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notcreative enough

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Everything posted by notcreative enough

  1. All I'm going to say is Will makes everything better.
  2. I thought Jane wants to be this hard hitting journalist but it seems to me alot of what she writes is just her opinion with a sprinkle of factual information. My friend owns a gun and how I mind fucked her to get rid of it. I don't have problem with people owning guns. I live in PA and we do have off for the first day of hunting. So Sutton having a shot gun of all things isn't as horrible as Jane is making it out to be. And jeeze I wonder what childhood tramatic event in Jane's past that we will learn about next. Dead mom ✓ Close proximity to a famous school shooting. ✓ I wanted Sutton to atleat threaten to move out. Why should Jane get her way and force Sutton to get rid of something with clear sentimental value. I don't get how Sutton and Kat have such a close relationship with Jane that has lasted years. This can't be knew behavior for her. Most people would have phased her out of the friendship circle along time ago being a judgemental asn self absorbed as she is.
  3. Lol. Me too. I did think about how he doesn't mind cheating on his wife with American Women or staring in a baking show with American bakers. He doesn't like sweet so I wished someone did a shoofly pie. I'm surprised that no one did an apple pie. But since no one did a top crust maybe that's why. Was it like an unspoken rule or something.
  4. Ok so when was this show canceled and how many episodes have they already written. This show seems like they got the cut after everything was finshed with these cluster fuck storylines. But I really thought they had more notice to tie everything together. So this Daphne story is just going to make her one of the AI or voice winners where they win but never see the game and stardum they went on the show for but still locked into a 6 album deal. You know who like 14 year old music 14 year olds and I don't think she reaches that demographic. Lol at asshole boyfriend for being pissed at shity friend for not stopping Maddie from finding out he was cheating on her. It's not his fault you can't keep it in you pants. And shity friend Bros and before Hoes. For some reason I feel like purple hair is giving off murder vibes with Brad. Must be watching to many crime dramas because I also thought Daphne would find a dead grandpa at the end of the episode. Of course this show makes Deacon remember nice times with his father so that when he finds out about the drinking he will be even more crushed. But how does he go from being a mean violent drunk to a secret closet drunk that no one knows he his drinking. And why is he back now and no one brought up the fact that he didn't show up when his daughter died. I thought maybe be wanted an old man band record deal. I guess he could be waiting before he makes his move. I miss the music of the show. No one sings anymore. It's just the same Maddie song over and over again.
  5. Are you talking about when she was repeating what to say on the radio? I don't took that look as more of her not knowing what to say. Sig was saying things for her to repeat and just stopped and she didn't know what to say. I don't think that Sig and Mandy will go the way of Wild Bill and ... Wow I can't remember his sons name. Father's tend to treat their daughters differently and that will cause a whole lot of other issues. Everyone calls Josh a camera whore but let's not forget about Freddie. Wasn't he on the Time Bandit last year. So he is either a shit worker that got fired because there were no cameras and a guy who will quite a boat to be on one with a camera crew. Looks like he knows the age old saying of more drama more screen time.
  6. Yeah. It's my TV. It happened on another channel. It's just so random what it happens. We didn't change anything the TV just start to act wonkie.
  7. I don't mind this show because honestly what else am I going to watch during the summer. But damn was this episode annoying AF. I don't know if it was the show or my TV but when it kept reading the ( I'm sure this is the wrong term but I can't think of try right on) stage directions. "Eddie sat in a chair." "Sam texts so and so." That type of thing. Maybe it was my TV random channels changed the language to Spanish.
  8. YoSo these writers never watched pre CMT Nashville right. Nothing that is happening makes any sense. Mostly this shows inability to give the main characters a storyline. Remember when Juliette was a very famous country singer? This show sure doesn't. Remember Will? He has only been on about 10 minutes total in the last 5??? episodes. One would think him using steroids and having a heart attach would give him a front burner story. Wrong. No will for us. Does anyone even work for Highway 65 anymore. Weren't all are main characters on the label. Maddie sued her parents to get a record deal, almost bankrupted her mother's final dream because she didn't want to ruin her song about a waterfall, monsoon, hurricane or whatever for s commercial. But now all she wants to do is follow her cheater boyfriend around. Doesn't she have an album to finish or promote or something. Gunner and Will her playing at bars and fairs but don't they both have record deals that they seem to never work on. If Deacon did show up to sit in his office I would forget it's a thing. The actress who plays Daphne has what it takes to grow up into a gorgeous woman if she does the exact opposite of everything her sister did. Glad they had Juliette grow up and take responsibility of her actions but I also feel like that happens every season until they regress her. God thing this is the last season. If I didn't know this was the final season I wouldnt believe there are 3 episodes left. They aren't wrapping anything up. When purple hair was saying she was going to take care of Brad I really thought she was implying she was going to kill him. Most be wishful thinking on my part. I'm glad Deacon went back to AA meetings but I hope he doesn't forgive his dad. Sure people forgave Deacon for his shit but he apologized and realized he had a problem. His dad is acting like Deacon has an over active imagination and none of this stuff happened. Even Scarlett said her mother never had a nice thing to say about him.
  9. So I missed the first half of the show. I only cared about seeing Juliette come home and of course it was the last scene of the night. Someone needs to remind Nashville that they aren't that type of show. A storyline like horse boy shouldn't be surrounded by love songs. I will never ever give a damn about a new character in the back half of a shows final season. I barely care about our main characters anymore. Most because it seems like the writers don't care about them either. What about Will was his medical issues even mentioned or just more of him sadly YouTubeing himself. Don't care about purple hair at all. Maybe that's not true I hate her and what she is doing to Avery and Gunners friendship. But her and Brad could take a dive. Nobody asked for this. I would have preferred they bring back whatever Will's exs wife's name was. Lol at Avery in the promo for next week. "I'm never getting back with her." Oh honey yes you are. Don't get me wrong I was always team Juliette but they ruined it. I kinda wish Juliette died in the plane crash so he could be with Emily. And I wouldn't be surprised if they somehow found a way to shoe horn Gunner and Scarlett back together. I'll be pissed but in no was surprised. Because there is now way they can do it that is tacky and unrealistic.
  10. I wonder if after the rape Serena was disgusted by Fred for enjoying it herself for holding down a woman or June for not quitely taking it. She couldn't get out of the room fast enough after. Damn this show. It gives little nuggets where you think just maybe SJ regrets what Giliad became. Little glimpses of humanity. But damn to they sure make sure we don't forget that deep down she is a horrible monster. All episode I was thinking what can they do so that she doesn't get the one thing that she truly wants. How are they going to keep the baby from her. I don't want to baby to die but I also don't want Serena to be happy. I loved Rita when when Eden was saying how her mother makes her father take out the trash. This girl is in way over her head. Did Emily kill that commander or did her die on his own? We know she has no issues killing I just don't know how she could do it with her vagina. Do you get murder super powers when you are exposed to radioactive waste.
  11. I don't know. I can see her being blackballed in New York if she moved elsewhere she would be fine. Jane showed she has no loyalty to be publication and all the people that it includes. She had one job to do in the TV interview and she threw Incite under the bus. I can see why other people wouldn't want to hire someone like that. Was Incite wrong to rewrite Jane's article yes but admit that unless the were blatantly falsifying information. Jane wants to be a serious writer but she doesn't want a serious life. I was glad the Jacqueline said she technically could fix this for Jane but that she wouldn't. And I'm happy that Jacqueline is writing again and stood up to the new board member woman. It's kinda sad that Adena was more intuned with Suttons feeling than Kat. She realized she over stepped and apologized when she heard how Sutton really felt. Kat had a tantrum and stumped away. The whole real woman real bodies is great but you only showed me 3 skinny women.
  12. I wonder if Bananas gave his notice or something. That they are trying to really pimp out Tony and make him the "male lead" of the show/ franchise. CT took several seasons off between the rage monster and the guy everyone loves now. People still remember Tony cheating on his baby mama. So everytime he brings up his family all I think about is how much of a scum bag he is. Don't know enough about Johnny's personal life to know if he is the same shithead he is in the game. Lol if this is the only way for him to win a final. Riding someone else to the win. I do wonder now when Cara decides to call a quites who will be the new top female. I did agree with CT about combining food. I was wondering why Casper wasn't dipping his dounuts in the syrup. Fucking Wes thinks his dog makes dog food look good. Some dogs drink tolet water is that something he wants to try too. CT pulling your back out has nothing to do with being a dad and everything to do with the pounds you packed on and how out of shape you are. There must have been a huge time gap between when he finshed the puzzle and C&L finshed. No way he wins a foot race.
  13. I see her name in the above post but I'm going to continue to call her purple hair until she does something to make me give a damn about her. Yay she is going to have a storyline with another new character that no one cares about. Eye roll. She isn't just hooking up with two guys that are friends she is hooking up with two people she has a working relationship with. So was she saying she thought about the consequences ie the band imploding and didn't give a shit or Avery and Gunners friendship being tarnished and didn't give a shit. And when did Gunner become a stage 5 clinger. He used to have his dick around to every woman that comes in his orbit. Oh right when CMT picked up the show and decided that hate Gunner\Sam. Sup Will. Hope you enjoyed your 3 minutes of screen time. Maybe I would have cared more about the story sad cowboy (seriously who the hell are all these new people.) Scarlett if I actually cared about the character. I don't know you I dont care it's too late in the series to get me to invest in new people. There are only 8(?) episodes left. Let's wrap up our main characters. While I don't care about new people I am dreading the inevitable fat shamming of that poor kid in Daphne's SL. Not really any Maddie which is always a plus. I realized that I get a little uncomfortable looking at her. Lennon went full Hollywood in her look. For a girl so young to change so drastically is sad. She went to Kardashian route instead of a more natural beautiful one. Don't know what Bert post show plans are but I don't think she will achieve them. Looks like Deacon and his girlfriend broke up. I think. I don't know whatever it is it won't be permanent. So according to the 2 perview videos for the hole season
  14. This is 4 pages deep already so someone might have already said this. Samira was in s comedy on YouTube red or whatever it is. The show is Ryan Hansen solves crimes. I thought she was great in it. O died when the woman handed SJ her itinerary and it was a bunch of pictures. Girl you did this to yourself. I love how this new world keeps smacking her in the face with how much she really fucked herself. The awkward moment when your husband meets your boyfriend. Glad the letters got out. I kinda feel bad for Eden. She was brainwashed into believing this perfect life would happen and she gets a husband that doesn't want her. I wish Nick would just tell her he's uncomfortable sleeping with a 16 year old girl or something so that she doesn't go all crazy on him. She is totally going to hook up with the dick head guard right. He seems smitten and she wants attention.
  15. You're right demotion might not be the best term but I don't think it would be practical or even realistic for someone who quit their job get fired after one or two weeks and expect to get the same position and pay back that they had before. Jane's position should have been filled at Scarlett. It looks like they have x amount of writers desk. Should the pert that got hired to replace her be fired so that Kabe could get her spot back.
  16. I don't understand why Wes and Kailah were sucking up to CT and Tony. Did they really think it was going to be a save. Only Wes thought about who he would vote it. Lol looks like CT didn't get an invite to the wedding because of this. His wasn't in the one and only photo I say but Devin was. Aw Drake all that steak you were eating and it's done nothing for you. Lol Kailha has an "alliance" with Tony. "We either went home together or made it to a final together" Tony you idiot you only made one final.
  17. I can see why Jane was surprised she got fired last seat she yelled no at Jacqueline in front of most of her co workers and didn't even get a slap on the wrist. She expected to be protected like she is at Scarlett. I hope Jacqueline makes Jane work for her job back or makes her start at a demotion. I hope the Sutton mean girl drama is over. She slept with 2 guys and only one they know about. They need to give her an actual storyline. Don't really care about Kat's girlfriend but her conversation with her parents about race was well done. And I guess they want this to try and explain away Kat's unawareness for last season about racial issues.
  18. After the first 10 minutes and they didn't get to a question I knew this was going to be an hour. So unnecessary. Wonder if it still would have been an hour if the Hiltons showed up. If Grandma wanted to play why not just drop the guy who isn't actually a part of the family.
  19. Um Daniel totally already survived a fire. Maybe a dumpster was near by.
  20. I thought the same thing when Maddie and Daphne were right next to each other. It really shows how unnatural she looks. I'm going to call her purple hair because I don't remember her name and don't really care. Anyway she is super gross and shady. Did she shower after leaving Gunners bed to play dance party with Avery. So gross. Trying to hook up with 2 members of your band at the same time. Maybe she thrives on the drama. I'm disappointed in Averty. Bros before hos man. Sure your pissed at Juliette but going after a girl through Gunner has feeling for even if she doesn't return them. She is still screwing him. Are we supposed to believe that Cadence sleeps like the dead that she wouldn't wake up to daddy's dacne party. The music seemed pretty loud for a toddler trying to sleep. The writes must hate Gunner. Dude got sucker punched by a guitar. Plus his stupid hair. Plus he fact that no women want to date him. Calling Scarlett for babysitting duty. Because that's all she does. Will, horse guy, and Deacon tried to stick Maddie on her. Cool so 18 year old can go into a bar and get servered. She doesn't even have a fake id. Oh look the chick with the kid and dick head ex are still a thing that no one asked for or cares about. No Juliette this episode and she wasn't in the promo for the next either. How many episodes is she actually going to be in this season. Must have been in her contract that she is only going to be in 1/4 of the episodes. Lol at Avery saying there won't be a third act for him and Juliette. This is strarting to remind me of Pretty Little Liars. End game is end game no matter how much they ruin the characters/couples.
  21. Thats what I don't understand about the whole Big Brother thing. Why is he a "star" when the people on the vendetta's challenge from BB were just competitors. Wonder if he is going to act like hot shit because he was on this season. Did Shane say he was the most flexible person on the show. He got beat out by the "dad bod." I don't understand what Brooke meant when she was telling Casper to pick on someone his own size. They're both bigger then him. Or was it that they aren't on the same level as competitors as C&L. Lol at Brooke saying Casper never went to talk about her game play. Girl you made it more than obvious that Shane is your mouth piece. I kinda wanted Booby to win so that we could see the mind fuck he would try to pull for why he should be MVP. If only every episode included someone farting on Tony.
  22. Hey Drake. Looking good Drake. Shirtless should be your new look because damn you have a nice body. I watch this show with half an eye while doing other things. When i look up Tori's ass is on my TV like every time I looked up there was her ass with her swimsuit jammed up her crack. Was it all the swimsuits that were like that Mama wore short but I don't know what the other woman swam in. While I agree with Tony that if you can't swim or do things that you know you are going to have to do on a show like this don't come on. But last season the entire team couldn't swim so that was what like 6-8 people that should never do a challenge again. And fuck you Tony and how the stars were screwing you with MVP. If you still had control of the team the MVP would bounce between Tony and Wes. Because we already seen last time how he won't give up power to a woman. Why make this a 2 part episode they already gave away who is going home. We already seen 2 of the 3 teams in promos before, during and after the show. Sure CT Mike is going to say goodbye to all that WWE only to be a contest on a low ranking show on MTV. This show doesn't even get reruns. Lol at delusional Shane in the promos getting loud about being famous on his own and not for sleeping with someone. Casper has legit movies on his IMDb page (haven't seen any) and Shane would be upstaged by a teen Mom. No one know who you are Shane.
  23. There was a stupid house flipping show I seen a few weeks ago and one other the guys "falls" out the window and lands in the dumpster they had there. Only that show made is believe he "landed" on a mattress they throw away. This show makes us think they guy fell what did they say 13/15 feet. Please. We did see the guy at the bottom we didn't see the people help him out. This show needs to work on making there fake shit subtle not this blatant crap. Lol the book of Phil Harris. Yeah you just seemed to have this book that you never mentioned or used before. Super real bro. Casey needs to push him overboard. It seems like we haven't seen alot of wild Bill. Wonder why. Oh Jake I don't know if this is a character you are playing or the real you but if it's real no one is ever going to respect your paranoid ass. Let alone think that they need to earn your respect. If it is a character why would you want to play the unstable man baby. People and maybe even captions will think it's real and not won't anything to do with a crazy person. Being the hard ass/asshole (Keith, Bill) is very different than a petulant child.
  24. I wish for the champ team they would let us vote for the champs we want on the show. I'm sure there are a few people like Wes when stopped competing because he got a real job/life and views this as a fun hobby/vacation. I only like CT and find Wes amusing. The others are unbearable. So regardless I want the stars to win no matter who they are. I love that now that the game isn't going the champs way they act like they are all brain washed by Casper and Louise. Shane going after Drake when he won MVP. Dude they are doing the same fucking thing the champs are doing. Your just pissed they figured it out and rallied together. Ashley calling the the villains or evil or whatever. Bitch please they are playing the same game you are. The hypocrisy is strong with these idiots. Poor Tony fuming in the corner. When it's going your way you want it all but when it's not you want to be a "team" can't have it both ways body. I don't think that Drake's win was undeserved he kept his box's from falling.
  25. Wonder if Lala ended her friendship with James because she was upset with what he said or Herman was pissed at what was said about him. If someone like Scorsese, JLaw or some other celeb watches and then has to work with him thinking some young gun is talking shit on him. Lol at Swartz mumbling "that explains a lot" or something about Sheena not watching the show. I Jax sure doesn't understand how humans work telling James and Kristen that if they think he should apologize he would. Or was he asking Brittany. Dude you lied and made up a rumour so yes you apologize. Don't know how Tom was trying to explain himself when the whole world heard "hang out"
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