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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. I am so tired of Whoopi...especially on the Will Smith debacle. All week, every day, they have discussed it. Even Whoopi that has said since she is a Board Member with the Academy she can't discuss it...then does. She says, like she knows Smith was not asked to leave, yet now turns out he was. Sigh
  2. It does make me laugh when Heather gets offended and says you do realize I have kids and a family.... LOL - they all do. ETA - the reunion should be interesting with Andy there.
  3. I wish it would not take half the segment for Tara to ask a guest a question or give her opinion in hot topics.
  4. I think it is very odd the Saint and very Special Pearson's have so few friends. Miguel was touchy for a very long time when a decade later after Jack he came back into Rebecca's life....there was Maddison for Kate, I guess. Randall, in his lifelong angst had none other than Beth. Even Kevin did not have a BFF except for Sophia. Even the parties for Kevin and Maddison's wedding were family only. Toby was looking forward to Kevin and Randall to be at his party and they bailed after an hour or so and he was left with the 3 nerdy friends he had flown into Vegas. But now Toby does have friends at work.... I have been watching old seasons...Jack and Rebecca's Huge Romance and Jack's Grand Gestures and the family, combined with making their kids think they were so incredibly special and destined for being GREAT is somewhat disturbing.
  5. If there is anyone other than Noella or Heather I would be happy.
  6. I find nothing likable about Kate. She wants to be taken care of but .... And why is Toby living in a fabulous apartment away from his family? Perhaps it is a company owned apartment.
  7. Can't imagine Jack supporting her, nor those not supporting her. Not a Jack thing.
  8. All the Dubrows care about is making money....but more importantly - screen time, face time, advice time, bragging time...
  9. I worked with a woman that was probably 68 and active, beautiful. Especially her face skin. And the rest of course. She was married to an attorney...had the bucks tp buy the best skin cream...she always used Ponds.
  10. Why would one want Gina's skin care line? Where would they go to get it - a dept store, a drug store, amazon? It may serve the Debrows to sell different/new things on HLN but evidently not proven products over and over. Heather is not an example of great skin care any more than Gina or Shannon. Nor Jen. LOL - especially when they are always getting their makeup done.
  11. I like Sunny but I was totally dismayed when she dismissed Native Americans, Asians, Hawaiian and Indian. Plus, plus, plus as Whoopi pointed out. Note to Sunny - no one is going to be paid back no matter what you want.
  12. Kevin was in love with his wife...decades ago. It is not like he is dating starlets or running around to parties. He has had girlfriends, most flawed. But not many girlfriends.
  13. I'm thinking Kate's weight is surprising to many. s
  14. LOL, just kidding about the Smithsonian. But why film in the original when the new is completely different and we know it? Ree and Ina have other kitchens that are similar or the same to their own.
  15. Let alone so dense to not realize he did not support his family on his income. It was his wife's trust fund.
  16. Did not see the show. Just wondering if she thinks her original kitchen will end up in the Smithsonian.
  17. The smoldering intimacy between Midge and Lenny was incredible. Especially since they both knew it could not be more. Joel and Mei have none of that. I have no idea what Milo had to do with any of this. Perhaps just a fling...but nothing personal or intimate about it.
  18. Thing is, imo, Bull has no sense of humor or fun.
  19. I don't blame Kevin for questioning vets building...Jack, Nicki and Cassidy did not build while in service. They needed to give Kevin a break although he finally realized vets can and some did. But put a great contractor in control...not Cassidy and Nicki. When I think about what my relatives did serving none built. And I'm talking back to WWll.
  20. Ugh. Alyssa sure causes arguing and nothing is really said...then Whoopi ends up pontificating. I hate it.
  21. I think Ree finds herself hilarious. Always forgetting an ingredient, a bowl too small... And her daughters, SIL, nephew hanging around...don't they have jobs elsewhere? And even now they cannot take a bite of the food and Ree acts coy about doing so as well.
  22. An adult should have been there for Katherine and Theo. And I think Theo is aware, at 12, about gay/bi - hasn't he been brought up with the gang along with Danny for years? And he did ask about type...
  23. IIRC Shy's bride was getting a house in LA. I could be wrong.
  24. OMG - was this the finale? I thought there were 10 episodes. ETA - yep, the finale. Sigh
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