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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. "Just because I'm a straight up hottie doesn't mean I can't read philosophy." Don't ever change, Eleanor. Last week I was thinking that Dax Shepherd might get a cameo as the judge, but that's out. Still in the wind. Maybe it will be Schur himself.
  2. Personally I think that Red wears a snap brim Fedora much better than that Homburg, but it is Churchill's hat, after all. When Liz expressed amazement that he was giving up the penny, I said to the tv, the value of anything is only what you and/or someone else puts on it. That penny might just end up sitting under a glass, doing nothing. A hat that means something to Red is far more valuable to him.
  3. I want the van that Stern used to T-bone Red's car. Just seconds after the collision, as the camera pans around, the van is showed slowing to a stop, with nary a dent on the front end. Tough! Heh. "Blueteeth connections" (Red). "He died penniless" (Stern). The writers are having fun. The mint robbery was certainly ludicrous, but it was kind of good fun to watch the setup, just like The Sting, back in the day.
  4. That building would be an absolute money pit, too. Getting the permits, maybe upgrading to comply with ADA requirements, dealing with the contractors, moving the tenants around to enable restorations to their rooms, and there's a reason that the heat doesn't work. And, as pointed out above thread, either raise the rents to pay for it or take the loss. That's going to create some huge difficulties in Randall and Beth's dynamic. Maybe the show wants to go there down the line. There is an actual term called "tv parking", which alludes to the fact that characters on tv always find a parking spot directly in front of their destination or their residence. My cynical theory is that the smoke alarm starts beeping (low battery), and Jack, slightly inebriated, falls off the ladder trying to replace the battery. The fire is completely unrelated and was a red herring by the show.
  5. "The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy: neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water." John W. Gardner Just thought I'd throw that in there.
  6. Earl is in a unique position because he has probably made bank on the five or six service calls already that day for the same problem, and he can afford to charge the platinum rate and soliloquize, because (to borrow from Chevy Chase), "I'm the plumber and you're not."
  7. I think he was referring to Section 3 though, which allows for voluntary relinquishment of the office. Bess said that the letter of removal under Section 4 would not be delivered to Congress if he agreed to voluntary removal, so I imagine that no public acknowledgement of the vote to remove him would be made.
  8. Dear Show: National Hardware Supply called. They want their anvils back. Actually, that was a pretty taut episode. Even though the sound cut off on me at times during the discussion in the cabinet meeting, it was played with enough restraint to show that everyone in the room was fully aware of the consequences of their actions. One thing kind of got me, though. The Acting SecDef bemoaned the fact that he had to carry out the order, possibly starting a nuclear war with Russia. Someone else piped up and said (to the effect of) "you would rather have a Constitutional Crisis?" Uh, yeah. Only one of those alternatives has the potential of ending life as we know it in the US, and probably the rest of the world as well. I can't express my gratitude enough at the sight of Henry "I'm a Marine pilot/professor/Presidential Advisor/Superspy/World Rescuer" McCord getting schooled by a plumber. I was afraid we were going to have to endure Jason going all Kevin Pearson on us, but, of course, in the end it all worked out. This moment brought to you by Hallmark. How about the possibility of the Cabinet's actual decision being leaked down the road? If Senator Asshat ever finds out... I imagine those two Russian operatives have been transferred by now to someplace cold and dreary. "Hey, isn't your name Dmitri?"
  9. Maybe it's a mixture of bones from the real Liz, the real Tom, and the real Reddington. They're all imposters, and they realize at last that they're in a "Truman Show" situation. Camera fades back to the control room, and executive producer Mr. Kaplan says "Okay, move on to the next step."
  10. Take a look at the thread "The Soviet Union Is No More" for a glimpse at where S6 is going. Could be interesting, could be complete nonsense just to fill out the episodes.
  11. So the DoE stores its nuclear warheads in a warehouse in NY. Would someone explain why the DoE even has nuclear warheads? And why they have codes to arm them? Between that and the fight scene on the aircraft and the skydive (1000', Johnny. Pull the ripcord!), I may have to take some Advil to relieve the pain of handwaving so furiously. But, it was all good fun. I would have preferred the warhead cases all had the password 1-2-3-4-5 to open them up. I'm betting that the end game, or at least the mid game, for Zapata and the CIA guy is to make Crawford their own asset. Somebody's cover will be blown. I got a cackle out of Reade noticing the puzzle part of the tattoo before Patterson.
  12. It was only $3338 after the "discount". Which he paid to the consulting company. Riiiight.
  13. Not another Wolf franchise. Please, nooooo.
  14. Not to mention what happens when the glove company with the city contract finds out that the city went somewhere else for the product. And what company dumps 100 pairs of gloves on a consultant and says "go sell these"? Too many red flags. Gabby is giving Henry McCord a run for his money in the omniscience category. Why, she's a medic, a firefighter, an arson investigator, a social worker, a private detective. Yikes. And I can't even begin to think of the things that could go wrong giving a private individual a ride home in the city ambulance.
  15. No, that's accurate in some respects. I knew a guy who had been stationed on Adak Island with the USAF. It's on the Aleutian Island chain. As he put it, "It's not the middle of nowhere, but you can see it from there."
  16. Let's hope the city Health Inspector doesn't make a surprise visit to look at the refrigerator in that cafe'. It sure sounded like there was a struggle in the judge's bedroom before she exited the window, but I was fully expecting that outcome after her closing statement. And to that end: Judge: Are you honest? Red: Yes, I have been known to be. Judge: Are you moral, decent? Red: (Shrugs)
  17. Maybe Michael has his own agenda for getting into the Good Place undercover, with the intent of creating as much mayhem as he possibly can.
  18. Not to mention the fact that he is a master manipulator, and has a large crowd of potential accomplices willing to arrange things on the outside (for a price), both of which could combine to Bull's serious disadvantage.
  19. She could end up as a Designated Survivor. Bonus empathy points if Henry bites it along the way.
  20. Well, Dmitri did say he wanted to go off somewhere quiet with Stevie, and light a fire in a cabin. However, I would assume the upper level of the GRU is well aware of Dmitri's existence, so sending him to Alaska is not foolproof protection for him. The GRU can track him down again. I foresee a long, involved plotline here between the VP and the SoS. The VP better develop some skills in foreign relations in a big hurry if she intends to stand on her credibility come the election. Her performance was not especially powerful this time. For that matter, Bess could make an off the cuff remark to the press to satisfy the VP that she has no interest in running for President, and revoke it later.
  21. Neutral, I think. However, being in a fantasy football league is definitely negative. Bragging about it on social media is 100x.
  22. "Will someone tell those spiders to quit stomping around outside?"
  23. So Gabby (and the unfortunate woman) both survive a close call inside the structure. If only the FD had some device where outside personnel could communicate with inside personnel about changes in the situation. They could even call it something simple, like, a radio. Then firefighters could do what firefighters do, and medics do what medics do. And of course there's always the guy slapping the back of the ambo, letting them know it's okay to move. Real life medics love that scene. Writing for the scene with Cruz and Otis (was this the first episode anyone actually called him Brian?) about the cab advertising was positively atrocious. Any partner in real life would have broken that completely differently, even off camera with a phone call. Yuck. The whole thing is a setup for Cruz and the female bar owner, anyway.
  24. On the other hand, it would be so much of a hoot to watch Liz track down and dispatch baddies, all the while with Agnes in a shoulder pack, or perhaps a stroller. "There, there, honey, Mama's going to buy a silencer as soon as she can, now."
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