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Everything posted by Kroliosis

  1. PSA: Coochie Cream is amazing! I use it when shaving my bikini area. I used to get horrendous razor burn, but this stuff is magic & prevents it.
  2. I was running over here to post! Whoever called that she would be pregnant as soon as Tori announced it should play the lotto!
  3. Amber needs to stop her repeated comments & jokes about Matt Gwynn V. Jesus woman, you just met him. I don't care if you are married, you just met - STOP with the having his baby jokes. It's creepy. Not as creepy as Elizabeth's dad but damn.
  4. I am not done reading all comments but why did it show her leaving an empty apartment when she's going to the airport? The living room just had a few boxes, but no furniture. So was the daughter completely leaving too? I smell shenanigans.
  5. I have seen many people mention River called Pedro the N word repeatedly. Is this shown in the video? I have a feeling it is when River first stands up - is he saying "shut up N" over & over? Cuz, that paired with the ikea lamp incident would certainly cause many people I know to fly over a table and beat ass.
  6. So CeAir seems to be "studying abroad" in Ecuador according to her IG. I really believe their storyline is complete bs.
  7. I haven't watched the episode yet. Did she meet with Obed in DR to find out what scandalous shit Pedro was doing the he just HAD to tell her in person?
  8. This was my first introduction to this show. Holy shit I’m in love!!!
  9. The planner seemed to really emphasize how much she had in CASH. I would hope she had other investments they just didn't discuss. ETA: He mentioned she had a 401k too. So it was clearly edited to seem she only had $6,000.
  10. Are they going to Grenada or Granada? All this time I thought they were "meeting somewhere in the middle". I swear idiot Nicole said that once. I clearly imagine my own story line with that dumb dumb.
  11. I can't bring myself to watch this...can anyone tell me the 3 lsfyl songs? 😉
  12. How does one go on maternity leave when one doesn't work? Let alone get a paycheck? She is 100% going to the bank of daddy!
  13. I hope this works. Larissa spending her hard earned American dollars on anal bleaching. 🤮😜
  14. I didn't mean involve CPS. I have no doubt if they offered her $10,000 to go be with Azan with the only conditional that May stays with them, that Nicole would jump at the chance. She will always chose men over her child. @doyouevengohere I see you mentioned this same idea.
  15. Nicole's family sucks. I don't understand why they give in to her every demand and why they don't step in and offer to take May. Nicole is so stupid they could easily manipulate her to have her think it is her idea for them to raise May. My mind is truly blown that these idiots sit by and watch her destroy that child. The scene with Nicole attempting to teach May how to write was painful. There is nothing going on in that meaty head of hers. 🤬
  16. They were the same guys. The first scene the guy is wearing a hat but with Beth & Annie he wasn’t.
  17. I took Plan B four years ago (OTC from Walgreens) and was expecting all of those side effects. Absolutely nothing! No cramps, no spotting, nothing. It was so weird and I was so afraid it didn't work.
  18. Outside of Cleveland, OH. And I guess he is coming back soon. He seems to be doing a nationwide tour.
  19. I can’t wait until Liv adopts Kitty’s baby to give Noah a little sister 😜
  20. This!!! Just want to repeat it. Especially because he said he never could imagine having kids w her or something along those lines. Eta: so was Gretchen pregnant in the last few episodes?
  21. I am an awful judge of groups of people, but I would say there were 250. He was on stage & started off with "life lessons" from the dead & his experiences and stories. Ya know, tell your loved ones how you feel while here, that kind of stuff. It was nice. Then he did readings. He would point to an area of an audience and say things about a departed relative. Then people would come up to stage if they had a loved one that fit the category. It seemed kind of general, but the people who stood up seemed to get a lot of peace from what he said. I think he read about 5 people. He seems really genuine and sweet. Then it was a Q & A from the audience. Maybe an hour each part, so 3 total. It was cool, probably wouldn't go again.
  22. LOL I watch that Hollywood Medium show, but had to stop about a minute in when they showed Jill. She wouldn't STFU and let the psychic talk! She told her entire life story before he could do any medium stuff. Absolutely insufferable.
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