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notcreative enough

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Everything posted by notcreative enough

  1. Not everyone looks their age. My dad is in his early 60s and he doesn't look it. A woman he works with said she was older than he was and she was only in her 50s. Plus some people have certain hardships that age them prematurely.
  2. I don't really blame Kate or the dog. I kinda blame Jack for his precious momento scavenger hunt. I get the thought behind it but all that stuff is only important because he died otherwise they would have created knew memories. I'm going to pretend that Rebecca was watching the pregame while on the phone with Kevin because it was well after dark here in Pennsylvania when the Superbowl started. I don't think the writers actually know how big the state of Pennsylvania really is. If Rebecca lives in Jersey now and I'm sure Jack's tree is in the Pittsburgh area that's a full day of driving. Oh and this show needs to remember that we actually get winter weather with the cold and the snow. Sorry for the rant but it really bugged me this week.
  3. I'm sure of I seen them in person it would be different but on TV Dornan and Neeson were a little to matchy matchy in the wardrobe department. Made me think they were on there way to a family photo shoot.
  4. Avery and Juliette fighting right over Cadence's head was so uncomfortable. I think she is old enough to realize something is wrong. Im starting to feel bad for the writers romantic partners because it seems they no almost nothing about healthy normal relationships. Deacon is the only on who seems to be in a sane relationship. Because no we have Maddie and her super weirdo that kinda gives off murder suicide vibes. (I watch to many crime shows)
  5. Oh Helen "I've done this twice and it's not that place for friends" Girl it's just because no one wants/wanted to be friends with you. Your kinda awful. I like Anthony's more. Kinda wished that the makeup lady was able to explain all the designer makeup and the inspiration behind it.
  6. I don't mind dumb kids not realizing what that are doing can have lasting consequences. For me Betty and Archie are the dumb kids where Veronica and Jughead are on a different level. Veronica has no business being in the "family business" no father would allow his 16 year old daughter into that part of their lives. Especially a man like Hiram. FP did everything to keep Jughead out and if he wasn't in prison he wouldn't have allowed him to join. And that's my issue with the Jughead serpent story is that this know nothing kid became the leader while his father was in prison. How did he have any power after a week. It was like he and the other baby snakes were making all the decisions like with the snake charmer. Teenagers shouldn't have this type of power.
  7. Maybe I'm being a dork but having Jane be in a different seat really bugged me. After how many episodes the move her to the second row it was just weird. Poor seagull guy. Alex read the question 5 times. Love that everyone went to comfort him. I said Vanilla Ice so I would have lost.
  8. The past few episodes the indy drive seems to have been talking alot of crap about his partner when he is off doing challenges. You know the guy that he is mooching off of by sleeping on his couch. If Alex??? was actually doing something wrong sure fine but he seemed to be doing ok. Looks like Evan let the monster out. Not sure what Henry did wrong with pouring a perfect beer and I'm not sure who he was supposed to ask. Her? Is she bartending to pay for Yale? How is her knowledge better then his. She could take a wrong turn and walk them off a cliff because he would be to afraid to tell her she made a mistake. I would give anything to hear from the lifeguards after they seen two teams from the second flight finish the beer task right after them. Don't know how long they sat in the lecture but it looked like Lucas was ready to fall asleep. I want them to go home so bad. If I have to hear about how they were together for 9 years again. But did he say he wanted other marry her after year 1. Why wait an additional 8 years. Jessica did nothing wrong keeping the answer to herself and maybe after time pasted Brittany realized that or not she stayed with a guy for 9 years. And its their own fault for not realizing the quote made no sense with the words they had. Not sure why Jessica couldn't give her answer first and avoid all this.
  9. It might be boring but I want to see these kids studying for the SATs or maybe go back to football and cheerleading. You stuff that teenagers do. Its like they should have made them twenty somethings and not 16 year olds. The web cam, murder cover ups, mob involvement, gang warfare, shady "FBI" it's just a bit too much all at once. Maybe if the spreed it out over a few seasons. It doesn't feel like the same show. Are Betty and Veronica even friends anymore? Why didn't Veronica ever talk to Betty about the Archie kiss.
  10. This episode was horribly predictable. Young black teacher needs a heart and oh wait so does the rich old white guy wonder who will get it. Not really we all know what will happen. I feel like I seen the blood thing that Conrad did on a different show. When the cancer patient said she gets her treatment at the doctors clinic I had warning bells going off. I seen the Chicago crossover I know what that could mean. Maybe I would have given her the benefit of doubt but she was already aligned with with Bell and we all see what a jerk he is. How long was coma girl in a coma. Was it long enough for the drugs to leave her system can they leave her system? Was she really a viable donor or did they leave out her drug history. Are we going to get a story about some 6 year old going through withdrawal because he got junkie organs.
  11. I missed the first few minutes because I had Fox Philly on and they were all about the Eagles. I was about to say screw it but I remembered Fox NY won't care about football. I tuned in when Devon's girlfriend gave him a watch. I feel like Conrad is about 15-20 years from turning into Bell. His I'm always right and always do as I say can say is going to get real unpleasant unless he gets a huge serving of humble pie or something. I could do without the romance. If they were an established couple fine. If they were a slow burn couple that's ok too but I don't want the push pull every episode. Loved the black doctor (need more then 1 episode for names to stick.) I love straight forward no BS people.
  12. So I don't consistently watch this show I catch episodes here and there. Can someone explain to me why Penny and Lenard get the big apartment. I know that Sheldon and Amy we're using Penny's as a trial run to living together but when did it become permanent. I feel like if anything S&A would start a family before P&L if that's something that would ever happen.
  13. Fabio looked a bit like Veronica Lodge in his talking head or Wednesday Adams if you don't have the same guilty pleasure TV as I do. I agree with the judges the belly button in Ari's dress was not ok. I didn't like it and it's just really draws the eye. Lol at Whoopi saying she would wear the back of that dress. Melissa's look was a mix between 8 year old at Easter and creepy doll.
  14. At the risk of sounding dumb but why does the baby need to be with his mother to feel better. I know Natalie said something about feeling the mothers heartbeat but couldn't any woman's heartbeat work/skin to skin contact work? I know a baby can recognize voices they hear I the womb. But what if this was a birth mother vs biological mother heroin wouldn't be a factor but who would be the right "mother"
  15. I kinda love Kate and Madison. They make good friends and Kate can use a friend. I would say Kate's maid of honor but I'm sure Kevin will fill that roll. A little bored with Randall and Williams old apartment building. Hopefully Kevin and the rest of the big 3 will give Miguel a break now. He and Rebecca have a different type of life/love story. Are we done with Sophie? Not like i mind. When a nurse can't tell her boyfriend is tripping balls she is useless. All this talk about Jack wanted to start a construction company and 3 kids going to college makes me wonder how career housewife/mother handles needing to become the bread winner with her minimal skill set. That's a story line I'm interested in seeing.
  16. I just realized that Scarlett's closest/only girlfriend is her uncle. Gunner has Will and Avery to hangout with and sing with but Scarlett seems to be all alone. More WAG please. How about they all move back in together with the baby and we rename this show 3 Men and a little lady. Hell bring back Gunners not son for him to raise. Juliette can just jump off a bridge. I can't believe this is the last season and they are pulling such crap. Avery needs to run away. Girl that tacky ass house is all you don't look at Avery like his only interested in your money. Every time he tries to make some on his own you ruin it for him by being crazy.
  17. I felt just awful for team Yale having to go over and over again. Don't know why the other goat lady didn't switch off maybe she was just over the whole thing. Glad the close counted after that fell off the ladder. It wasn't that one guys fault the wind blew it off. Don't really know why Phil said something about the twins getting a second chance. Was it because the switched detours? They could have taken 4 extra hours and it would have all come down to the fry race. Loved the eater guy (Joe?) telling his partner that he responds well to being yelled at.
  18. What messed up family goes on vacation without one of there kids. When Jack was saying that Kevin's camp was close by I thought they were picking him up right away not five days later. There is no child on the planet that wouldn't feel unwanted and unloved if that happened to them. How Jack and Rebecca didn't think something like that was a little off is strange. And glossing over it by saying Kevin was at camp isn't a good reason. Is this the same cabin from last year. I thought they owned that cabin? Jack said a friend from work let them have it for the week. Did they buy it from him later on.
  19. I'm so over bitchy Beth. We get it she doesn't like Kevin or it seems like any of Randall's family. So pissed that they didn't mention the drug problem. I'm assuming that Kevin kept it a secret from his therapist. But his rehab therapist has to be super bad at her job if she thinks alcohol is his only problem. I wish this was a two part episode there was. No time between Kevin and Randall at each other's throats to enjoying a sunset together. There should have been more friction before the happily ever after. Glad Miguel shut Toby and Beth down with there whining about the Pierson family bond.
  20. Watching the playoffs and all I can think every time the announcers say Blake Bortles I think how Jason will never now. They said the name like 5 times in this episode. Now I kinda want them to go all the way for Jason.
  21. Why does Gunner look like a cartoon character that got scared so bad their hair turned white. Was it Sam's choice or does this show hate the hell out of him. I muted the Juliette meltdown because I just can't stand to watch super awkward crap. It makes me cringe. I feel like this show treats Juliette like an Etch-a-Sketch where every season they shake away everything from the pervious season and start back again with season 1 Juliette expect she is always slightly worse. Probably because a grown as woman with a child shouldn't be so self involved. Better pick it up Nashville I've come to the point where I'm ok with not watching a show anymore. I no longer feel like I might miss something important because it's just a TV show.
  22. I think it's just might be scares from acne or chicken pox. The scares are what helped me recognize her. Unless someone has a strong personality that I either love or hate I won't remember them. I don't remember half the cast. My brain / memory is just not that great when it comes to past TV shows. So are sharpie eyebrows a thing now. Not a good look veteran guy who's name I don't remember. Must agree that the look that went home didn't seem like one look. Randomly pick top randomly pick pants and hope no one makes fun of you. I never heard of the makeup and hair care brands. But my cheap ass buys my stuff from the drugstore.
  23. The season just started so why was I so scared that basketball players would be sent home. Really was down to the wire. Team Goat is going to be so uncomfortable to watch. One being so meek and the other being super competitive. I did think asking the flight attendant about directions was smart until it inevitably didn't work out.
  24. Gee Johnny I'm so sorry that YOUR blatant manipulation didn't work in your favor this week. Sounds like he was banking on that kid getting him MVP and not be based on performance like it was this whole time.
  25. Is it weird that I kinda feel like Grace was following DDK's lead. Like it was more so his idea for the pay equality and she would have just went with what they gave her. Maybe it's because he moved on from the show and she is kinda stangant now. Back to the show. I missed the first 5 minutes because I didn't know there were to episodes. Did Danny give a reason as to why he wasn't apart of the story? Is he on medical leave from what happened in the pervious episode? I get that the kids aren't regulars on the show but it's odd to have only Charlie and not Grace. Do they go halfsies on child custody. Mom gets Grace dad gets Charlie for Christmas Eve and switch for Christmas day.
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