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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. I so wanted one of the rockets to go awry and slam into Cameron's trailer. I'm a horrible person. After an acre (at least) of prime Bay Area land and an Airstream, what's a few hundred extra? I wonder if Cameron's potential partner knew that Pilgrim continued on beyond the block. I missed if it she did. Also, when both Hayley and Joanie walked in to Donna's house, neither showed much interest in the game beyond the initial "what level is that?" I thought that was interesting.
  2. It was stamped on the container: "Resistant to red rust, gunfire, and seawater".
  3. I want more diversity in the zombie hybrid animals. Forget the big guys. Killer rabbits. Flying squirrels and angry moose. (Cameo by famous Russian actor - "Get Moose and Squirrel"). Oh, and definitely a gecko. I want that asinine commercial gone.
  4. I throw myself in abject humiliation at the foot of those elves. Although, I was a bit puzzled at the scene where the nose of the plane is turning, but the engines were remaining stationary. And now they have so much more work to do after the forced entry. So, uh, Jackson. How does it profit the world if you destroy it in order to get your grandson back? That's a big if, too. Has anyone considered the possibility of pimping Clem out so they can produce another baby? I absolutely knew that Chekhov's dog was coming back as a zombie hybrid as soon as I saw him in the command center. He might not have been killed if dumbass soldier had enough sense to shoot instead of trying to get his head out of his ass. The IDGAF teams are so fortunate to have those 264-round magazines for their AR's. I am so tired of the trope of (usually female) sidekicks pleading and fighting to go run to the side of guy in trouble. The soldiers should have let her run up to the barrier, get knocked into next week again and again, and maybe she would learn her lesson. The barrier is somewhere in the West. The command center is just inside the barrier. The beacon is in St. Louis. Jackson walks outside the command center and approaches the beacon. What am I missing here? And that explanation of the tower's existence. The nation is being overrun by hybrids (some time back). They are building the wall, at least in the USA. There is mass panic everywhere. Yet people gladly accept the explanation that the government is putting up a fancy cell tower.
  5. Hours of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer boredom.
  6. What was this, "Bad Day to be a Black Guy" on the Nathan James? They killed two and wounded a third in one episode. Although, I can't feel too sorry for Connor. Anyone who has EVER watched tv knows that you don't walk up to the bad guy and stand right behind him, putting yourself in striking range. Fletcher's accomplice definitely had the Pee Wee Herman death scene down (original Buffy movie). I did like Chandler's expression as he ran the blockade. He should have saluted Lucia. "That's right, woman. It's me." Again, I raise my objection to their tactics. The Greeks tried to destroy the James already. They're fair game. That 5" rapid fire gun on the bow could easily have removed the threat on the other bridge, not to mention putting a few holes in the hull.
  7. In addition to the fire alarm nonsense, most office buildings are sprinklered. Once worst.hitman.ever lit the fire, the heat buildup would trigger the sprinkler and the water would most likely at least retard the fire growth until the FD got there. Now, assuming the PD is competent, the detectives are going to look at dead reporter's body, and someone will say, "What's on the computer?" Even if the story hadn't been sent. Another apparent flaw, at least to me. Remember the climatic moment in Seven Days in May, when the President glares at the general and says something to the effect that "Do you think the Russians are going to wait 48 hours before launching an attack?" The same thing applies here. The secret cabal is looking to divert the asteroid so that it hits Russia and China. Once that becomes obvious to their scientists, and how it came to be, didn't it occur to the cabal that the Russians are going to launch an all out nuclear attack on the US in revenge? The SS Minnow isn't going to have time to load up everyone and enough crackers and cheese to last the three year trip to Mars.
  8. They went to the Last Ship school of close quarter combat training. A cameo from Sigourney Weaver would have been snarktacular.
  9. Those bullets must have been the smallest caliber available, because at that range her shoulder and leg should have been hybrid bait. I did like Jackson's reaction to Sam's "You're going to have to go through me" BANG! Why he let him get that far is beyond me, other than plot requirements. And then he wastes time kicking him down the hill. Abigail is the worst; knowing what she knows and smiling at the combat between the two of them. The plane, boss, the plane! Farewell, Airbus with the world's best bar. Given that the military has been decimated, there should be loads of heavy artillery and transportation around. So why does the IDGAF team ride around in golf carts? And why do they wear helmets? And why does the wall have doors?
  10. Not to get too far off topic, but I got to thinking about Airstream trailers, so I looked it up. They make a variety of sizes, and from the looks of it, the model she bought would be around $70,000 new. The trailers we all see on the road (25' or so) start at $139,000. I knew Airstream was the Rolls Royce of trailers, but that really set me back. If you're going to fling that kind of cash around, Cameron, you'd better learn how to take care of it, or have the service department on speed dial.
  11. Oh, I'm plenty old enough to remember T&N. I also remember being bored silly by the entire spectacle, but that pretty much applies to me and figure skating any time. Put the skiing or bobsledding back on, where there's a decent chance of a real injury (snark). Sorry to range off topic; I tend to agree with cinless in that the episode titles are a mystery.
  12. So what's the connection with the two ice skaters in the title? Is is Comet vs. Rover? The two Clark teens? Donna vs. Cameron 2.0?
  13. I had this mental image of the crew on Major Kong's B-52 opening up their individual packets of "Attack Plan R". Nuclear combat. Toe to toe with the Rooskies. Or the Greeks.
  14. Cameron is apparently being written as one of those folks who have no clue how life outside the computer lab works. Yeah, the whole setup was in order to have her see Boz's boat's compass and the resulting dialogue, but, geez, who can set up a trailer so badly it rolls backwards on level ground? And her tantrums whenever something doesn't work on the trailer. I'll bet Airstream denied any involvement with the production.
  15. So, is this a lead in to a new spin off series, Gretchen, Donna, and FirstYearAssociate? The adventures behind the doors at a top New York law firm?
  16. That, and $10,000,000 is 100,000 $100 bills, more if smaller denominations are used. Can you fit that in a small carry on duffel?
  17. My imprecise calculation is that the Vulture squad used approximately 250 rounds to kill each bad guy. So did Omar have a vest on? Is he going to come after Giorgio now? Inquiring minds want to...well, maybe are just a bit curious instead. Why didn't the Nathan James fire on and dispose of the Greek ship after the rescue had been effected. They certainly had cause to do so.
  18. I would like to know where they found the 1000 kilos of flour or whatever it was, and had the time to wrap it up in exactly the same plastic bags as the real cocaine.
  19. I figured it to be some sort of ID, sort of like the long departed Kwai Chang Caine of Kung Fu fame. All she has to do is show it when the chips are down and people will recognize her as one of El Santo's cartel.
  20. 4. Poor Lena has just finally HAD IT with Baz as the world's worst father. She's a lot smarter than we thought, and one day at school.....
  21. And, after all this has happened, a penultimate scene in some college laboratory: Science student reviews calculation and exclaims to herself, "Wait, the factor here should be 0.25, not .025. That means the asteroid is going to completely bypass Earth. Wow, that was close. I suppose I should put out a press release."
  22. I did enjoy seeing Bob Lee's "pretty little souped up four wheel drive" completely taken apart.
  23. So their double cross got triple crossed, eh? My guess is the hackers will come to the rescue. But now we have to contend with 7 Days In May, but we can't alarm the populace, can we?
  24. And then locking their doors, every one of them.
  25. In addition to Nikki leaving blood at the scene, J left fingerprints on the way out, assuming the old man has the presence of mind to tell the police that. That won't end well. Lucy was cold as ice, telling Baz that she couldn't stay there. She was being honest, to be sure, but that's not what he wanted to hear, no doubt. Her shock and surprise at the gunfire, though, sort of indicates that maybe she wasn't in on it, but had the presence of mind to grab Marco and go after the loot. One possibility, anyway. One thing it does mean is that all the brothers are out whatever cut they were expecting from that pile. Who was the woman that Craig left with on the surfing roadtrip? Yeah, I noticed that too. A bit too much freedom; not every jail guard is corrupt. That, and all outgoing calls are collect only, and they are monitored.
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