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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. If I recall correctly, The Twilight Zone had an episode that did just that, with a gambler who ended up in a casino where he won every bet and every woman worshipped him, and so forth.
  2. Michael should aim higher than Vicky. He should be plotting against Shawn.
  3. They made mention at the end that data showed that he was in the middle of a computer transmission when the bomb hit. In keeping with the ever more absurd plot devices, Lloyd has developed the technology to upload himself to the cloud. Look out, America.
  4. I think we need a pairing of some other shows, just for the storylines. An asteroid is going to hit Chicago! Only two of 51's firefighters are allowed in the ark to save humanity. Chief Boden wrestles with the decision. Or, the idiots at the Wall have run the Airplane through it, allowing hybrids (yes, killer zebras) to run rampant through Chicago! Station 51 to the rescue! Deploy the water cannon, 5-4-3-2-1! Or, the evil Dr. Vellek has sailed the Greek Navy into Lake Michigan and is threatening the entire western shoreline! Not even the Nathan James nor the intrepid Vulture team can save it. Molly's takes a direct hit. Now it's personal!
  5. I was rather distracted as well through the episode. As soon as they brought up the posse comitatus issue, I thought, while valid, there would be a much easier way to deal with it. Nothing in the Constitution prohibits a foreign military from taking action against an American citizen. Canada, for instance. And Kiefer could easily get them off the hook. On the other hand, what are the optics going to be when 1)the public is apprised of an airstrike with a bunkerbuster bomb, 2)Senator GuestStar from Missouri (and, by the way, if he was really was a Missouri native, he would have pronounced it Missour-a) leaks again after the fact that the President wanted to use the military, 3)despite the transfer (IRL) of military gear to police forces, it's doubtful that the FBI has weaponized drones, and, 4)just after the drone attack, the HSC counsel is appointed chief counsel to the White House. Was this the same bunker setup that S1 used for the hideout? It sure looked like it. A White House kid! A precedent has been set.
  6. Why in the world would a master criminal like Blaise let his entire staff in on his enterprise, such that they know where all the evidence is and what to do in case of emergency? And why are they, as staff always seems to be, so gullible and willing to act simply because a stranger is spewing out bullshit at a high rate of speed? This "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" is getting just a bit tiring. I finally realized what is off with Reddington (for me, anyway). He has ditched the uber-stylish fedoras for a nondescript ball cap. He just doesn't look right.
  7. I guess the rules of trial have changed in New York. I was under the impression that each side gave an opening statement, then the prosecution proceeded with its case, presenting ALL its evidence. The defense has the opportunity to cross examine. Then the defense presents its case, and the prosecution cross examines. It sure looked like Lindsay put Melania Kara Clayton up on the stand during the prosecution's side in the trial, and no evidence was submitted, until the cross examination, and only then in verbal form only. I can only imagine the outcry from the public and the legislature were it revealed that the DA had dropped a 1st degree murder prosecution when the defendant signed off on a megamillion dollar payout. Right. When Kara pointed to her left shoulder and said the stab wound missed her heart by centimeters, I said, "Whaaat?"
  8. Not to mention the fact that a few more than just two cars would be involved in the chase. But remember, tv police are always incompetent. As soon as the skinhead SUV pulled them over on the highway, I said "Texas plates? Fake Marshals!"
  9. I was really hoping he would go off on a riff like "My last memory will be that night we spent in Marseilles, when you slipped off your bathing suit and moved up against me, wrapping your legs around me..." Cut to the CIC and Sasha is yelling "Take it off speaker, NOW!" And nobody moves an inch. They must have run out of ammunition. Everyone was actually hitting their targets. After last week, I wouldn't be surprised to see Fletcher swim clear back to Italy, even with a gaping head wound.
  10. "I told her goodbye, dammit. Now leave me alone" Pulls locker back down on himself.
  11. I got a weird vibe from Cameron and her investor at the trailer. She wants Cameron to move on an entirely different track. Maybe she's grooming her for some work at the federal level, so to speak? Developing software for the NSA/CIA etc.? Just a feeling. Poor Gordon. To tell the truth, though, I was halfway expecting him to check out on the electrical panel or the A/C unit. This way was much more emotional.
  12. Maybe they can get the child actor back who played Louie, the Saddest Little Boy in the World.
  13. Obviously they did, but somewhere you have to get back on the same timeline as written in the Constitution, if they intend to hew to that line.
  14. Neither are most US citizens. :) Another area they haven't exposed is the normal election process. Even assuming the recently departed President had been just elected (I have forgotten), a year in means that midterm elections would be coming up. To me it seems as though they threw the entire emergency scenario theme out the window and are now working off a normal political show scenario. Boring.
  15. And of course he knew right where to go in a four story building to find her. He should teach search and rescue.
  16. A background cameo from Duke Silver would have the candle on the cake.
  17. They're all on their cell phones, twittering away about the fire and taking video of everything, of course. Why so many of them are still in the building is a puzzle, too. And what was our Incident Commander doing inside the building, anyway? I knew there was a reason manufacturers put deck guns on top of the engines. It's so Chiefs can order a "last ditch" maneuver and boil the firefighters alive. Or something like that. Putting water on the fire is secondary. I'm guessing the PTA meeting is cancelled? What was up with the Little Girl in Distress? I don't think that was just a random event at the fire department, unless they needed some filler. Of course, the ambo can't move until someone taps that back door to let them know they're ready. Actually, I'm glad they did go the route of taking her to the hospital. Years ago, a city councilman in my town suffered the same fate, but was saved by quick application of the Heimlich maneuver. However, he declined to go to the hospital for further checks, and died that night because not all of the food was knocked out of his throat.
  18. That was one hell of an explosion they got out of one little oxygen canister, especially since it happened on the tramway. Note to producers: If you're going to show Hannah and Co. breaking down a door, it should open inwards. You can't get that much force pulling a door open, especially with the deadbolt engaged, as was shown. If I were Emily, I think I would have taken a day to go buy some of that fru-fru water, and placed an open bottle in every room. I think we're in for a season of Madam Secretary meets The West Wing. with all the infighting and crises du jour. No one seems to care about closure on the original plot.
  19. Of COURSE Resist is able to hack into the nuclear reactors on two extremely secure warships from two different nations. All they needed was to install the program handwave.exe and it was a done deal. The nuclear football has a password of four digits? All hail Mel Brooks. Loved Liam's Kramer entrance to the Tanz laboratory.
  20. The Greek Navy actually kicked down a ship to share camera time with the Nathan James. F461 is the Limnos. I got a kick out of the fact that the CC for Omar's (assumed) last words was "Oh shit". With Fletcher being still alive, there will absolutely have to be confrontation with Sasha at some point. With all the worldwide famine and such, is using grain for distilling and producing liquor the highest priority people can find? You would think that the grain stocks would have been looted a long time ago. Or maybe distillation is the only thing left for red rust crops.
  21. Actually, what I was thinking was that Hayley is more or less now where Cameron was at her age. If they flash forwarded the program a few years, Hayley would develop her own skills over everything else and become something of what Cameron is now. I couldn't find any reference to the date of the establishment of the .08 DUI standard in California. Was it in force in 1994, or was the choice of citation still up to the discretion of the officer? By that I mean (if memory serves) you could still be cited for DUI or impaired driving even if you had a lower BAC.
  22. I think they're writing Haley as a younger version of Cameron, that is to say, a hotshot coder and computer whiz, but someone who will be, if she follows her current path, seriously lacking in any skills outside of the computer world.
  23. Logan is going to come back as a human zombie hybrid, and do final battle with Abigail all season long for control of the earth. Or he's going to mate with her.
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