad for Kidd that her coitus preparedus got interrupted by Severide. On top of that he throws some shade at Hazmat Zach on the fire call. At least everyone wore their masks!
  11. Dawson and Casey try to find Bria's whereabouts; Lt. Severide reunites with Chief Grissom; Cruz enlists the help of Mouch and Brett to create a new tool; Kidd and Zach go on a date
  12. Now that I have finally watched the show (because the comments are often more logical and deserve to be first), I had this thought. Assuming the hitman is really a hitman, I don't think he would be easily located, even on the dark web. If and when they run him down, easy alibi: "Lexington paid me to provide him with some stock market information. I wasn't anywhere near that house. Prove otherwise." Now the DA has a difficult case, and the insurance may indeed have to pay out. Does the defense have an obligation to provide exculpatory information about their client to the prosecution? It would seem obvious to do so, but if the attorney and/or client is seeking to publicly embarrass the DA, they could do so in court. Poor Bull. And TAC. Reamed out of a fee, again. Not being familiar with the geography of NYC, is Greenwich Village not considered by the locals to be part of NYC, even though it is within the greater city? That came to mind when the attorney asked the daughter if she was in fact in New York, with the reply being "No, I lied. I was in Greenwich."
  13. Or contain a link to an online page, so they can download the pdf document.
  14. I am convinced that the reason the police get so many confessions in real life is that people watch stuff like this and think that it's normal procedure.
  15. And on the lighter side: "We can't have sex in the office. That would be unprofessional."
  16. I wonder how many crockpots will be listed on EBay by tomorrow morning? Teenage Kevin dug his personality hook under my skin once again this week, with that snotty tirade toward his parents. It's always about you, kid. I loved Beth's snarkery about how Randall could have maybe asked someone who had a history of housing development and who might that be? Pro tip, Randall: If a wall has been added to a room, by definition it's not a load bearing wall (unless it replaced one). Otherwise, what was bearing the load before? Audio should get an honorary Emmy for Best Supporting Actor simply for those scenes in the shelter.
  17. It's an interesting mix of characters, from The Devil Wears Armani CEO right down to the junior exec who has already cheerfully mortgaged his soul, and all the rest. I like that the comedy is not broad slapstick; you have to pay attention to what's going on. Smaller countries finding out they can start wars on the cheap? Excellent! Looking forward to the new episodes.
  18. Well, it wasn't quite a "nuke the fridge" moment, but it was ludicrous. A bomb that will take out a load bearing wall from the inside of a hardshell suitcase will be perfectly safe in a commercial reefer? It would have been great fun if Patterson had brought up footage of Avery and Roman in the room while talking to Weller, and suddenly Avery's unzipping his pants, and.... "Delete, delete, delete! Nothing to see here, Weller." From the shallow end of the pool, Jane looks a lot better with longer hair than that straw broom haircut she's worn throughout the show. Loved the moment when Patterson is explaining that Reade and his girlfriend are living together, and Weller stumbles into "Why?", leading Patterson to go with the obvious, but wayward explanation.
  19. I am getting such a Parks and Recreation flashback (S1, anyway) in this discussion...
  20. Unless..... the whole plot was a sham by Michael and they have been transported to yet another neighborhood of evil. Maybe he's freelancing without Shawn's knowledge.
  21. Farewell, asshat Chicago businessman stuck in the revolving door, we hardly noticed you. Farewell, Mr. Sprinkles, we hardly knew you. Farewell, teen girl in an extraneous side plot, we hardly cared about you. Did either of the two women think to ask around to see if Lt. Hazmat Hotpants is married or attached?
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