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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. I'm being overly snarky there, as her main function seems to be the outwardly attractive, vaguely exotic woman hooked up with a megalomaniac sociopath with bad hair. But that's just my impression.
  2. I'm just waiting for the Zoo hybrids to show up. Maybe that's next season.
  3. He notified them that Slattery had the seeds and Melania got away (not knowing that she has them). Then it went to previews. Points to Slattery for referencing Casablanca at the Fight Club. The crew sure did a nice job repairing the helo deck on the NJ, considering it took a direct missile hit.
  4. I noticed with some smirk that one of the sponsors of the show was Red Lobster restaurants. For a group of special operations fighters, those guys couldn't seem to hit the inside of the cave, much less any of the bad guys running straight at them. Did anyone think of maybe pushing the missile off the launch rack so it couldn't be fired? And yeah, about that 5" shell exploding behind them.... I knew, as soon as Giorgio used his necklace to open the door of doom, that Chandler would begin to romance Melania in order to get the other necklace. Ship porn! Crisis after crisis! Relationship anvils! They're baaack!
  5. I'm just waiting for him to pick up a bundle of the cash and set off the dye marker that Pope missed. Downhill from there.
  6. She had to take off both of her shoes to do it.
  7. Series finale: She dumps him for some English aristocrat.
  8. No wonder Teresa is headed for Queendom. She can outlast a full on assault by some professional killers in a ratty old cabin and come out unscathed. I do hope the DEA agents do some excellent cleanup and inspect all the phones. One should lead back to the guard at the prison, at least. Pro tip: Pote', if you're going to stand guard with your shotgun, you might as well have a round chambered ahead of time. In a real gunfight, the time it takes you to jack the action back will leave you in second place. Is this the first real backstory on Teresa's family? Poor girl, she has lived in the drug world since her childhood, and has those memories of everything. And the DEA's empty promises of "we'll protect you" only serve to drive her deeper into the life she has created.
  9. So many absurdities, so little time. Why didn't Jackson just deliver a good solid kick to Abby's groin/stomach area? It would have put her down without all the extraneous rasslin' that failed him. The plane is apparently pressurized in compartments, because while the vehicle bay was decompressing, the rest of the plane was apparently functional. Which leads to the question, just how much air was in the vehicle bay such that the windstorm lasted several minutes? And why was Jaime able to converse with Abe through the gale? The bosses in the control center must have watched Airplane: "It's a hybrid nest." "A nest of hybrids." I felt like saying, No it's a hybrid nest. I'm glad Microsoft wrote the code for the program to fly the airplane. Jaime types in "Reboot". The tablet comes back with "Are you sure you want to reboot? Y/N"
  10. One line of Spanish came over on the CC: Marco said "Tenia boletos por la primera fila", which, according to my dictionary, translates to "I had first row tickets". I could be wrong there, but he might have been talking about the fight he had attended, as he mentioned when he first drove up. Why that set Lucy off, who knows, but it sounds like she was the one actually in charge of the entire Alejandro kidnap and Marco screwed it up. Baz isn't going to live 10 minutes with that cashbox if he crosses her. Call your attorney, Smurf. Now.
  11. Are you referring to the conversation in the tavern with the publisher of The Royal Gazette? He was rather vague, but what I remember was that the publisher had offered up some derogatory opinion about Mrs. Washington, being the Loyalist that he was. He skated, but he likely learned his lesson.
  12. Some of the epilogue was quite interesting in its juxtapositions. Simcoe at home in Canada, while Washington tried to repossess the slaves escaping to Canada. Rogers dying of alcoholism, while Woodhull makes a go of being a farmer. Although, cabbage??? Bleah! Very unfortunate that he lost his son to the War of 1812. Hewlett becoming a man of science. I wonder if he was an ancestor to the Hewlett of Hewlett-Packard.
  13. Plus, I'm sure that Smurf told Javi's traitor to bury him "on the other side of the fence." I took that to mean Mexico. Now, he might reasonably expect to get away with burying Javi, but for an American to drive over the border, park the car, dress up in a hazmat suit, start digging (never mind, as has been pointed out, how he found it), and fire a weapon in daylight in an area frequented by migrants, stretches plausibility just a bit.
  14. Something that occurred to me about the plan to move the asteroid is that nuclear weapons, just like ordinary weapons, depend mostly on concussive force (as well as heat,yes) to do their work. Is that really a possibility in the vacuum of space? Wouldn't the force be dissipated in all directions?
  15. Any time someone finds a curbside parking space directly in front of their destination.
  16. Teresa should take the trawler out and sink it, collect the insurance, dissolve the company, and buy/lease another with a shell company and offshore money. Then she's on her own. She has a deal with Devon, and all she needs do (a tall order, I concede) is get rid of Camila and Epifanio.
  17. Point taken, but I was thinking more along the lines of a mafia interrogation of Marco, where evidence is not the deciding factor.
  18. I think that finger cutting will come back to get them. The wedding party would likely have some powerful guests with powerful connections, and a good private investigator might find out that it was Marco who cut off her finger, probably because he will brag or show off the ring. The police will not be involved. Marco will talk. The brothers will be in trouble. On rewatch, the storage attendant gasped once or twice as she was leaving, but it could have been final gasps. Hard to tell. Killing him would fit right in with Smurf's MO. Just out of curiosity, do jet skis carry enough fuel to launch from Long Beach and travel to Catalina Island and back?
  19. Wayward Pines. Sigh.....
  20. I guess the French naval commander never saw Spaceballs. He kyped that line about firing over the bow like it was his own. I read a bit more about the naval engagement in the Wiki article The Battle of the Chesapeake. Shooting at each other was just as complicated back then, under sail, as it is now, under power. So many things to consider. The British commander of the ship who misunderstood the orders was named Hood; probably the HMS Hood was named after him. Bummer. And so the battle may have turned on the loss of the gunpowder that Benedict Arnold dumped so that he might profit from stolen tobacco. I wonder if that ever got back to the upper levels of the Royal Army. Fun fact: When the French stormed Redoubt #10, the Hessian sentries were not expecting an attack, and at their sound went to the line and shouted "Who's there?" (Landshark!) I loved the look on Simcoe's face when Hewlett revealed that the apple wasn't poisonous after all. So Peggy is going to name her son Edward. Eddie Arnold? (Just keep Manhattan and give me that countryside).
  21. One of the two mentioned that they were down 100 meters underground, so that's an approximation of the length of the ship, anyway. Minus the engines and storage for meals and water for 160 for three years and the rest is what's available for passengers.
  22. Then you can just set up robots to mix them together in an ultra-efficient matter, followed by a complex system to utilize their bodily energies to power said robots while simultaneously giving the children (through computer programmed artificial reality) the idea that they are already living on Mars. No need for humans at all!
  23. Just for shits and giggles, I typed that into Google, and was totally floored by the amount of website traffic devoted to that question (there is no definitive answer). That says something about the relative value people place on the actual plotlines of Zoo.
  24. Well, there is another show premiering this fall called Damnation.
  25. Once again, Teresa bounces from crisis to crisis, but manages to evade the consequences. And the DEA planted evidence on Camilla? I'm shocked. SHOCKED! Note to mourners: Nothing says narco so much as wearing sunglasses inside a church during a funeral. How in the hell was Camilla going to launder $30 million in cash for the payment of the 2200# of coke? That's like a full time job right there. I could see doing it over time, but if this guy was going to deliver it over the weekend, that's some serious weight. I did like Kika's comment about Pedro: "When Pedro gets smashed, he gets all Kanye and shit." Ouch, that's a smackdown of the first order. Turns out Pedro's a weasel, too. Poor Isabella.
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